held on Wednesday
21st June 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), Ms H Aylesbury, D Batty, Mrs C Bysshe, S. Jackson, D. Lane, R Randall, A. Staines, G Wright and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Three members of the public were also present.
649. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – None received, absence of Cllr. S Singh recorded.
650. CO-OPTION TO REMAINING PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY – Cllr. Aylesbury had introduced Rita Joshi-Boparai to the remaining vacancy on the parish council. The Chairman called for further nominations and none were forthcoming. In the absence of further nominations, we unanimously RESOLVED to co-opt Rita Joshi-Boparai to the parish council with immediate effect.
Proposed Cllr. Mrs Bysshe Seconded Cllr Batty
652. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – None at this point in the meeting although with the chairmans consent David Cowcill reserved the opportunity to speak when an agenda item was under discussion
653. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING – We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17th May 2022
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Mrs Bysshe
654. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – For information only – there was no further information provided
a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted including noting that two applications had been permitted since the previous meeting.
b. 22/00703/FUL – 28 Peakirk Road – Demolition of garage and outbuilding, erection of 1 1/2 storey chalet bungalow. – Whilst we have no objection to make on the application per se, we do have some concerns over the size of the proposed dwelling and the possible impact on the street scene we therefore agreed to support legitimate objections from neighbours. We asked the Clerk to draw the attention of the planning authority to planning policies GNP 3.1.3 & 3.1.4 regarding the use of quality sustainable materials and the notable absence of Solar energy and EV points in the application. We noted the applicant had included working hour restrictions and a wheel wash. We agreed to ask the planning authority to include conditions enforcing these matters if they were minded to permit the development
c. 22/00490/HHFUL – 26 Helpston Road – single storey rear extension – No Objections to this application but would support neighbours if legitimate objections were forthcoming.
d. 22/00788/HHFUL Granville House, 2 The green Proposed replacement windows, casements and glass including associated repairs. We noted that there was no conservation officers report and that some work had commenced. We have no objections to make and will support the views of the conservation officer on this listed building.
a. Playing Field swings – The Clerk reported that the city council had confirmed that the replacement swings had been ordered, delivery possibly anticipated in approximately three weeks. The clerk had stressed the urgency given the imminent school holidays and had been assured that as soon as they had been delivered they would be installed.
b. Ashburn Close Play Area – Cllr. Mrs Aylesbury had prepared a slide presentation with photographs of the current overgrown and dilapidated state of this city council owned play provided as part of the Wilcon development in the early 1980s. Her presentation also included some slides of the style of equipment available and the potential suppliers. We noted that a smaller play area on the Clarendon Way open space had been refurbished about three years ago by the city council. We asked the Clerk to write to the city council requesting that this play area be brought up to the standard of that in Clarendon Way. We also asked the Clerk to include a request that the dead tree on this play area be removed and replaced. Cllr. Aylesbury alsoagreed to produce firm equipment proposals possibly based on the Clarendon playpark climbing frame together with swing/s and/or other equipment for the next meeting.
c. Climate Change – Cllr Kirt reported on a meeting with only 4 people in attendance. Nevertheless, those attending had agreed on some projects to be undertaken. These included seeking the co-operation of AMVC in taking a lead and installing solar panels, pursuing a wind turbine, possibly in Waterworks lane where both Anglian Water and National grid have a presence. Cllr. Kirt informed those present of a meeting of the group at his house the following evening and encouraged a greater participation.
d. Peterborough Parish Councils Conference – Cllr. Batty had attended along with Cllrs Jackson and Wright. We noted the report from Cllr. Batty which had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Clerk informed us that steps were being taken to obtain copies of all the slides used at the conference and that they would then be made available to any councillor on request.
e. Nature Recovery Projects –
i. Clarendon Way open Space – in the absence of any information being available we deferred further consideration of this project.
ii. Lincoln Road Triangle – The Clerk reported that he had received confirmation that the city council contractor is trimming pathways and would conduct one final cut in the Autumn and were prepared to collect trimmings, if raked in to one pile as was the case last year.
David Cowcill informed the meeting that this area was included as a headline project of the John Clare Countryside Vision under the Langdyke Trust. We reaffirmed our intention to carry out planting of the area with the support of the John Clare countryside project and noted that the project would supply advice and manpower. We noted that this would require a Licence to Cultivate and that this had not yet materialised. We instructed the Clerk to pursue the licence with some degree of urgency given the support on offer from John Clare Project.
f. Village Sign – We noted that the sign is a Parish Council Asset and in need of refurbishment or replacement. On a previous occasion the refurb had been sponsored by the Glinton W.I. In anticipation of the agenda item the Clerk had approached the W.I. who had responded that regrettably they did not have the resources necessary to fund the work. The W.I. would be content for the parish council to carry out the necessary work. In responding the W.I. had said that they would like to plant a commemorative tree in the Autumn on Parish Council Land. We asked the Clerk to respond that this would be acceptable but that the only land available would be the playing field in the proximity of the trees planted by ourselves. Cllr Randall agreed to prepare proposals for the next meeting regarding replacing the existing village sign with a more robust and low maintenance alternative. This could include suggesting relocation to a more prominent position.
