held on Tuesday
21st March, 2023
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D. Batty, S Jackson, D. Lane, R. Randall,
R. Joshi-Boparai, A Staines, & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. No members of the public were present.
763. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillor G Wright sent apologies as unwell. The absence of
Cllrs. Bysshe and Singh were also noted.
764. MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr Kirt declared an interest in the agenda item
relating to the stopping up order as a resident of Rectory Lane
765. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – The resident of 12 Rectory Lane addressed the parish council and
sought to explain both the process and the reason for seeking a stopping up order for a narrow
strip of the highway outside his property. In essence the tarmac finish right up to the brick wall
of his property has caused issues of poor drainage, damp walls and general nuisance. Parish
council were assured that Rectory Lane will remain a highway and there are no financial
implications for the parish council. Furthermore, the parish council will be consulted on the detail
when steps are taken to initiate the long process for obtaining a stopping up order.
766. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes
of the meeting held on 21st February, 2023
Proposed Cllr. Joshi-Boparai Seconded Cllr. Lane
a) The Clerk reported that Peter Smith Associates had accepted that the parish council would
have unfettered use of the photographs and plans produced for the village hall. On that
basis the contract agreed at the previous meeting had been agreed by both parties.
b) The Clerk also reported receipt of quotation for the supply of notice boards and awaited two
more. Once received they would be evaluated and reported to the next meeting for
a) Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously
considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the only change
from the previous meeting was that the planned extension of 30A Lincoln Road had been
permitted on 8
th March and the application to fell an Ash Tree had been permitted on 21st
February. The content of the report was noted.
b) 23/00479/HHFUL – 11A Helpston Road – Removal of existing 30 degree pitched roof and
replacement 40 degree attic trussed roof to form 2no. bedrooms, two storey rear extension
forming kitchen dining/living/area, new bedroom, internal alterations and open porch
canopy. On consideration of the plans available on the planning portal we have no
Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
objections in principle but would prefer the applicant to change the velux style roof lights
facing the road to dormer windows, more in keeping with the street scene
c) 23/00224/CLP – Flat 1 and 2, 7 High Street – Conversion of two self-contained flats to single
dwelling. We noted that the planning authority had already concluded that the proposed
changes were lawful and we merely noted the application
d) 23/00230/CTR – Peakirk Cum Glinton Voluntary Aided Primary School, School Lane – Yew
tree (T606440) Crown shaping to 2m from building, Ash tree (T606448) end weight
reduction by 25%, reduce limbs over play area, 2 lowest limbs, Ash tree (T606452) crown
reduction by 25% and Cherry tree (T606496) crown shaping to 2m from building. We have
no material planning observations to make and will support the Tree officer in his decisions.
a) Wooden Play Structures – Playing Field – The Clerk reported an email from City Council
Officers stating that the large netted structure could be repaired but that the piece of equipment
that had been cordoned off was unsafe and would need to be replaced. Officers were seeking
the necessary funding for that replacement.
b) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported that the city council property manager had
assured him that she would be appointing a solicitor to progress the transfer of ownership and
that she had visited the site to determine land registry details.
c) Defibrillators – Cllr. Randall reported on a worrying incident with the ambulance service in
that when the equipment was required it was shown as out of service and the person involved
directed to the defibrillator in Etton. Cllr. Randall then gave a presentation on available Standalone defibrillators that could be deployed, one at each end of the village. Further work will be
undertaken to determine optimum locations and reported to the next meeting. The Clerk had
also contacted the solicitor involved in providing the legacy grant that funded the existing
defibrillator and a response requesting figures to fund what the parish council has in mind.
d) Gas Compressor Station. We asked the Clerk to progress a site visit followed by invitation
for National Grid representative to attend a parish council meeting where residents could be
present. Cllr. Batty undertook to progress the contact with environmental health department to
request noise monitors in his house to record noise levels.
e) Biodiversity issues –
a) Cllr. Staines reported that he is progressing the agreed signage for the Nature recovery
area on Lincoln Road. The Clerk was asked to write to Anglian Water to seek funding
for the signs and to offer to acknowledge the sponsorship and request use of the AWA
logo for the purpose.
f) Winter Warm Hubs – In the absence of Cllr. Bysshe, we deferred further consideration of this
matter to the April meeting.
Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
g) Stopping Up order – Having noted the presentation by the resident of 12 Rectory Lane in the
public part of the meeting, we reserved judgement until such time as we are formally consulted
on the detail of any proposed order.
770. REPORTS – Standing item – Cllr. Batty reported had circulated notes on the Parish Liaison
meeting at which the head of Planning had given a presentation on the authorities planning
enforcement policy and the wish to initiate a review of the Local Plan and the shortage of
Planning staff. All in all, the Parish Liaison meeting were disappointed with the authority’s stance
on planning matters and in particular the reluctance to provide parishes with support for
Neighbourhood planning.
a) Community Engagement – Cllr Jackson provided a report on the growing interest in our
Facebook presence and with a few more we would have access to a greater level of
statistical evidence of what use is being made of our efforts to engage with the local
b) Operation Golden Orb
i Funding – Cllr. Kirt reported on the on a donation of £1000 by Country Court Care
thanks to the efforts of Cllr. Lane. We have also been informed of the success of our
Lottery Funding Bid to provide enhanced community engagement activities in
ii Insurance – We noted that for insurance purposes the parish council covered
volunteers for public liability whilst engaged on parish council business, provided
volunteer input is properly recorded before the event and proper risk assessments
carried out and documented.
iii Mugs – The Clerk reported delivery of the commemorative mugs to be issued to
children at the primary school and preschool playgroup. The chairman reported
discussions with the Headteacher about the process of distribution at a celebration
worship to be held on 5th May. Cllrs Kirt, Aylesbury and Joshi-Boparai will attend.
iv Prize Draw – The Glinton Community association had been granted a lottery Licence
for the year and will run a prize draw as their contribution to the celebrations.
c) Grant Funding – We have so far failed to appoint a fundraising champion but have some
successes as indicated earlier in the minutes we agreed to reconsider fund raising later in
the year after reviewing the outcome of the Golden Orb celebration activities
d) Metro Bank 95-day Deposit account – Cllr Kirt and Staines reported completion of their id
checks and the Clerk undertook to follow this up with the bank to secure the opening of the
bank account as soon as possible.
Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
There were no items for consideration other than those matters covered elsewhere on the
773. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
i. James Collingridge from Peterborough City Council had provided (by email to the Clerk) an
update on matter raised at the village walkabout and undertook to chase up highway related
matters with the relevant officers.
ii. Cllr. Kirt drew particular attention to the deteriorating condition of North Fen Road from the
last bungalow to Mile Drove.
iii. Cllr. Randall raised the agricultural and other debris in the shelter strip behind the houses
in Holmes road. Given the Anglian Water pipeline activity this may give an opportunity to
gain access to this area for a Clean-up. The former contact for this area was Jamie
McFarlane and the Clerk was asked to write to the appropriate officer
i. report of working party on Village Sign Replacement.
ii. Signage Plaques, information boards and Village Pump
iii. Bonfire night event – 2023
775. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 18th April
in the village hall commencing at 7.15pm.
Meeting closed at 9.28pm,
Clerk/Proper Officer,
th March 2023