held on Tuesday
17th September 2024
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D Batty, C Bysshe, S Jackson, D Lane, R. Randall, S. Singh, A. Staines & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. 17 members of the public were also present.
977. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs. Liezl Rossouw & Rita Joshi-Boparai
979. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – The applicant in respect of the agenda item in respect of a planning application for 5 the Green addressed the parish council and answered questions posed by councillors.
980. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th July 2024. These were duly signed by the Chairman.
Proposed Cllr. David Lane Seconded Cllr. Bob Randall
981. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None
a) Local Plan Review (LP) – The chairman reported on a briefing meeting in the Town Hall, especially for parish councils. The meeting had been attended by himself and the Clerk. The planning authority are still intending to stick with an 18 year plan to 2044. In addition, because of the change in Government and the Labour Governments aim to increase the housebuilding targets there is to be an additional “Call for Sites” accompanied by further consultation where necessary. The LP review has been put back by 6 months to accommodate those changes and the draft LP is now expected to issued for Consultation around March 2025. We also noted in answering a question Gemma Wildman had indicated that the site selection process may be influenced where planning application had been submitted.
b) Status of current planning applications – The Clerk confirmed the changes to the status of planning applications as per the report circulated with the agenda
c) Planning Applications –
i 24/01090/DISCHG – 18 Welmore Road – Discharge of condition C3 (materials) of listed building consent 24/00208/LBC – Parish council noted that we are not consulted on Discharges of conditions and have no comments to make.
ii 24/01143/FUL – 5 The Green – New two storey 4no. bedroom dwelling house and single storey garage. Parish council agreed to support the application
iii 24/01150/OUT – Land to The East of Lincoln Road – Outline application for a residential development of up to 95 dwellings with access from Lincoln Road, public open space, sustainable drainage and landscaping with access secured and all other matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. We unanimously agreed to object to this application and ask that it be referred to committee if Officers are minded to approve the application.
iv 24/01176/CTR – Myrtle House 8 High Street – Fell and remove unknown large tall tree as roots are expanding and damaging the wall – We agreed to support the application subject to the approval of the tree officer.
v 24/01053/CLP – Land Adjacent To 1705 Lincoln Road – Proposed use of land for agricultural use with the siting of a mobile field shelter. We noted that parish councils are not consulted on applications for lawfully permitted application certificates but none the less agreed to notify the planning authority of our opposition to this application on numerous grounds that the application is inappropriate for the site.
vi appeal against enforcement notice – We noted the appeal and agreed to ask to speak at the appeal and ask what action had been taken to enforce the stop notice as work is still proceeding at a pace.
d) Neighbourhood Plan (NP)
Cllr. Kirt reported that a “kick off” meeting of the group is to be held on 18th September.
a) GlintonFest24 incorporating D-Day 80 Commemoration The chairman reported that he held an additional £198 on the Final outturn figure circulated with agenda and the final figure is now a surplus of £6182.24 which will be held as an earmarked reserve for future events.
b) Garage sale – The Chairman reported on a successful event, the net profit from the event was reported as £651.78 and is to be confirmed at the October meeting after confirmation of receipts on Bank statements.
c) VE day Celebrations 2025 – The chairman confirmed that the parish council will take part in the Beacon Lighting as part of the national commemoration of VE Day on 8th May 2025. In addition, GlintonFest will be in two parts; a Glinton Fayre on 28th June and an evening GlintonFest25 music event on 6th September 2025.
d) Fireworks Flyer 2024 – The chairman reported that he had received comments that the parish council had not repeated the cautions about aerial fireworks in 2023 and we agreed to repeat the previous leaflet drop for the current year
e) Ashburn Close Play Area – The chairman reported the award of a Lottery grant towards the funding of new play equipment. The Clerk reported that Taylor Woodrow confirmed that their inhouse solicitor are progressing the transfer of the land, Meanwhile, we authorised the clerk to seek a comfort letter and early access to the site.
