held on Wednesday
28th September, 2021
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), R W Johnson, G Kirt, D Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Also present Five members of the public.
537. The chairman welcomed all in attendance and invited Keir Dawson of Anglian Water Authority to give a presentation on the planned pipeline from Lincolnshire to counties in East Anglia. The presentation included a short video about the proposed 500-kilometre pipeline as part of the authorities 25-year Water Resources Management Plan. Councillors made observations and sought assurances about avoiding any detriment to Wildlife recovery area in the village and the protection of a clean water supply to residents during pipeline construction work. Mr Dawson undertook to take note of the concerns expressed and to provide updates to the parish council when engineering details had been made.
538. Apologies for Absence – Cllr. Batty was absent attending the CAPALC AGM on behalf of the parish council and Cllr. Mrs Bysshe sent apologies not in the area and unable to attend.
539. Members Declarations of Interest – None.
540. Public Participation – Representatives of Garden Lodge care home spoke in support of the care home planning application on the agenda. A resident of Elm crescent spoke of the concerns of himself and other residents of properties neighbouring the care home. The views expressed were noted and taken in to account when the application was considered by the parish council.
Cllr. Kirt, as a resident of Rectory lane, raised concerns over recent episodes at the Kisimul premises in the Lane and asked that a previously agreed meeting with the CEO of Kisimul be resurrected and arranged with representatives of the parish council.
Cllr Kirt relayed his personal experience of students from AMVC in relation to litter and the evidence he had gathered and asked that a meeting of the AMVC/parish council Liaison group be arranged to address the issue raised
541. Minutes of the Meetings–
a. We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28th July, 2021
Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Lane
b. We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25th August, 2021
Proposed Cllr. Skinner Seconded Cllr. Spendelow
542. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting – None
543. Planning
a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.
b. 21/01310/FUL – 28 Peakirk Road Demolition of garage and outbuilding, erection of 1 1/2 storey chalet bungalow, creation of new vehicular access and alterations to form a new opening on the rear of 28 Peakirk Road – revised site plan. The proposed development is considered by the parish council to be:
• Overdevelopment of the site
• The demolition of a garage to make way for the development is a loss of amenity to the neighbouring property
• The proposed access to the suite is considered to be inadequate
• Parish council wholeheartedly support the neighbours in their legitimate objections to the loss of their privacy and the quiet enjoyment of their living space which would occur if approval were given to the proposed parking spaces at the rear of the development site
• The proposed development is contrary to policies in the adopted Glinton Neighbourhood plan relating to Trees – In this regards it is also noted that some trees have already been removed
• Contrary to the Glinton neighbourhood plan the proposed development is not in keeping with the neighbouring properties in the roof design and ridge height.
c. 21/01328/FUL 3-4 The Green – Replace window pane in order to install an automated prescription dispenser machine and associated surround. We have no objections to make to the proposed works.
d. 21/01380/CTR – 4 Welmore Road – Reduction and pruning of 6 Leyland Cypress within rear garden. We noted that this application had already been permitted by the City Council Tree Officer.
e. 21/01425/CTR 18 Rectory Lane – Fell Ash Tree – We noted the information supplied by the tree officer that the application is to remove all dead branches and rubbing or crossing branches NOT to fell the tree as described. We have no objections to the planned works as described in the revised wording.
f. 21/00563/FUL – 37a Lincoln Road – (Revised Plans) – Proposed extension and alterations to existing 9no. bed care home (comprising 10no. bed-spaces) to create 10 single bedrooms; Construction of 1no. detached building comprising 14no. bedrooms, providing 24no. bedrooms in total; proposed hard-surfacing, parking and landscaping alterations. By a majority decision we recognised the need for good quality care homes and SUPPORT the planning application. In doing so we ask the planning authority to address some of the concerns expressed at the meeting by conditions in any approval of the planning application. In particular:
• During construction work all vehicles associated with the development to be accommodated on site and parking on the A15 Lincoln road, or verges, should be banned and the ban strictly enforced.
• Working hours should be restricted to normal working hours Monday to Friday so as to minimise the effect on neighbours.
• A tree management plan, which addresses the concerns of neighbours, including annual maintenance of hedges between the site and neighbouring properties should be a condition of any approval and enforced
g. 21/01513/CTR – Red House 12 Rectory Lane – Pollard Willow tree – We noted that this had already been permitted by the Tree Officer and the officer’s assurances about processing future tree applications.
h. 21/01519/CTR – 24 Lincoln Road – Willow Tree- Pollard to maintain and let more light in – We have no objections to the proposed works
544. Community Matters
a. Road Safety around Glinton schools. Cllrs Spendelow and Randall outlined the situation particularly at the end of the school day and described the scene as sheer bedlam with 100s of students cycling at speed across the Lincoln Road and expressed the view that further accidents will occur unless drastic action is taken to address the issues. A Pelican crossing was a suggested solution and we discussed the possibility of gathering evidence and possibly recording the activities of students and motorists. We noted that we had previously planned a site meeting with Rebecca Presland of the city council in relation to parking around the high street and asked the clerk to re-arrange such a meeting with the suggestion that a suitable highways officer also attend to advise on the Lincoln road crossing.
b. Commonwealth War Grave Commission – we noted that the CWGC had replaced the headstone of Sgt. Nelson Walker in the churchyard
c. Community Centre Working Group – Cllrs. Kirt informed us that the working group had devised a short questionnaire to gauge resident support for work to the existing village hall or a new facility. Further work with the clerk is required to obtain precept figures with the intention of bringing a final draft to the October meeting of parish council.
545. Reports (standing Item) – Cllr. Batty had attended the one-day training conference provided by CAPALC. In his absence from this meeting he had circulated his report on that conference and we noted the content of a successful event
546. Governance Matters –
a. Financial statements – We RESOLVED to accept statements provided by the Clerk showing Receipts (£16025.50) and payments (£11625.18) for the year to 16th September and a bank reconciliation at that date. We noted that our reserves as at the 16th September stood at £81808.99.
Proposed Cllr. Spendelow Seconded Cllr. Lane
b. Cemetery Notice Boards – We noted that despite the requests made by the clerk no quotations had been received for us to consider at this meeting.
c. Village Hall Guttering and Veranda – We approved the request of the Glinton Community association to accept the quote from Pristine Gutters (£320 + VAT) to clean & seal leaking joint in polycarbonate roof and guttering.
547. Official Notices and Correspondence – we noted the receipt of the report from the external auditor and that the information in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to their attention giving cause for concern. We congratulated the clerk for another clear audit
548. Highways Matters –
a. Cllr. Johnson reported that Highways had replaced the yellow lines but had not taken them into the North Fen Road and asked that highways be requested to come back and finish off reinstating the yellow lines to their previous position. He also requested that they replace the white lines demarking the footpath in North Fen Road as drivers were now parking on what should be the footpath.
b. The chairman referred to the mud on the road between the junction of the Werrington Bypass and Waterworks lane up to the Roundabout and asked highways to ensure that this is mechanically swept
c. Cllr Kirt requested that work be done to repair a bench by the toddlers play park near Sadlers Close.
549. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 19th October, 2021.
550. Matters held over from previous meetings
a. Meeting with the Chief Executive of Kisimul reference the home in Rectory Lane, we asked the clerk to seek to arrange a face to face meeting in Glinton.
b. Site Meeting – reference Parking in High Street. See minute 544a above – this matter to be included with matters referred to in the above minute.
Meeting closed at 9.12pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
1st October, 2021