held on Wednesday
21st December, 2021
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), D Batty, D Lane, G Kirt, R Randall,
P Skinner, and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Two members of the public were also present.
564. Apologies for Absence – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe due to a prior engagement, Cllr Johnson isolating with underlying health concerns in the current Covid climate. Cllr. Spendelow apologised for his absence recovering from a broken hip and granted leave of absence by the parish council.
565. Members Declarations of Interest – None declared.
566. Public Participation – Jeff Bell addressed the meeting with his concerns over the planning application for entry level housing overlooking his property and the consequential loss of amenity. David Cowcill referred to the same planning application and the request from North Peterborough Villages Association (NPVA), for the parish council to oppose the application and refer to committee if the officers were minded to grant planning permission.
567. Minutes of the Meetings–
We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th November, 2021
Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Batty
568. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting –
a. The Chairman referred to the Poppyfields gated development and that he had written to all the residents welcoming them to the village and the problem of delivering the village Tribune. None had responded to his letter.
569. Planning
a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.
b. 21/01464/FUL Land to the west of St Benedicts Close – proposed construction of 25 Entry level affordable homes with associated infrastructure, including access, sustainable Drainage features, public open space and landscaping. This application was the subject of much scrutiny and we were unanimous in our objections to the application on multiple planning grounds. We regarded the application as yet another attempt, already refused on appeal, to develop this site in open countryside outside of the village envelope.
The applications is in our opinion contrary to the current national planning policies, contrary to the policies and vision of the Local Plan, contrary to the planning policies set out in the adopted Neighbourhood plan and damaging to the landscape and nature of Glinton as a rural community.
We instructed the Clerk to write to the planning authority with our objections asking that it be referred to committee IF, & only IF, officers were minded to approve the application.
c. 21/01800/FUL – 68 Helpston Road – Construction of a single storey dwelling on land to the side of the existing dwelling and change of use of former commercial buildings to domestic use only. We noted that this application was similar in many respects to an early application considered by the parish council. We observed that the whole of the commercial site was included within the Red Line outlining the available site but that the proposed dwelling is squeezed into the entrance area of the site and as such is in our opinion overdevelopment of the space allocated for the dwelling.
When permission was granted for the site to be used for commercial purposes Ten conditions were imposed. Although a change of use to domestic use is now applied for, the applicant states that the site will be used to accommodate his hobbies. We are therefore of the opinion that conditions C2, C3, C6 and C9 of planning consent 05/01975/FUL should still be applied if permission is to be granted. Nevertheless, we unanimously agreed to OPPOSE the application and again wished the application to be referred to planning committee IF, and only If, officers were minded to approve the application.
570. Community Matters
a. Community Centre Working Group – Cllr. Kirt referred to the latest version of a consultation document which had been graphically printed at a small cost of £37. We noted the contents of an email from Mr. Marshall and approved the distribution of the drafted questionnaire.
b. Climate Change – In order to make early progress we agreed to the possible use of “Glinton Parish Green” as a vehicle to implement the agreed policies. Cllr. Kirt undertook to call a meeting in the new year and to try to engage a wide group of residents to take an active part in tackling the issues with Parish council endorsement and support.
571. Reports of Councillors attending meetings with other bodies. Cllrs. Kirt, Skinner and Randall had met with representatives of Kisimul to address issues with the home in Rectory Lane. We noted the comprehensive notes of the issues discussed at the meeting together with the background notes prepared in advance of the meeting. For the sake of transparency, we agreed that both documents should be published with the minutes of our meeting – see Appendix B
572. Governance Matters –
a. Receipts and Payment report for the year showing receipts of £44,797.74 to date and payments of £19,527.09 together with bank reconciliations as at 30th November. We RESOLVED to note the contents of the reports
Proposed Cllr. Randall – Seconded Cllr. Batty
b. Review of Cemetery Fees and Charges – we RESOLVED to accept the recommendation of the Finance Working Group to increase our fees and charges applicable from 1st April 2022 by approximately 5% as shown in the appendix to these minutes, all payable at least 48 hours prior to the funeral/ interment. We also agreed to apply new fees of £20 for the issue of an invoice and an administration fee of £35 for the issue of a reminder and to apply interest at the discretion of the clerk -See appendix A
c. Budgetary Control Report as at 30th November, 2021 – We received and noted the budgetary control report presented by the Clerk as Responsible Finance Officer predicting a small addition to our general reserve at the year as some of our budgeted schemes had not been progressed during the pandemic restrictions this year.
d. d. 2022/23 Budget and precept. The draft budget had been considered and amended by the Finance Working group (FWG). We accepted the recommendation of the FWG and RESOLVED to Budget for Net Expenditure of £34,477 based on spending £44,377, against receipts of £9,900. We further RESOLVED to set the precept at £38 at Band D, in order to raise a further £23,656 and to anticipate taking a further £10,821 from our General Reserve.