f) Anti-social behaviour – we noted the increase in recent weeks including graffiti on the Stone Bridge, a bench in the play park, and bus stop together with the seat on the Zip wire being slashed. We asked the Clerk to notify the City Council enforcement service and heritage team about these occurrences.
i Biodiversity issues – Hedgehog signs We gave retrospective authority for the purchase of these signs and agreed to consult with Sally Nash on the best locations for the signs.
ii Cllr. Staines reported no other outstanding Bio diversity matters for consideration at this meeting.
g) Climate Change –
i Climate Change Action Group – The chairman of the group had previously circulated notes of the most recent meeting.
ii “The Great Collaboration” – We agreed to seek further information and to consider this item again at the October meeting.
iii Booster Mast – Cllr. Lane agreed to research the procedures and issues and report to a future meeting of the parish council.
Deepings Practice –
i Meet the doctors – Q & A responses had been circulated with the agenda. Those attending the meeting were unanimous in the view that not much had been achieved by the event
ii update on Patient Participation Group meeting (PPG) – Cllr. Randall reported on his attendance at the meeting and had been asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement but had refused to do so as he reports to the parish council. Cllr. Randall asserted that he would not disclose any individual patient matters, and that such matters are not discussed at meetings of the PPG
h) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported reduced activity on the Facebook sites, with a growing number of followers
i) Village Hall working Group – the chairman reported that the working party was making good progress and had called for quotations to be received for various items of work and that these would be brought to the parish council in due course. Subsequent to that the intention is to seek grant funding.
j) Village Sign – Cllr Randall reported that our sign is the next in the production line and we can expect to receive a design draft for sign off very soon
k) Village Crest – we considered the draft before us and would favour a different shape. We agreed to consider a revised draft at the next meeting
l) Playing Field
a) Community Orchard – We are awaiting a response from Strategic Pipeline Alliance (SPA) and this was also part of the lottery grant referred to earlier in these minutes. Further consideration deferred to the next meeting to allow for a response from SPA
b) Trees and Tree Planting – Cllr Staines confirmed that the Oak had been ordered.
984. REPORTS – Standing item – Cllrs Jackson reported on a dialogue with Clare George as head of the city council protection & enforcement Team and we agreed that Clare’s email should be circulated to all councillors.
Primary School Governors – The school had confirmed that anyone with a child at the school would be ineligible to be considered as a community governor. Cllr. Kirt agreed to attend the meeting scheduled for 18th September.
i St Benedict’s Parochial Church Council (St. BPCC) letter – re proposed sale of land for development. We recalled that on the previous occasion the parochial church council and residents including parish councillors formed a delegation to Church of England offices in London to protest against the move. We agreed to take part in, and support, similar action if the St. BPCC were so minded.
ii Cemetery maintenance – The Clerk reported an email from Dave Grierson indicating that the hedges to the East and North of the Cemetery were now to high and Wide for him to maintain and that he may have to resign from March 2025. We indicated our complete satisfaction with the cemetery maintenance and RESOLVED to instruct the Clerk to obtain quotes for these hedges to be reduced in width and reduced in height to that of the neighbours fences on the Eastern Boundary
Proposed Cllr. Gerry Kirt seconded Cllr. Bob Randall
987. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) We noted that the Head of Highways, James Collingridge, has agreed to meet with representatives of the parish council for a village walkabout and agreed to provide the Clerk with a list of the places to visit and issues to raise with James when we meet. Issues include:
• Yellow lines Beech Road
• Helpston Road flyover footpath fencing
• Nine bridges Fence
• Stone Bridge Bin
• Speed sign / Bend
• NFR not suitable for HGV sign at High street Junction#
• Road signs cleaning
• Lincoln Road overgrown hedge obscuring sign by traffic calming
• Potholes and Pavements
a) Grant funding – recruiting a fund raiser
b) Village signage and heritage plaques / information boards incl. by the pump
c) Community Cinema
d) Cemetery Hedge quotes
e) Local Plan consultation
989. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 15th October.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10pm.
Clerk/Proper Officer,
24th September