
Agenda January 2021

Previous Agendas Uploaded on February 11, 2021


Chairman: Cllr John F W Holdich OBE


Clerk: Mr J Haste, 22 Borrowdale Close, Gunthorpe, PETERBOROUGH, PE4 7YA       ( (M) 07711070386




All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend a REMOTE meeting of Glinton Parish Council on the Zoom Platform to be held on Tuesday 19th January, 2021 at 6.30 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.


Members of the public and press are welcome to attend the meeting and to address the parish council in the Open Forum item 3 on the agenda below. Anyone wishing to do so are advised to contact the clerk by email at NO LATER THAN MID DAY ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING to ensure that they are able to access the meeting.


Members of the public are also advised to provide written submissions of any questions or comments on matters on the agenda. This is to insure that those comments are considered by councillors in the event that the member of the public has difficulty in accessing the meeting.





    1. Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary interests not already registered or other Interest in any items on the agenda.
    2. Consideration and granting of any dispensations submitted by members.



To allow up to 15 minutes for members of the public, and Councillors declaring a prejudicial interest, to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at this meeting.


  1. TO SIGN & APPROVE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING held on 17th November 2020.




  1. PLANNING – To receive an update on the status of planning applications still not determined at the previous meeting, and, as statutory consultees, consider the following applications and other planning applications validated since the last meeting and respond as appropriate to the planning authority.


  1. To receive an update on current planning applications


  1. 20/01733/HHFUL – 20 Welmore Road – Two storey front extension and replacement windows
  2. 20/01272/FUL – 29-31 High street REVISED plans for Conversion of two semi-detached dwellings (No. 29 and No. 31 High Street) into one dwelling. Erection of 1no. 3 bed dwelling including amenity space, parking provision, boundary treatments and landscaping
  3. 20/01275/FUL – Buffingham Kennels revised site layout and parking provision
  4. 20/01732/HHFUL30a Lincoln Road – single storey extensions to front and rear


  1. Neighbourhood plan update – Chairman of working group to report




  1. Duke of Edinburgh awards – report back on discussions with Mr Pepper AMVC – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe


  1. Community Centre Working Group (formerly New Village Hall WG).


  1. Cllr. Bell to report on progress and next steps
  2. Clerk on response of LGSS re legal matters


  1. Beech Road Parking and vehicles crossing the open space – To note the response from Peterborough City council regarding costs of fencing.
    1. Option 1. To supply and fit concrete 1200 mm spur posts and 150 x 25mm top rail bolted on. £4,900
    2. Option 2. To supply & fit knee rail 4×4 wooden posts and 4×4 top rail and galvanised straps. £4,088




  1. Cemetery
  1. Maintenance Contract – to note that the current contractor (Mr P Carpenter) has indicated his intention to retire at the end of this financial year. To consider and approve the ongoing means of achieving the standard of maintenance required.
  2. Memorial application – to consider and if appropriate approve the application and design of a memorial headstone by JG Cross in respect of the late Ian Lilley


  1. Good Neighbours Scheme
  2. Request from coordinator (Cllr. Wilde is Aware), for a temporary key contact and board meetings attendee for Glinton, to cover for the temporary absence of Chris Wilde
  3. To note the affiliation fee payable in 2021/22 by member parish councils of £2 per household to fund future years operations (Year one is funded by City Council start up Grant). (note this has been included in the draft budget)


  1. REPORTS – Standing itemTo note the reports of Councillors and/or clerk attending meetings as representatives of the Parish Council (if any).


  1. Governance matters
    1. Receipts and Payments for the year to date – update on previous report
    2. Bank Reconciliation as at 31st December 2020
    3. Report of the Finance working group
      1. Audit reports
      2. Review of Cemetery Charges effective from 1st April 2021
  1. Dedicated Mobile phone for Parish council
  1. Draft Budget for 2021/22 and 2022/23 to 2023/24 – To consider the draft Budget as recommended by the Finance Working group and approve or amend as appropriate. (Statutory requirement placed on the parish council) and to authorise the clerk to submit the precept papers to Peterborough City Council in line with the Budget resolution


  1. Official Notices and correspondence – if any to report


    1. Parish councillors Observations
      • Items requested by Cllr. Bell.
        • Drainage problems encountered in St Benedicts Close
        • Unsightly rear access road entrance to AMVC
      • Other Cllrs. observations (if any)


  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – next scheduled meeting third Tuesday in February (16th February)


  1. Matters to be held over to future meetings –brought forward from previous meeting – consideration needs to be given whether to carry each one forward or to delete from the list.


  1. Dedication of the new war grave and WW benches – to consider the means of progressing the detailed arrangements with the Rector.
  2. Sgt Walker’s Headstone – CWGC response & Protection against strimmer Damage
  • Meeting with Chief Executive of Kisimul – deferred until able to meet face to face
  1. Site meeting with Rebecca Presland re school run congestion – to be arranged post Covid-19 Lockdown

Original signed

J Haste 13th January, 2021 Clerk / Responsible Finance Officer