
Minutes June 18th 2019

Minutes calendar year 2019 Uploaded on March 3, 2021

held on Tuesday
18th June, 2019
at the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, Mrs C Bysshe, R. Johnson (Chairman), R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, C Wilde and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Also present 2 members of the public.


194 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs Holdich, Kirt & Lane all sent apologies for absence as either not in the area or a prior commitment. In the absence of the chairman the vice chairman presided over the meeting.
a) Mr Cowcill referred to the government policy on Zero Carbon. He reminded the parish council that Glinton already has a Zero Carbon plan and invited any resident interested in taking that plan forward to contact him.
b) Councillor Bell, as resident in St Benedicts Close, asked for an item on the next agenda to discuss the lack of adequate signage to deter the use of motor cycles being used on the willows footpath or the playing field.

197 MINUTES OF MEETINGS held on 15th May 2019 – we unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes, and these were signed by the chairman of this meeting.
Proposed by Cllr. Spendelow and seconded by Cllr. Skinner.
Cllr. Skinners reported that there had been remarks that the planters displays were not as attractive as last year, although that might improve as the plants establish and bloom. The comments were echoed by other Councillors.
199 KISIMUL – We noted the email and attached letter response to our request for meetings with senior staff at Kisimul. We agreed to meet with the managers on a similar basis to our meetings with AMVC and Clare Lodge and to be represented at those meetings by Councillors Kirt, Randall Bysshe & Johnson. Clerk to inform Kisimul CEO
200 VERGE PARKING POLICY – in the absence of Cllr. Lane this was deferred to the JULY meeting. Clerk to add to agenda
a. We noted the update, circulated with the agenda papers, on the current status of planning applications, validated or decided /since the last meeting.

b. 19/00664/HHFUL – 50 Elm Crescent – demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of two storey side extension – we considered the application and viewed the plans and proposed elevations of the property and have no objections.

c. 19/00733/HHFUL – 25 Lincoln Road – Proposed single storey rear extension – We considered the application and have no objections.

202 REPORTS – standing item
a. Neighbourhood plan working group (NPWG) – A consultation leaflet should be available soon for distribution to all household and businesses in the parish. It will be subject to a six week consultation period commencing ending on 14th September. Responses to the leaflet can be sent to Cllr. Kirt or put in one of three boxes to be placed in the NISA shop, the church and the Doctors surgery.

b. AMVC Liaison meeting – We noted the minutes of the meeting and Cllr. Spendelow reported that there was no mention in the notes of his suggestion that photographs be taken of the no stopping signs outside the school, the no turning sign and the parking restriction signs on the North Side of Helpston road and asked if these might be sent out with emails to pupils and parents. A similar approach had been taken at a school in Lincolnshire and that had halved the problem experienced in that location.

Councillors also referred to the statement that a request for planning permission for additional parking was turned down approximately 4 years ago. Parish Council cannot recall such a planning application and would support it if an application was now to be made.

c. New Village Hall Working Group (NVHWG) – We noted the report that our solicitor had reviewed the documentation sent to her but needed to see a “conveyance” document. Cllrs Bell and Randall are to revisit the city Library archives armed with an example provided by the solicitor to see if such a document can be found. We also noted that a simple questionnaire had been drawn up to gauge the support for a new village hall and to elicit the purposes to be met by such a building. The intention is to circulate the questionnaire with the leaflet on the neighbourhood plan referred to under NPWG above
Minute amended at meeting on July 16th
a) CAPALC annual Catch up day – RESOLVED to authorise the attendance of Cllr. Bell and the clerk at a cost of £50 per head plus travel expenses and noted that Cllr. Batty would also attend as he is a board member of CAPALC.
Proposed Cllr. Spendelow seconded Cllr. Skinner

204 HIGHWAYS – to note observations of councillors –.
a) We noted that the Traffic calming island at the junction of High Street & Lincoln road had been replaced with a lower kirk and new sign.
b) The overgrown Bramble hedge on the West side of Lincoln Road on the southern approach to the village after the first traffic calming island was no obstructing the road signage and visibility of the oncoming traffic round the curve of the road
c) Footpath from junction with the Green round to the doctors surgery was reported as in a hazardous state.
d) Tree on North side of Peakirk road, overhanging the seat appears to be unstable and may need to be cut back before causing injury to anyone using the seat

205 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC – We RESOLVED to exclude the press and public to consider the report from our insurance brokers regarding the renewal of insurance cover. The report contained commercially sensitive quotations from three potential insurers
Proposed Cllr. Skinner seconded Cllr. Randall
206 PARISH COUNCIL INSURANCE RENEWAL – The clerk referred to the report from our brokers and drew attention to the considerable increase in premium caused by the requirement to insure the village hall acquired by asset transfer from the city council during the course of the previous year. We RESOLVED to accept the quotation from our current insurers, Ecclesiastical, for one year. We also authorised the clerk to take steps to obtain realistic valuations for the village hall.
Proposed Cllr. Johnson seconded Cllr. Randall

207 Re-ADMITTANCE OF PRESS AND PUBLIC – we RESOLVED to re-admit the press and public for the remainder of the meeting.
Proposed Cllr. Randall seconded Cllr. Bysshe
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 16th July, 2019 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 8.13pm

Clerk/Proper Officer,
18th April, 2019