
Minutes 18th June 2024

Minutes Calendar Year 2024 Uploaded on June 21, 2024

held on Tuesday
18th June 2024
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D Batty, C Bysshe, S Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, L.
Rossouw, R. Randall, S. Singh, A. Staines & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. nineteen members of the public and
three representatives from National Gas were also present.
950. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. Batty had indicated that he may be late and Cllr. Lane had apologised
in advance for his absence
a) The majority of the public present wished to speak on a planning matter and the chairman
indicated that they would be able to speak on that matter at the appropriate time on the agenda.
b) Cllr. Kirt informed the parish council that the primary school had taken physical possession of the
old Village sign and would be undertaking refurbishment in due course
953. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the
meeting held on 21st May 2024. These were duly signed by the Chairman.
Proposed Cllr. R Joshi-Boparai Seconded Cllr. C Bysshe
954. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None
a) Status of current planning applications – The Clerk reported that in addition to the new applications
on this agenda, there were two changes to report considered at the previous meeting. The proposed
Car Port at 2 Peakirk Road had been refused and that the felling of a tree at 8 High Street had been
permitted. The Chairman reported a further delay in resolving the change of use application for 14
Rectory lane and we unanimously asked the Clerk to write to the planning department requesting that
the matter be expedited and the application determined.
b) Planning Applications –
i 24/00704/CTR – Brook Farmhouse, 3 North Fen Road – T1 Prunus – Fell. We have no Objections
to make to this work.
ii 24/00703/CTR – 23 High Street – T1 T2 T4 T5 and G1 (Hawthorn, Grey Alder, Alders and
Sycamore Saplings) to be felled and T3. Willow to be removed. We have no Objections to make
to this work.
Cllr. Batty having previously indicated he would be late (or to accept his apologies), arrived during discussion
of the following item.
Iii 24/00711/FUL – 1705 Lincoln Road – Change of use of land to use as residential caravan site for
4 gypsy/traveller families, each with two caravans including no more than one static
caravan/mobile home, including laying of hardstanding, erection of 2 amenity buildings and
improvement of existing access. – Residents present reported multiple incidents of intimidation
and aggravated menacing tactics, several of which had already been reported to the police.

Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
It was also noted that a considerable amount of work had already been done on site and we felt
that this application should be dealt with as a retrospective planning application. We also
expressed our concern that retrospective applications, especially for change of use, seemed to
be used as a tactic to play the planning system. Given the level of intimidation being used by the
applicant, and recorded, we asked the Clerk to seek clarification from planning department as to
whether names and addresses of objectors could be withheld from the public domain.
For our part we instructed the Clerk to register our vehement opposition to this planning
application and noted that: –
• the site and neighbouring properties are subject to Flooding,
• work already done has resulted in the loss of a significant natural habitat
• the application is contrary to LP2 development in the open country side
• the application is contrary to LP10
• is seriously to the detriment, even loss of, the amenity of neighbours
• is detrimental to the street scene.
c) Neighbourhood Plan (NP)
i. The Chairman reported that the results of the recent questionnaire supported the current NP and the
next stage is for the NP group to meet and draft revisions for discussion with the city council.
a) Anglian Water Pipeline – Cllr. Randall reported that the 24-hour directional drilling is now complete and
that there was now no more noise or lighting at nights
b) National Gas – report back from Noise testing. – NG reported that the noise testing conducted over
17th & 18th April had shown that in normal running conditions the station complied with noise restrictions.
However, at peak load times more insulation work is required and this work will be completed in the
summer months to enable a noise re-test before the compressors come live in time for the winter peak.
NG also advised the parish council of a “phase 2 MCPD project” to bring on line, a third compressor This
phase is likely to take a further three years and delay returning the eastern part of the site to agricultural
c) GlintonFest24 incorporating D-Day 80 Commemoration The chairman reported that the event was a
great success and turned out to be the biggest event to date. The chairman thanked all those councillors
and residents that had stepped up to the plate and contributed to the success of the event. There are a
very small number of bills to be settled and the full financial statement for the event should be available
to be reported to the next meeting of the parish council
d) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported that Christian Firmin had provided an update and that
the transfer is more complicated in that the play area is part of a larger parcel of land registered with the
Land registry and requires splitting into two separate registrations. Cllr. Aylesbury reported that, in
conjunction with the chairman, a grant application had been submitted for funding towards the cost of reequipping the play area.
e) Anti-social behaviour – The chairman reported that the police had responded to the incident in which
he and another councillor had been involved and a formal warning place on record. However, the rural
policing team had abandoned parish surgeries and would hold Ward based surgeries, the next of which
is to be held in Marholm Village hall in October. We asked the Clerk to write to the chief constable
requesting a presence at the next parish council meeting as the catalogue of anti-social behaviour has
been well documented and residents are feeling incredibly vulnerable
f) Biodiversity issues – Cllr. Staines reported that the signage is in our possession and needs to be
installed. The Clerk was asked to contact the Spalding contractor to put the work in hand.

Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
g) Climate Change – The chairman had previously circulated the notes of the most recent meeting of this
action group and these were noted
h) Engagement with Peakirk Parish Council – Cllr. Staines reported no progress since the last meeting.
i) Deepings Practice – The clerk had circulated the response from the practice manager and we
acknowledged the accuracy of the statements in that reply, however, that did not address the experience
of residents in that it is extremely difficult to get a face to face appointment with a doctor at the Glinton
surgery. We asked the Clerk to respond to the practice manager as it is understood that the practice is at
full strength and that there has been little change in the population served pre Covid but there has been
no perceived return to the previous level of service.
j) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported on the continued growth of both the parish council
page and events page, possibly as a result of the successful GlintonFest event and the unwanted planning
application for land to the East and to the South of the village
k) Village Hall working Group – The Chairman reported on a meeting with Sue lane of GCA where a
proposition regarding overhead projection and screen had been supported. The chairman also referred
to the possibility of a further grant application. Cllr Jackson asked that “Community Cinema” be added to
the agenda of the next meeting.
957. REPORTS – Standing item – None at this meeting
a) Financial Accounts and Annual Return for 2023/24
i) Annual Governance Statement – (section 1 of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return
(AGAR). The Clerk informed us that it is for the parish council to respond to each of the points in
this document and we went through each individual point in turn and we RESOLVED to instruct the
Clerk on our responses, to be a positive response in each case noting that we do not hold any trust
funds nor act as trustee.
Proposed Cllr. R. Randall Seconded Cllr. C Bysshe
ii) Internal Audit – We noted the very thorough examination of our financial records and processes
and thanked Mr Davies for his work. We noted that his report was complimentary and had no
matters to bring to our attention. We RESOLVED to accept the report and to approve payment of
the fee of £175 and also to ask Mr Davies to continue as our internal auditor for the current financial
Proposed Cllr. G Kirt Seconded Cllr. S Jackson
iii) Annual Accounts (traditional format) – We received the financial accounts for 2023/24 in the
traditional format and the detailed comparison with the previous financial year and RESOLVED to
accept these accounts for publication.
Proposed Cllr. G Kirt Seconded Cllr. R Joshi-Boparai
iv) Accounting Statement (section 2 of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR). We
noted the contents of the return as completed by the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer and
that the contents accorded with the figures in the Accounts presented in the previous item. We
RESOLVED to accept the statement in full for submission to PKF Littlejohn as external auditors.
Proposed Cllr. R Randall Seconded Cllr. L Rossouw
v) Public Rights of Inspection – We noted that the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer had
determined that the dates applicable to these rights of inspection are to be Monday 24th June to
Friday 2nd August and that the official Notice would be published following this meeting and by no
later than Friday 21st June.

Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
959. OFFICIAL NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE – None, other than those matters dealt with elsewhere
on the agenda
960. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) Willows footpath Welmore road end overgrown and needing to be cut back.
b) We asked the Clerk to seek another Village walkabout with James Collingridge in his capacity as head
of highways.
a) Grant funding – recruiting a fund raiser
b) Village signage and heritage plaques / information boards
c) Community Cinema
962. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 16
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.47pm.
Clerk/Proper Officer,
21st June 2024