
Minutes 16th July 2024

MinutesMinutes Calendar Year 2024 Uploaded on September 11, 2024

held on Tuesday
16th July 2024
in the Village Hall, High St.

Present: Councillors; D Batty, C Bysshe, S Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, R. Randall, L. Rossouw, S. Singh, A. Staines & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. two members of the public were also present.


963. CHAIRMAN – In the absence of Cllr. Kirt; Cllr Randall Vice chairman, presided over the meeting.

964. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs. Helen Aylesbury, Gerry Kirt & David lane all sent apologies as absent from Peterborough



967. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2024. These were duly signed by the Chairman.
Proposed Cllr. Denis Batty Seconded Cllr. Liezl Rossouw

968. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None


a) Status of current planning applications – The Clerk reported that two tree applications had been permitted

b) Planning Applications –

i 24/00775/FUL – 14 Rectory Lane – Erection of 2.4m fencing (in lieu of existing 1.8m/2m fencing) (retrospective). We considered that this fencing was only necessary because of the inappropriate and adjacent Kisimul establishment. Under the circumstances we supported the application for resident’s privacy.

ii 24/00886/CTR – 7a Welmore road – reduce Cherry Tree in rear garden by approx. 1/3rd and reduce tree in front garden by approx. 1/3rd and clear back from property – we have no objections to make.

Iii 24/00898/NONMAT – 11 North Fen Road – Nonmaterial amendment (extending rear element, increasing roof window sizes and changing door types) to planning permission 23/00504/HHFUL – we have no objections subject to approval by the conservation officer.

c) Neighbourhood Plan (NP)
The Chairman reported that Cllr. Kirt is to finalise documenting the comments received and call a meeting of the NP Group


a) GlintonFest24 incorporating D-Day 80 Commemoration Final outturn had not yet been finalised and will be reported to a future meeting.

b) VE day Celebrations 2025 – arrangements are under discussion within the events group and will be reported to a future meeting.

c) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported that Taylor Woodrow confirmed the a their inhouse solicitor is progressing the transfer of the land but that delays were being experienced because the land in question had to be taken out of a larger site registered with the land registry

d) Anti-social behaviour – The Clerk reported that the police had increased patrols in Glinton. It was also reported that 11 Beech Road had been “egged”

e) Biodiversity issues – We noted and RESOLVED to approve a budget of £400 to install the signs and also lay down a hard standing by the playing field poo bin.
Proposed Cllr. Andy Staines Seconded Cllr. Clare Bysshe

f) Engagement with Peakirk Parish Council – Cllr Staines reported that Peakirk PC wanted to extend hedges in Mile Drove including par in the parish of Glinton – we expressed our “in principle” support for this project.

g) Climate Change –

a) Meeting notes – The chairman of the group had previously circulated notes of the most recent meeting.
b) “The Great Collaboration” – a pilot scheme to advance climate change initiatives and promote best practice. Little is known about this pilot scheme and Cllr Staines expressed a possible interest, subject to obtaining further information.

h) Deepings Practice –Patient Participation Group (PPG) – Cllr. Jackson reported that the next meeting of the group is scheduled for September – defer to next agenda

i) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported that the FB sites had gone quiet – Garage sale may entice more interest on the events site.

j) Village Hall working Group – a meeting has been arranged for later in July to discuss next steps.

k) Playing Field

a) Community Orchard – awaiting a response from Strategic Pipeline alliance
b) Trees and Tree Planting – we RESOLVED to approve a budget of £200 to purchase an Oak Tree
Proposed Cllr. Rita Joshi-Boparai Seconded Cllr. Andy Staines

971. REPORTS – Standing item – Cllrs Jackson and Batty reported attendance at a parish Liaison group meeting and PCC efforts to combat Fly tipping and other forms of Anti-social behaviour.


a) Budgetary control report and Bank reconciliations as at 30th June 2024 – The clerk had circulated these with the agenda and gave a detailed commentary to the meeting. We RESOLVED to note and accept the report showing receipts to 30th June of £31658.56, payments of £14317.36 and total of all reserves of £117419.52
Proposed Cllr. Bob Randall Seconded Cllr. Liezl Rossouw

a) Peakirk-cum-Glinton Primary school offering a parish Councillor the opportunity to fill two roles
i. parish council Liaison and
ii. Community Governor
Volunteer will require to be DBS checked, 6 meetings a year, will be a link governor to a subject and requires occasional school visits – we agreed to ask Councillors Aylesbury/Joshi-Boparai and Rossouw to discuss the proposal and to seek further information for report to the September meeting

b). SLCC/NALC supported Lithium Battery safety Campaign – We RESOLVED to express our support for the Bill.
Proposed Cllr. Claire Bysshe Seconded Cllr. Andy Staines

974. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) We noted that the Head of Highways, James Collingridge, has agreed to meet with representatives of the parish council for a village walkabout and agreed to provide the Clerk with a list of the places to visit and issues to raise with James when we meet.

a) Grant funding – recruiting a fund raiser
b) Village signage and heritage plaques / information boards
c) Community Cinema

976. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 17th September.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.46pm.

Clerk/Proper Officer,
25th July, 2024