657. Reports of Councillors attending meetings with other bodies. – No reports with the exception of the conference report circulated by Cllr. Batty referred to above
A. Representation on, or work with external Bodies – This matter had been deferred from the previous meeting to allow those co-opted members the opportunity to be considered.
a) Representative on CAPALC (Cllr. Batty)
b) Representatives on the AMVC Liaison Committee. (Cllrs Batty, Randall & Lane)
c) Representatives on the Parish Council’s Liaison Committee. (Clerk & Cllrs Batty & Randall). Noting that the meetings would be open to all parish councillors
d) Representatives on the Clare Lodge Committee. (Cllrs Bysshe, Randall & Aylesbury)
e) Representative on the Northern Footpath Forum. (Cllr. Mrs Bysshe & A Staines)
f) Representative on the Neighbourhood Planning Group. (Cllrs Mrs Bysshe, Kirt, Randall, A Staines, H Aylesbury & R Joshi-Boparai)
g) Representative on Rural NW Good Neighbours scheme (Cllr. Mrs Bysshe)
h) Representative(s) on Kisimul Liaison group – No Nomination – to be resurrected if required
i) Representative(s) on Climate Change Action Group (Cllrs Kirt, H Aylesbury, A Staines, C Bysshe, S Jackson, & G Wright)
B. Recognition of outstanding service to the parish and parish council in particular – The clerk had circulated a draft policy covering the legal requirements and some criteria to be applied along with a process to be followed. We unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the policy as drafted for implementation with immediate effect.
Proposed Cllr Randall Seconded Cllr Kirt.
The Clerk then reported that in accordance with the adopted policy, he had approached the four former Councillors who had between them in excess of 170 year’s service to the parish council. All four had indicated that they would be pleased to receive the Freedom of the Parish of Glinton if we were minded to confer that award as the highest accolade available to a parish council. Furthermore, the Clerk advised that the honour had to be conferred at a meeting called specifically for the purpose and passed by two thirds of those Councillors voting.
We therefore instructed the Clerk to arrange the required meeting some time in the next two weeks giving proper notice publicised on the website and on Notice Boards. Cllr Lane undertook to ascertain the availability of the village hall for the purpose.
C. Nominations and election of Chairmen and members to working groups
I. Finance Working Group. (Cllr. Kirt (Chairman), Cllr. S. Jackson, Cllr. D. Lane & Cllr. R. W. Randall)
II. H.R. Working Group (Cllrs Lane (Chairman), Mrs Bysshe, & Cllr. Kirt).
D. Bank Signatories & authorised on line access –
a. Unity Trust Bank. We RESOLVED to appoint Cllr. Helen Aylesbury, Cllr Andy Staines and Cllr R. W. Randal as authorised signatories as signatories to Unity Trust Bank along with re-affirming Cllrs G Kirt and D lane along with the Clerk as signatories to the bank accounts held at Unity Trust Bank. As before ONLY the Clerk permitted to set up payments and transfers between accounts and ANY TWO of the five Cllrs named are required to authorise release of the payment.
Proposed Cllr. R.W. Randall Seconded Cllr. Mrs Bysshe.
b. Metro Bank – 95-day notice Business deposit account & associated interest Current account – RESOLVED to appoint Cllrs Mrs Claire Bysshe, Cllr. Andy Staines and Cllr Gerry Kirt as authorised signatories along with the Clerk. All transaction to be authorised by the Clerk and two of the three other authorised signatories
Proposed Cllr. R.W. Randall Seconded Cllr. Mrs Bysshe.
E. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). The Clerk reported that the Annual return had been completed signed off by the relevant chairman of the meetings at which the content had been approved. The Internal Audit section had been completed following a full examination by Mr Steve Davies FCA. Mr Davies had indicated his willingness to conduct the internal audit of the current financial year. We RESOLVED to appoint Mr Davies as internal auditor for the 2022/23 financial year.
Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Mrs Joshi-Boparai
F. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – We considered how best to use the available CIL funds. Suggestions included additional waste Bins by the John Clare Bridge in North Fen Road and reinstating the waste bin by the Helpston Road Footbridge. We also considered that the land at the beech Road Helpston road junction could be better utilised or possibly Play equipment installed on the Beech Road open space. Cllr Mrs Joshi- Boparai undertook to do some informal consultation with residents in the area and produce some outline proposals and work with Cllr Aylesbury if suggesting a playpark
G. Memorial Headstone – We considered, and approved, the application from Set-In-Stone for the proposed headstone for the late Kenneth James Moore. We were made aware that the family wished to have the memorial stone in place before inviting family for the interment of Mr Moore’s ashes. We approved the headstone and sanctioned the placement subject to the plot being reserved and paid for in advance. We noted that the design of the headstone allowed for a second inscription to be added and asked the Clerk to advise the family that the second inscription would require a further application to the parish council for approval.
659. Official Notices and Correspondence – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe had notified us that she intended to carry out a litter pick on Saturday between the hours of 10.00am and Noon all welcome to meet in the Bluebell Car Park at the rear of the Chemist Shop.
660. Highways Matters –
a. Cllr. A Staines reported the poor visibility by the traffic calming caused by an overgrown hedge
b. Cllr. Kirt raised concerns over the softness of the resurfacing in North Fen Road and reserved judgement on the durability of the surface.
c. Cllrs Lane and Batty referred to the wooden fence in Helpston Road by the footbridge and suggested that a steel replacement would save money in the long run as opposed to continual repairs and making good the wooden structure.
661. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 19th July 2022.
Meeting closed at 10.00pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
24th June, 2022