held on Tuesday
2nd August, 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), D. Batty, C. Bysshe, S. Jackson, D. Lane, R. Randall, S. Singh, A. Staines. & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. No members of the public were present.
680. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs. Helen Aylesbury, Rita Joshi- Boparai and Gordon Wright each sent apologies.
681. MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr. Kirt registered his non-pecuniary interest in the planning application of a near neighbour in Rectory Lane
a. 22/01051/OUT – 2 Scotts Road – Construction of a detached dwelling with all matters reserved (Appearance, access, landscaping, layout and scale)
Parish council considered that the site was extremely small to accommodate any dwelling and in addition have grave concerns over the ability to provide safe access to the site given the proximity to the junction with Welmore Road. Glinton Neighbourhood (NP) plan requires any development to be sympathetic to the street scene and this site is relatively open at this busy junction. We considered it unlikely that any development of this site could meet the requirements of the NP whilst providing a safe access to the site.
b. 22/01066/HHFUL – 2 Water Board Cottages, Waterworks lane – Erection of a two-storey side extension and internal alterations. We considered the details available to us on the planning portal and would support neighbours in any legitimate objections; but for our part have no objections to make to the planning application as submitted.
c. 22/01074/CLE – 14 Rectory Lane – Use of dwelling by no more than 6 residents living together as a single household where care is provided (Class C3(b)). We considered the information available to us on the planning portal. We also had in mind meetings held with the management of these premises, meetings which have been well documented and recorded in the minutes of this parish council. Cllr. Randall drew our attention to previous cases involving the same applicant and the judgements made in those cases.
We are strongly of the opinion that the requirements of class C3(b) are not met at these premises. Internal conversions would seem inappropriate for a dwelling to be used in a residential manner by a single household. The premises are clearly run as a secure care facility on a commercial basis.
Rectory lane is a narrow lane and a cul-de-sac; the volume and nature of traffic to and from this site is both inappropriate for this narrow lane and more than would be generated by occupation as a single household.
We consider that the establishment should have required planning permission from the outset and that the owners have displayed a blatant disregard of planning law, presumably on the basis that once established there would be no retrospective requirement for, or refusal of, any planning permission
684. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 20th September 2022 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.15pm
Meeting closed at 8.30pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
12th August 2022