
Minutes 19th November 2024

MinutesMinutes Calendar Year 2024 Uploaded on November 20, 2024

held on Tuesday
19th November 2024
in the Village Hall, High St.

Present: Councillors Gerry Kirt (Chairman), Helen Aylesbury, Denis Batty, Claire Bysshe, Steve Jackson, Rita Joshi-Boparai, Bob Randall, Liezl Rossouw, Andy Staines & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. 2 members of the public, 2 representatives from National Gas and an applicant for one of the planning applications on the agenda were also present.


1003. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs. David Lane and Sukhvinder Singh had sent their apologies for non-attendance.


1005. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Chris Bligh and Michael Nixon of National Gas gave presentation on projects at the Gas compression station. ERP3 to install and commission two modern compressors is almost complete and will be winding down. The new compressors will be coming more and more into service given the winter months, cold weather and increased demand. The MCPD project to install a third compressor is at an early stage and is extending through 2025. Questions raised were about the continued noise levels emanating from the site and Chris and Mike invited residents to log noisy incidents and convey the date to them via the Clerk, with the intention of matching increased noise levels with incidents or activities on site.

1006. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2024. These were duly signed by the Chairman.
Proposed Cllr. Denis Batty Seconded Cllr. Claire Bysshe

1007. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None


a) Local Plan Review (LP) – We noted that a draft is expected to be available on 18th February 2025 and were advised that the Parish liaison group intended to hold a briefing specifically for parish councils in the same timeframe.

b) Status of current planning applications – The Clerk reported the approval of the planning applications for18 Welmore road and Myrtle House and that the application for a new dwelling at 5 The green had been Withdrawn by the applicant.

c) Planning Applications –

i 24/01340/LBC – 18 Welmore road – Demolish chimney stack on Eastern Gable and rebuild to 2m approx. height. We agreed to support this application

ii 24/01321/TRE – 20 Welmore road – T8 – White Barked Himalayan Birch – Remove competition with adjacent trees, fell to ground level and treat stump with herbicide, T11 – Sycamore – Reduce back from neighbouring property by 2m to leave c.5m and remove dead branch stubs, T12 – Common Ash – Reduce secondary stem by 3m and remove major deadwood, T13 – Sycamore – Reduce north and west side of crown by around 2.5 linear metres to leave around 3-4m spread, T14 – Common Ash – Reduce by 3m on north side, remove deadwood. T15 – Reduce North side by 2m, remove deadwood, T16 – Common Ash – fell to ground level or reduce by 2m on North South and East side – (05/00010/TPO). We have no objections to make to these works.

iii 24/01382/HHFUL – Ashcroft, Waterworks Lane – Two storey side extension and car port. We have no objections to make to these works but will support any legitimate objections from neighbours.

iv 24/01372/CTR – 10 Peakirk Road – T1) Leylandii – Fell to ground level T2) Magnolia- 2m Crown reduction and 1m lateral reduction to match shape and balance T3) Pine- Fell to ground level within 5m distance of neighbours property T4) Elder- Lateral reduction back to boundary line. Group of shrubs- mixture of species. retain three of the smaller ones and remove remainder with similar replacements to be replanted. We have no objections to make to these works.

v 24/01310/FUL – 6 Neaverson Road – Proposed change of use of residential kitchen area to use as a takeaway – (retrospective). We noted the results of the Neighbourhood plan survey where there is support for additional food outlets. With that in mind and by a majority decision we support this application on condition that there are no objections from the highway authority and as always will also support any legitimate objections from neighbours.

vi 24/01431/CTR – 20 High street – (T1) Removal of willow tree. We have no objections to make.

vii 24/01455/HHFUL – 1a Saddlers Close – Erection of first floor extension and associated external works. We have no objections to make to these works but will support any legitimate objections from neighbours.

viii 24/01482/HHFUL – 42 Oak Road – Front and side two storey extension to Dwelling. We noted that whilst there is a similar extension in a near by road this will be unique in Oak road and it will alter the street scene. By a majority decision of 4 votes to 2 with three abstentions we RESOLVED to support the application and to support any legitimate objections from neighbours.
Proposed Cllr. Liezl Rossouw Seconded Cllr. Rita Joshi Boparai

ix 24/01500/CTR – 10 Rectory Lane – T1 Norway Maple Fell, T2, T3, and T4 – Conifer Fell. We unanimously agreed to support the application

d. Planning Appeals

i. 24/00030/REFPP – 38 Peakirk Road – We noted that this appeal still awaited decision by a planning inspector.

ii. 24/00051/REFPP – Land adjacent to 1705 Lincoln Road – to be heard by a planning inspector on November 26th

iii. 24/00048/ENFOT – Land adjacent to 1705 Lincoln Road – linked to the previous appeal.

e. Enforcement Notices

i. 21/00405/ENFCOU – 14 Rectory Lane – Change of Use to residential institution – we noted that the applicant had not lodged an appeal before the deadline of 20th October and also noted that it was business as usual at the address. We instructed the Clerk to write to the planning authority asking what enforcement action is now to be taken.

f) Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – Cllr. Kirt reported on the continuing work of the NP group to progress review of policies and particularly acknowledged the input of Drew Drinkwater. The group are due to meet again on 2nd December with a view to finalising the redraft of the policies part of the plan.


