
Minutes 19th April 2022

MinutesMinutes calendar year 2022 Uploaded on April 29, 2022

held on Wednesday
19th April, 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), D Batty, Mrs C Bysshe, R W Johnson, G Kirt, D. Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Two members of the public were also present.


614. Apologies for Absence – None, All councillors present

615. Members Declarations of Interest – None declared.

616. Public Participation – There were no contributions from the members of the public who stated they were here to observe

617. Minutes of the previous meeting –

We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th March 2020
Proposed Cllr. Johnson Seconded Cllr. Kirt

618. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting – For information only – No matters on the previous minutes were raised

619. Planning
a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.

b. 22/00458/HHFUL – Forge Cottage, 10 The Green – Erection of detached car port and store. Parish council were not opposed to the principle of a detached Car port and store; However, we remain opposed to the use of wood cladding and note that, against the will of the parish council, we fear that the precedence has been set by the conservation officer ignoring adopted planning policy. Clear policies are set out in the supplementary Planning Document (SPD) relating to selected village with conservation areas; which require the use of traditional materials in Limestone villages, which specifically apply to Glinton. Accordingly, we instructed the Clerk to write to the planning authority OPPOSED to the application in its present form and referring to those planning policies and also those policies set out in our Neighbourhood Plan

c. 22/00473/CTR – Brook Farm House, 3 North Fen Road – Fell Crab Apple. Councillor Johnson declared an interest, as the applicant is a next-door neighbour. We noted the views of the planning working group and have no objections to the planned tree works.

d. 22/00274/FUL & 22/00330LBC – Manor Farmyard, High Street – Erection of 10 Dwellings & Garages including conversion & extension of Dovecote – We noted that there was already planning permission for 19 Dwellings on this site. 19 in number had been incorporated in the plans for Glinton enshrined in both the City Council Local Plan and the Glinton Neighbourhood Plan (NP). Conscious that the application represents a loss of 9 dwellings in those plans and the potential ramifications we are vehemently OPPOSED to the application.

We also consider that the planned elevations are bland, lack architectural merit, and are not in keeping with surrounding buildings. The application is therefore contrary to policies in the NP, specifically GNP1. Furthermore, the proposed ridge heights are circa 8metres and contrary to the policies in the SPD related to conservation areas in selected limestone villages. The planned conversion of the Dovecote fails, in our opinion, to properly protect and enhance the nesting boxes in the Dovecote

620. Community Matters

a. Climate Change – Cllr Kirt reported on a successful meeting of the Climate Change Action Group (CCAG) earlier in the day of our meeting. The group had attracted a new member. The responsible officer from Peterborough City Council had attended the meeting and offered some welcome practical advice on ways forward, including establishment of a community Fridge, possible funding of Solar Panels and grant funding for insulation and those properties not on mains Gas. Cllr. Kirt will produce minutes of the CCAG Meeting and circulate these to parish councillors

b. Peterborough Parish Councils Conference – We again noted that this would be held on 8th June, at Nene Park, with environmental issues being the theme and that parish councils had been invited to showcase the achievements in their parish. This had been discussed at the CCAG meeting referred to in the previous minute and it was an aspiration of the group to put together some material for the event

621. Reports of Councillors attending meetings with other bodies. –
a. Cllr. Batty referred to his notes on the CAPALC Lobby day and the meeting with local MP and the petition to allow parish councils to conduct remote meetings Other matters discussed were Climate Change; cost of energy to vulnerable households and possible grants to encourage the installation of solar panels.

b. Cllr. Kirt reported on meetings with Kisimul and in general the success in dealing with issues that were of concern to neighbours. There was now more a willingness to be seen as good neighbours and amend policies to avoid the recurrence of past issues. A very small number of issues remained and there is some confidence that these will be addressed.

622. Governance Matters –

a. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). The Clerk had circulated the AGAR with the agenda and required us to address the completion of Section one, “Annual Governance Statement for 2021/22”. We considered each statement in turn and noted the steps taken to ensure our compliance with those statements. We instructed the clerk to respond “Yes” to each statement except statement 9, relating to Trust Funds which do not apply to this parish council
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Johnson

b. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – We were advised that there was in excess of £10k Of CIL held in our reserves and that there were limitations on how those funds could be spent. Suggestions were reconstruction of the damaged Cemetery Wall, possible Fitness equipment on the playing field, additional planters in Helpston Road / Beech Road or replacement swings dependent on the response from Peterborough City Council and Aragon

c. Memorial Headstone – We considered, and approved, the application from JG Cross for the material and design of a headstone for the late Ashley Bellington Gogerly.

d. Grant Application – The clerk reported the receipt of a grant application on behalf of the Glinton Women’s Institute (WI) requesting £200 towards a Jubilee event in the village Hall – We unanimously approved the grant as requested.

623. Official Notices and Correspondence –
a. The chairman reported that He had enquired about the Swings in the play park and that City Council officers had reported that spar part for the swings were not currently available. The clerk was asked to raise this with City council officers with a view to getting early replacement given the upcoming bank holidays and school summer closures.

624. Highways Matters –
a. Cllr. Johnson reported that the contractors had done an excellent job of resurfacing North Fen Road and expected that the white lines would soon be reinstated following those works

625. Item for next agenda –

a. Further consideration of the jubilee celebrations
b. Financial accounts and completion of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return

626. RETIRING MEMBERS – We noted that this would be the last meeting of those members who did not stand for re-election. The Chairman noted the length of service of Cllrs Spendelow (55 years) and Cllrs Johnson and Skinner as well as himself. Between the four councillors there was over 170 years of service to the parish council.
The new parish council, taking Office four days after the date prescribed for the uncontested election (5th May 2022), will miss the experience brought to the table by those retiring councillors.

627. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 17th May 2022. This will be the first meeting of the newly elected parish council and will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting Chaired by Councillor Holdich who remains chairman of the parish council until a new chairman is elected as the first item of business at the Parish Council meeting

Meeting closed at 8.37pm

Clerk/Proper Officer,
29th April, 2022