held on Tuesday
17th September, 2019
at the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, Mrs Bysshe, J Holdich OBE (Chairman) (late) G Kirt, D Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, C Wilde and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). 3 members of the public were present.
Prior to the attendance of Councillor Holdich and in the absence of the Vice Chairman Cllr Kirt was duly elected to chair the meeting and the public participation item opened up for contributions (see 234 below.) On arrival Cllr. Holdich assumed the chair
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. Johnson Family commitment
Cllr Holdich declared an interest in the planning matter on The Bluebell, 10 High street.
Cllr. Lane declared an interest in the item seeking approval for a memorial headstone .
The applicant and agent for the planning application at 5 The Green addressed the meeting and gave assurances that the current application had addressed the concerns of the parish council raised against the previous application. Furthermore the issues raised by residents at Poppyfields were unfounded or could be addressed. The Conservation officers was said to be satisfied that the revised plans also recognised the important elements of the conservation area in relation to this site.
Mr Holdich as resident of Rectory lane and nearest neighbour stated his opposition to the applications to remove the planning condition at 10 High Street.
Cllr. Randall as a resident and Member of the Neighbourhood planning group registered his concerns at comments made by the chairman in his report in the Tribune. In response the Chairman explained that he was trying to generate responses to the NP during the consultation period (see NP item below)
a) Minutes of meeting held on 16th July 2019
We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes and these were duly signed by the Chairman.
Proposed by Cllr. Spendelow Seconded by Cllr. Skinner
b) Minutes of meeting held on 27th August 2019
We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes and these were duly signed by the Chairman.
Proposed by Cllr. Batty Seconded by Cllr. Lane
a) Minutes of meeting held on 16th July 2019 – None
b) Minutes of meeting held on 27th August 2019 – Cllr. Kirt asked if there had been any response to the concerns raised by the parish council over the planning application to vary the conditions of the planning permission related to Poppyfields. The clerk advised that the concerns had been relayed to the planning department and copied to Cllr. Hiller as Ward councillor. There had been no response to date.
a. We noted the update, circulated with the agenda papers, on the current status of planning applications, validated or decided /since the last meeting.
b. 19/01212/WCPP – Bluebell public House, 10 High Street – Variation of condition C6 (opening hours) of planning permission 17/01167/FUL
We noted the concerns of the nearest neighbours in two properties in Rectory lane and their stated observations that despite the nature of the condition restricting the hours of operation customers could be heard in the grounds until long after 9pm and at times until midnight. Cllrs also observed that customer behaviour up to 9pm was no indication of the behaviour after 9pm to later hours. Parish council UNANIMOUSLY supported the legitimate concerns of neighbours and requested the planning authority to make permanent condition C6 (opening hours) and furthermore raised concerns as to how the restrictions were enforced
c. 19/01132/FUL – 5 The Green – New two Storey dwelling House and single storey double garage.
The detailed plans for this application had been circulated to those members of the planning working group (PWG) that were not previously absent on holidays. We considered the views of the PWG and noted that there were concerns for access to the new dwelling by emergency vehicles. Concerns over patient safety given the restricted access to the surgery car park and that the application appeared to be back land development, said to be contrary to planning policy, and little changed from the previous application withdrawn by the applicant. We were also mindful of the reassurances given by the applicant and agent in the public forum to this meeting.
Clerk to notify Planning
Taking those assurances in to account and subject to:
the satisfaction of the conservation officer
No site access through the surgery car park by contractors during construction
Restriction of construction hours
we supported the application by a majority of 6 votes to 3 against.
TREE MANAGEMENT – Playing Field Trees adjacent to Saddlers close
a. Adjacent to No1 severe overhanging of property – resident requests extensive tree work. We noted the concerns of the resident of the neighbouring property and the advice of our tree management expert that we were not obliged to do any work to these trees. We were also conscious that any work done to these trees needed to be done with care and attention. We asked the clerk to obtain a costing for trimming and or felling and place this on the next agenda
b. Southern end of Saddlers close – Two trees suffering Die Back – We accepted the recommendation of our tree management advisor and authorised the clerk to arrange for both trees to be felled.
MEMORIAL REQUEST – We Considered and approved the memorial application from Co-operative Memorials for a headstone for the late Stephen Albert Gyles.
75th VE DAY 2020 CELEBRATION – We noted the extended Bank Holiday in May 2020 for this anniversary and agreed to ask the Rector if he was aware of any celebratory activities being planned and to place the matter on our next agenda to consider further ideas and any suggestions from community groups. In the meantime we asked the clerk to write to the War Graves Commission to suggest a replacement for the one memorial in the Church Graveyard as it is showing signs of wear
a) Neighbourhood plan working group –Cllr. Kirt reported on the outcome of the consultation period on the published version. There were a mere 12 responses of which at least two were from developers. It was reported that PCC officers had been helpful in Rebutting spurious claims on behalf of developers. The NP group would make minor amendments to the plan arising from the responses to the consultation exercise and have agreed to meet weekly to move this forward as soon as possible
b) Way warden scheme Cllr. Wilde reported on progress towards implementation. Applications for funding and Charitable status The formal constitution had yet to be finalised and were subject to those applications. The Rector had given his support and considered the structure of the scheme and participation of a number of parishes would support sustainability of the scheme
a) External Audit Report – We noted that PKF Littlejohn had provided a clean, unqualified audit certificate to the Annual Governance & accounting report (AGAR) for 2018/19.
b) Village Hall Hire – We noted that the Community Association, who managed the Villager Hall on our behalf, wished to change the basis of hire for all hiring’s from a sessional basis to an hourly charge with 15 minute set up and clear up allowance. We approved the recommendation of the clerk to agree booking the third Tuesday of each month from 7pm to 10 pm and noted this would increase our costs from £8 to £15 per meeting
Clerk to upload to website and post notice of conclusion of audit
Clerk to Notify GCA
a) Speed and Direction Monitoring – We noted that this had been carried out on Peakirk Road and that the average speed calculated at 27mph. The clerk agreed to circulate the information passed to the parish council in two emails.
b) Village Signs – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe suggested that a clean up be organised to clean various signs around the village as they were becoming coated in mildew and dirt.
c) Posts in Rectory Lane – Cllr. Kirt asked if any progress had been made to having post installed in the verge as this was being churned up, particularly by lager vehicles visiting premises
Clerk to circulate emails
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – As per the agreed schedule, the meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th October commencing at 7.15pm in the village hall.
Meeting closed 9.03pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
19th September