a) Planned Events 2025 – The Chairman reported the production of leaflets published in notice boards and Facebook so that the whole village are aware of the events planned for 2025
i. VE Day Commemoration Beacon of Peace lighting – Thursday 8th May 2025 at 9:30pm.
ii. Glinton Charity Fun run/walk/mobility Event (mobility scooter users are welcome), on 18th May
iii. GlintonFayre 25 with WW2 Victory Commemoration – Sat 28th June.
iv. GlintonFest 25 – Sat 6th Sept with 5 superb bands
v. Glintons Great Garage Sale & Childrens Treasure Hunt on Sun 14th Sept 10.30 to 2pm

b) Ashburn Close Play Area –
i. No Progress on the land transfer to report
ii. Play equipment – Cllr Helen Aylesbury reported on the submission of proposals from a number of suppliers and having taking soundings from local residents and parents selected a preferred supplier and equipment felt to be less likely to attract abuse / misuse. We noted that the cost of the equipment including installation by Kompan to required standards and the post installation safety check was £28720.63 + VAT and that a reduction had been negotiated to £27,000+Vat to match the available funding. We unanimously RESOLVED to accept the KOMPAN revised quote subject only to confirmation by the city council that the equipment would be included in the inspection round along with the playing field and the equipment on the Willows open space.
Proposed Cllr. Rita Joshi-Boparai seconded Cllr. Liezl Rossouw

c) Anti-social behaviour – We noted that there were no new occurrences to report

d) Bio Diversity matters – Cllr Staines reported on a meeting with a city council officer at which PCC had undertaken to clear the site of the detritus left behind after the travellers had vacated the site

e) Climate Change –

i. The Chairman had circulated notes of the most recent meeting of the group.
ii. PECT have organised a community event in the Village Hall on Tuesday, the 3rd of December entitled exploring zero barriers and opportunities in Glinton and Peakirk. Residence from both villages are invited; there will be food and Glinton’s climate change emergency group will make a presentation.

f) Booster Mast – In the absence of Cllr. David Lane this item was deferred to the December meeting

g) Defibrillator training – deferred to December meeting.

h) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported that the largest amount of interest in the Facebook pages had been about the sewer collapse and the work undertaken by Anglian Water.

i) Village Hall working Group – the chairman reported that the working party had completed the initial stage of prioritizing work and getting indications of costs. The complete basic package of proposals is estimated to cost £55k t0 £60k. We unanimously agreed that these works would require grant funding and approved a submission for Lottery funding

j) Speed sign – Deferred to a future meeting

k) Village Sign –Cllr. Randall reported that suppliers had estimated delivery in approximately four weeks time

l) Village Crest – further consideration deferred until in possession of the new Village Sign

m) Community Orchard – Cllr. Aylesbury and the Chairman reported progress on discussions with the strategic pipeline alliance and that planting of 7 varieties would take place on 2nd / 9th December by volunteers and equipment provided by those working on the pipeline. Cllrs. Randall, Aylesbury and Kirt will mark out the site according to required separation between the trees.

1010. REPORTS – Standing item –
a) The chairman reported on a walkabout in the village with the Head of Highways attended by himself, Cllr. Batty and the Clerk. A number of matters were addressed and required actions agreed. The Clerk had provided the Head of Highways with a worksheet listing all issues and we noted that a small amount of Yellow lining had been carried out. Cllr Jackson referred to a dead tree to be added to the list. The Clerk also reported that since that meeting the City Council had imposed a moratorium on all additional work because of budgetary constraints. It is unlikely that issues will be addressed in the remainder of this financial year.

a) Budget 2025/26 – The Clerk reminded us that we have to approve the budget for the coming financial year at our December meeting. We agreed that this should first be considered by the Finance Working Group (FWG) along with consideration of Cemetery Charges and other financial matters. We offered guidance to the FWG that an increase in the precept in line with inflation to £45 at band D would be acceptable and that the Budget should aim to include 5 additional bins and two Benches
b) The Finance Working Group members present agreed to meet at the Chairman’s House at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th December.

c) Cemetery Hedge Height reduction – The Clerk reported that WillowTree Services have confirmed the intention to carry out the work on 11th December.

d) Memorial Application – We unanimously approved the submitted application for an additional inscription for the late Teresa Elain McLaren cremated remains interred in the existing grave of Eldred & McLaren.

a) Cllr. Bysshe reported receipt of an email from Clare Lodge inviting Councillors to a Christmas Lunch on 13th December at 1.30pm and asked any Cllr. wishing to attend to let her know. Cllr. Randall indicated he would like to attend.

b) The chairman reported the receipt of a complaint about increased Clare Lodge Traffic using the Welmore road entrance. On investigation this was temporary and caused by inability to use the usual entrance following agricultural activity on the adjoining land.

c) The chairman also reported receipt of correspondence from Richard Astle of Langdyke trust addressed to both Glinton and Peakirk parish councils referring to land for sale in the parishes. Peakirk had declined to express any interest and for our part the land is too remote to be of interest and beyond our financial resources.

1013. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) Highways issued had been covered in the village walkabout – see minute 1010a above.
b) The Chairman reported the lock on one panel of the notice board at the school needed attention.

1014. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS – Unchanged from previous meeting
a) Grant funding – recruiting a fund raiser
b) Village signage and heritage plaques / information boards incl. by the pump
c) Community Cinema
d) Local Plan consultation

1015. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 17th December Cllr Randall to chair in the absence of Cllr. Kirt

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10pm.

Clerk/Proper Officer,
20th November