
Minutes 16th December 2022

MinutesMinutes calendar year 2022 Uploaded on January 5, 2023

held on Tuesday
16th December, 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), D. Batty, S. Jackson, D. Lane, R. Randall, G Wright & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. Two members of the public were present.


724. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors Aylesbury, Bysshe, Joshi-Boparai, Singh and Staines; all absent as either unwell or with prior commitment made before the date of this meeting was changed.

725. MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr. Kirt and Cllr. Wright had made personal observation to the planning authority on the application relating to Clare Lodge. We RESOLVED that as the plans had been amended since those observation had been made’ and also because there are no pecuniary interest involved; both councillors should be permitted to take part in discussions on that matter but that the discussions would be led by the vice Chairman for that item.
Proposed Cllr. Lane Seconded Cllr. Batty

726. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – The Manager of Garden Lodge Care Home was present and referred to the planning application to extend their facilities at 37a Lincoln Road. She explained that the care home in its present form was not financially viable and that they offered a special blend of small, family run local care facility of high quality and looked for support to their planning application from the parish council.

727. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th November, 2022
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Batty

728. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None.


a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted. The revised plans for Clare Lodge. Cllr. Randall referred to a meeting held with Clare Lodge at which the architect had been present. Concerns of neighbours had been discussed along with mitigation measures to limit the adverse effects of noise and light pollution on the neighbours. It was disappointing that not all those mitigating measures had been reflected in the amended plans. We therefore remain OPPOSED to the revised planning application on the grounds that the development is outside the village envelope and furthermore contains features that are contrary to the interest and well being of neighbours.

b. 22/01615/PRIOR – 11a Helpston Road – Single Storey Rear extension – We have no material observations to make at this time.

C. 22/01613/CTR – Mouse Cottage, Sycamore (1) raise crown of neighbouring tree overhanging boundary. We have no objections to make to this application.

D. 22/01631/FUL – 37A Lincoln Road Garden Lodge Care Home – Proposed extension and alterations to existing 9no. bed care home (comprising 10no. bed-spaces) to create 10no. single bedrooms; Construction of 1no. detached building comprising 14no. bedrooms, providing 24no. bedrooms in total; proposed hard-surfacing, parking and landscaping alterations – resubmission. In the presence of the manager we considered this planning application detail and had access to the planning portal. In particular we noted that the Highway authority had lodged an objection the day before our meeting. The objection was based on the narrow access to the site and opinion that there were insufficient parking spaces provided within the proposed enlarged facility. Whilst we are generally supportive of Garden Lodge we noted and shared the concerns expressed by highways and objected to the application in its present. We invited the applicant to consider applying for a smaller extension thereby allowing for more car parking.

e. 22/01675/LBC – 9 The Green – Rebuilding of chimney on west side of front section of house, to be built with any original stone retained and placed back in original position with any stones that cannot be re-used being replaced with matching stonework. On considering the detail of this application we expressed our support for the planned works.

f. 22/01690/HHFUL – Ashcroft, Waterworks Lane – Erection of a first floor side extension, part infill ground floor extension – we are supportive of the planning application

g. 22/01687/CTR – 9 The Green – (T4) Black pine remove deadwood and debris in crown, thin smaller branches to maintain natural shape of tree and (T14) greengage fell and replace with new greengage. We have no material objections to make to this application.

a) Fireworks – We noted the bonfire night leaflet drop had achieved some positive feed back and enabled a dialogue to take place between the resident of a thatched cottage and neighbours and we approved a leaflet drop in between Christmas and the New year with the intention of further promoting the message of the dangers presented by noisy fireworks and aerial fireworks in particular

b) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported that we still awaited a reply to our offer to the city council

c) Climate Change Emergency – Cllr. Kirt undertook to arrange further meeting of the working group in the New Year

d) Speedwatch – Nothing to report as no exercise conducted since our previous meeting.

e) Nature Recovery Projects – These are works in progress and we do not anticipate any further progress to be reported until later inn the spring of 2023

f) Winter Warm Hubs – In the absence of Cllr. Bysshe the chairman reported that although we had expressed our willingness to support the initiative and to fund room hire in Glinton it had proved difficult to recruit volunteers to staff these visits of the rural hub. Without volunteers it would be unable to include Glinton in the rota.

g) Christmas Tree “Switch On” – Cllr. Kirt reported that the event had proved very popular with a large attendance and positively reported on the facebook page