Proposed Cllr. D Lane and Seconded Cllr. G Kirt
e. Banking Arrangements – we noted that at times during the year our bank balance exceeded the level covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). We therefore instructed the clerk to open negotiation with the Metro Bank for a 30 day notice business savings account and a current account for the interest earned on that account.
573. Official Notices and Correspondence –
a. We received a report from the chairman of the Glinton Community Association (GCA) on the achievements of the association and the enhancements made to the facilities at the Village Hall.
b. The chairman reported that Mr Hoppe knew of a person offering to provide training in the use of the defibrillator. We asked the clerk to contact Mr Hoppe to make arrangements for training early in 2022 and for the training to be publicised in the village and open to residents
574. Highways Matters –
The following outstanding matters were raised by parish councillors with the expressed view that ward councillors should be made aware
• Additional Bin on West side of Lincoln Road
• Slabs by the seat near the village pump
• Steps up to Jubilee Bridge over Maxey Cut, opposite end of North Fen Road – considered to be Dangerous and in urgent need of attention.
• Pavement on south side of Peakirk road
• Posts in front of Post office
• A15 from Waterworks lane to McDonalds roundabout needs sweeping for residue of Mud on road
575. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 16th January 2022.
Meeting closed at 8.52pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
29th December, 2021
Lawn Cemetery Charges – 2022/23
Changes approved by Parish Council 21st December 2021 and effective from 1/4/2022
Fees for Burials (including cost of leveling and turfing) PAYABLE AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE INTERMENT TAKES PLACE
Burial of Childs Body Nil
Burial of Body of a person (whose age at time of death exceeds 16 years) £420
Burial of Cremated Remains £220
Burial charges will be reduced by 50% where an exclusive right of burial is purchased or had previously been acquired.
Exclusive Right of Burial (ERoB) in earthen grave 6ft by 3ft – 75 yrs £360
Exclusive Right of Burial (ERoB) in earthen grave 3ft by 2ft – 100 yrs (cremated remains) £245
For the right to erect a headstone / monument £150
Tablet, plaque or other marker (cremated remains) £75
Small vase not exceeding 12”x8”x8” £65
Additional inscription on existing monument £65
Refund of Exclusive Right of Burial – admin fee £50
Searching of Registers of Burial (including the provision of one copy of any entry therein for up to 1 hour) £30
Administration fee for issue of invoice if required £20
Administration fee for issue of a reminder where payment not paid in timescale set out above.
Interest may be charged at the discretion of the parish clerk for continued late payment. £35
Meeting Minutes – Kisimul/Glinton Parish Council (GPC)
Attendees: Kisimul: Liz Ambler – Director of Adult Services
Alyssa Fletcher – Manager Taigh Aisling
GPC : Gerry Kirt (chair & author), Bob Randall & Peter Skinner
Date/Time: 14 December 2021/15:00
Meeting objectives
• To highlight and resolve Glinton Parish Council and neighbour concerns.
• Establish a simple procedure to resolve any future concerns before they become issues.
Liz Ambler has been in post 12 months and has responsibility for Kisimul homes in the south and East Anglia.
Alyssa Fletcher is manager of Taigh Aisling (the Glinton care home). She is the main point of contact.
Kisimul assured GPC that it has a thorough training programme in place for all new carers that includes structured continuous improvement. They do use contract staff who are fully accredited.
Kisimul explained that although many issues highlighted in the supporting data (following these minutes) were legacy problems and had been successfully addressed, a number remain and were either in the process of being sorted or will be resolved directly with the home’s immediate neighbours.
Alyssa was aware of many of the issues but thought some of the descriptions were perhaps misleading.
Since joining the company Liz and Alyssa have embarked on a number of procedural changes that will ensure that many of the highlighted issues should not reoccur. Particularly only placing quiet and non disruptive residents in homes such as Glinton’s.
Actions arising
Alyssa committed to communicate proactively with Kisimul’s immediate neighbours to ensure any issues can be promptly identified and dealt with. This also will involve regular updates on long term issues.
Action: Kisimul
It was agreed that only issues that cannot be addressed between neighbours and Kisimul will be referred to the GPC to act as a mediator.
Action: all
It was agreed that regular quarterly meetings will take place between GPC and Kisimul. Kisimul to come back to Gerry Kirt with a proposal. The first to take place in March 2022.
Action: Kisimul
Should the need arise special meetings will be arranged between GPC, neighbour/s and Kisimul.
Action: all
Kisimul plan to relocate one resident A in mid-January 2022. Learning from this the compatibility processes whereby a resident is assessed to ensure their suitability in a new home have been improved to, hopefully, ensure a similar problem does not reoccur.