731. REPORTS – Standing item –
a. CAPALC Special general meeting. Cllr. Batty reported that this had been unable to proceed because insufficient members had turned up at the meeting and it had been declared inquorate. A further meeting is to be called for 25th January 2023.

b. Arthur Mellows Village College liaison. Cllrs Randall, Batty and Lane had met with Jonathan Oakley, Paul Craddock and Debbie Sanderson on 18th November. The minutes had been taken by Debbie Sanderson. Those present at the meeting reported a much more positive meeting than those of the past. Matters discussed included car parking and other traffic matters; climate change initiative and Golden Orb. AMVC expressed an interest in possible involvement in these Parish Council initiatives when more detail is available.


a) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson a slowly growing number of followers, 44 to date, and more hits on the pc FaceBook (FB) page. Cllrs Randall and Kirt had redrafted the FB policy for consideration and adoption at a future meeting. Cllr. Jackson also reported on a proposed photograph competition to be published on the FB page and possibly considered as part of the Golden Orb celebrations

b) Operation Golden Orb – The Chairman reported that a spreadsheet had been constructed of all matters to be considered and that there would be a need to gather momentum on the initiatives early in the new year. We agreed by a majority decision to include the beacon lighting in the planned events for Golden Orb and Unanimously agreed to repeat the beacon lighting for the DDay commemorations planned for June 2023.

c) Grant Funding – The chairman brought to our attention that grant funding is available for a number of the initiatives in which the parish council had expressed an interest, including climate change, nature recovery and play area refurbishment. We agreed to place this on the agenda to consider appointing or recruiting a grant funding champion to pursue grant claims for the benefit of the community

d) Metro Bank 95day Deposit account – The Clerk reported an update on our intention to open a deposit account and that the bank only permitted a maximum of three signatories on the account and that as a consequence we needed to pass a different resolution to that previously passed.

We RESOLVED to set up a 95 Day Business Deposit account, to be operated by the Clerk to the parish Council as a key signatory plus any one of the following two Parish Councillors, Cllr.. Gerry Kirt and Cllr.. Andy Staines. Interest to be paid monthly in to an instant access deposit account to be operated in the same way as the 95day notice account and by the Clerk and any one of the same three signatories. The only permitted transactions on both accounts being transfer to or from the parish councils current bank account with Unity Trust Bank.
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Lane

e) Finance Working Group Meeting – We considered the recommendations of the working group which had met on 29th November to consider in detail a review of the cemetery Charges and the detail behind the proposed budget for 2023/24.

i Cemetery Charges applicable from 1st April 2023 – We RESOLVED to increase all burial charges as follows:
Adult Body in Grave £420 to £460
Cremated remains £220 to £240
Exclusive right of Burial £360 to £395
Exclusive right of burial (Cremation plot) £245 to £270
Right to erect a headstone £150 to £160
Tablet, plaque or other marker £75 to £80
Other charges to remain unaltered
Proposed Cllr.. Lane Seconded Cllr. Kirt

ii Budgetary Control report. The Clerk presented a report on receipts and payments to date against our budget with projected estimates to the year end and implications for the balances of general and earmarked reserves. We RESOLVED to accept the report and to use that to inform our budget deliberations.
Proposed Cllr.. Randal Seconded Cllr. Kirt

iii Budget for 2023/24 and subsequent years. We noted the recommendation of the Finance working group and in particular acknowledged that the group had made some difficult decisions and recommended some substantial reductions to the ambitious projects put forward by councillors. In view of these reductions we agreed to budget for £33260 for additions to the budget and to monitor that sum with some flexibility between projects, recognising that some were committed such as Golden Orb and some items may not materialize at all or could be met from Grants. With that in mind we RESOLVED to approve a budget of gross payments of £73948 to be met by precept of £25523 (£41 on a Band D property), anticipated receipts of £10061 and possible use of £38374 from reserves.
Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Jackson

We noted with appreciation the contents of an email from Ward Cllr.. Hiller who had identified funding to replace the vandalised bench in the play park.

734. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
i. We noted that the grass in the play park was longer than anticipated for the time of year and asked the clerk to request that the area be scheduled for a cut as soon as the grass cutting equipment was taken out of winter storage by the city council contractor

i. report of working party on Village Sign Replacement.
ii. Updating Neighbourhood Plan – January 2023
iii. Signage – Plaques, information boards and Village Pump – February 2023
iv. Bonfire night event – 2023

736. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 17th January in the village commencing at 7.15pm

Meeting closed at 10.12pm,

Clerk/Proper Officer,
28th December 2022