Action: Kisimul
Kisimul was concerned that carers were apparently looking at phones rather than monitoring residents is a concern and will be addressed.
Action: Kisimul
Trampoline – Alyssa promised to ensure the unit is permanently relocated next to the home rather than along the garden perimeter. The stated issue was caused because gardeners had failed to relocate it after cutting the grass and she had been away for several days.
Action: Kisimul
It was agreed that Kisimul would consider trying to reduce the amount of light emitted from the home and consider frosting windows that invade the privacy of neighbours.
Action: Kisimul
Kisimul agreed to discuss screening measures with neighbours to resolve any issues.
Action: Kisimul
Supporting data
1. Glinton Parish Council Concerns
• Kisimul home is located at the end of a quiet residential lane which is inappropriate to its current use.
• The Parish council would have, if a planning application had been made for change of use from C3 to C2, been opposed to the location of Kisimul care home in Rectory lane because of the very problems we see now particularly disturbance to the neighbours and access/parking issues.
• Since opening they has been no proactive dialog with neighbours or Glinton Parish Council.
• We understand that some of the residents can at times require up to 6 Kisimul staff to care for them. We have had reports that the more disruptive residents are regularly seen using the play park with only 1 or 2 carers in attendance. The carers generally sit on benches looking at their mobiles.
• The more noisy residents when taken onto the play equipment have the effect of the area of parents and children because they don’t know how to react and are often frightened.
• Pre six form AMVC students have been seen taunting residents in the play park.
• Glinton Parish Council supported the conversion of the garden into car park to resolve on road parking issues. It is now little used. The smaller car park is now used extensively but regularly results in the wooden parking posts along the verge being knocked over.
• The Kisimul bus has difficulty turning into the car park. PCC has installed a concrete post to encourage better driving but the vehicle continues to drive over the edge of the road, over the grass into the start of 7 Rectory Lanes drive. It continues to create an even deeper hole in the verge and is causing the edge of the tarmac to tumble away.
• Carers often speed along Rectory Lane at shift changes. Possible safety issues – students and residents.
• When residents are in the larger car park – passers by are often frightened to walk by (see below).
• Assault of a retired lady over the car park gate. The Kisimul resident beckoned her over and hit her in the face – she decided not to take it any further …didn’t want to cause a fuss!
• Garden chairs and a table were hurled into the lane by a Kisimul resident just before a group of elderly people walked by. The furniture was swiftly removed by carers.
• Environment – the home seems to be lit up like a high security prison 24/7 and is very intrusive to neighbours.
2. Neighbours concerns
• Excessive noise from a particular residents – repetitive loud stimming which manifests itself in screaming, shouting and moaning sometimes 24/7. This has and continues to cause anxiety and extreme stress in neighbours. Carers go home – neighbours put up with it constantly!
• Disruptive behaviour from a particular resident has caused disruption amongst other residents. Although, Kisimul is seeking to relocate Reece its now into the second month following the 28 day notice to move.
• Reece in particular has been observed prowling along the perimeter of the garden like a caged tiger which has caused concern.
• The trampoline is a particular issue. Residents bounce up and down screaming, shouting smirking, gesticulating etc towards neighbouring properties often for extensive periods. A number of issues and concerns have been identified: 1.A family has had to move living from the front to rear of their property. 2. Another family is so concerned about the behaviour that they tend not to use their garden and given they have a 15 year old daughter who wants to hold pool parties in the summer for her friends is unlikely to do so. The trampoline has been moved after a complaint but returned and now is an issue with family 2.
• Bath bomb thrown from Kisimul home onto car bonnet causing £500 damage (Leon?).
• TV remote controllers being thrown over neighbours gardens onto parked cars.
• Despite carers being in attendance a resident climbed over 7ft fence into neighbours garden damaging plants and causing alarm and concern. This event has resulted in ongoing anxiety and extreme stress should there be a reoccurrence – as a result the neighbours have not allowed their grandchildren into the garden throughout the summer.
• Two different neighbours are suffering depression and stress as a result of the situation at Kisimul.
• A Kisimul resident has used the front garden of 7 Rectory Lane to urinate despite carers being in attendance.
• A neighbour observed that the carers seen more concerned about their mobiles than the residents in their charge. A group can often be seen sitting on the gardens picnic bench with their phones while residents are charging around the garden making excessive noise. A resident was seen having a tantrum – the carer disappeared inside the house, locked the French windows and despite him hammering on the doors with his fists he was kept out.
• Frequently your agency staff appear at residents’ doors along Rectory Lane asking where the home is.
• Excessive noise at shift changes – music, sounding of horn either to open the gate or to act as signal that a carer has left.
• Nudity at windows that overlook neighbours properties.
• Clothes and others items being thrown out of windows into neighbours gardens.