held on Tuesday
9th June, 2020
Using the ZOOM software application to hold virtual meetings as permitted by Covid-19 legislation
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), R Johnson, G Kirt, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, C Wilde and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). 5 members of the public were also present.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – We noted the absence of Cllrs Lane & Mrs Bysshe
MINUTES OF MEETING held on 6th May 2020
We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes and these were to be duly signed by the Chairman when we next meet.
Proposed Cllr. R Johnson seconded Cllr. G Kirt
MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (Information Only) – Members asked if we had a response from Highways to the question of the use of ramps to cross over kerbs. The clerk referred to a reply from the highways department and the use of ramps “constitutes an offence under the highways act and constitutes an illegal crossing of the highway” The clerk was instructed to notify highways of instances where this practice occurs
Clerk to be given information and to inform highways
PUBLIC PARICIPATION – There being no other matters of interest to the public the chairman included public participation in the discussion of the next item of business.
ACQUISITION OF LAND – The chairman introduced this item and gave a brief history of discussion with the landowner to acquire an L shaped piece of land to create a footpath connecting between North Fen Road and the established Right of Way along Brook Drain. There had been permissive access across land for at least 30 years until closed off by the landowner in February of this year.
The landowner was willing to sell the L shaped parcel of land 12 metres wide for the purpose of creating the footpath. The city council through the Public Rights of Way (PRoW) officer were supportive of the proposal and willing to provide access by way of footbridge and thereafter to provide basic maintenance to the footpath.
Four residents spoke in favour of the proposal and emphasised safety aspects compared to walking along the narrow North fen road to its junction with the PRoW. The residents were confident that the money could be raised to meet the purchase price of £15000 and urged the parish council to undertake to take ownership of the land when purchased and to contribute at least the legal expenses. There followed lengthy debate by Cllrs generally opposed to the use of parish council funds but willing to accept ownership once acquired.
The chairman proposed that residents seek to raise the finance to cover the purchase and donate those funds to the parish council to enable the purchase of the said land, seconded by Cllr. Bell.
Cllr. Randall moved an amendment; that the parish council accept the land once purchased and contribute no more than a nominal sum (quoting £200) towards the project. The amendment was seconded and put to the vote. We RESOLVED to accept the amendment.
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. R Johnson
a. We noted that the only changes to the status of planning application was the permission granted for tree works adjacent to Scotts Farm in Peakirk Road. In addition there were three planning applications for us to consider on this agenda
b. 20/00580/HHFUL – 19 Elm Crescent – demolition of existing garage, replacement side extension on like for like footprint. We have no objections in principle to the application but noted the objection of a resident of the estate drawing attention to the number of vehicles associated with the application site. We agreed to ask the planning officer give careful consideration to that residents observations
Clerk to inform Planning
c. 20/00640/CTR – 22 High Street – T1 Sycamore Tree Crown lift to canopy to 4m (5M over the road). We have no objection to this work
Clerk to inform Planning
d. 20/00599/WCPP – Forge Cottage, 10 The Green – variation to condition C2 (approved drawings) of Planning permission 16/02087/HHFUL – Cllr. Johnson reported on the views expressed by those members of the planning working group able to access the plans and contribute. We considered the plans on the planning portal and in particular the proposed change to finish by use of Shiplap cladding. We were of the opinion that this would not be in keeping with the principle building to which this dwelling was an annex. We noted the reservations of the tree officer and also noted that the conservation was not opposed to the proposed finish.
We are of the opinion that the conservation officer appears to have ignored the Supplementary Planning Document “Peterborough Design & Development in selected Villages” adopted 13th June 2011 and still extant planning policy. Policy PD2 (building detail) refers to materials complementing surroundings; Policy BM1 building materials that affect the character and appearance of the conservation area. Specific to Glinton policies, of relevance to this application Glin1, Glin2, Glin3, Glin7 (and Glin10 & Glin12 – albeit these refer to buildings outside the conservation area.
We concluded that the application building is not an outbuilding; it is a dwelling and there are no habitable dwellings in the conservation area with shiplap finish. We therefore OPPOSE the variation of condition c2 in so far as the finish materials are concerned. Furthermore if officers accept the Conservation Officers observation and are minded to approve the variation to condition C2, then the matter should be referred to the planning & EP committee.
Clerk to inform Planning
14 HIGH STREET – The Chairman reported that he had again written to the resident asking that the cane fencing in front of her property been removed. In view of the intransigent response he had consulted Highways, who had confirmed that the land was part of the adopted highway. We were unanimous in our view that the temporary fence is an eyesore in the conservation area and its continued existence cannot be tolerated. We instructed the clerk to write to the resident with a formal and final instruction to remove the temporary fencing failing which we would consider taking legal proceedings. We also asked the clerk to write to planning and highways to establish any powers they may have to intervene.
Clerk to write to resident, Highways and planning
CEMETERY MEMORIAL – REQUEST TO ADD INSCRIPTION TO AN EXISTING MEMORIAL– We considered a request and accompanied drawing of the proposed finished memorial. We unanimously approved the application
Clerk to inform applicant
a) Barking Dogs – we considered a request for action by the parish council to address the issue of baking dogs in the vicinity of Helpston road. The proper authority to address the noise issue is the city council and in our opinion it would be wrong for the parish council to intervene. We asked the clerk to refer the resident to the appropriate department of the city council.
b) Planters – we considered the request by Lenton’s for instructions as they experienced difficulty in obtaining suitable summer plants. We are of the opinion that since Covid-19 restrictions were being eased and garden centres opening up that suitable plants are now available. We asked the clerk to convey our instructions to Lenton’s our wish that the planters should be set out with suitable summer plants
Clerk to inform the resident
Clerk to inform Lenton’s
21 PEAKIRK ROAD – Cllr. Skinner reported the concerns of the residents that there were large holes in the verge outside their property and that they were concerned for safety of their boundary wall. We noted their concern and asked the clerk to request the urgent assessment by an appropriate officer of the Highways authority
Clerk to write to Highways
REPORTS from Councillors – STANDING ITEM – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe had attended the Langdyke Trust meeting of parish councils at which parish councils had agreed on next steps in the rural vision project. In the absence of Cllr. Mrs Bysshe we agreed to defer further consideration to our next meeting.
Next Agenda
a. The clerk as Responsible Financial Officer presented the financial accounts for the year ended 31st March 2020. We noted the increase to our reserves arising from the receipt of £10,781 community Infrastructure levy which we had been unable to forecast. We unanimously accepted and approved the financial accounts as presented
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Skinner
b. Accounting Statement section of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR). We unanimously approved the statement as presented and based on the financial accounts presented in the previous sub paragraph
Proposed Cllr. Johnson Seconded Cllr. Randall
c. Internal Audit report – We noted the full contents of the report from our auditor Russell Wright and the internal audit statement of the AGAR duly signed off. We also noted that Mr Wright had indicated this to be his last year of providing audit services and to retire. We thanked Mr Wright for his services and wished him well in his retirement. The clerk indicated that he would inquire of CAPALC for a suitable replacement from their list of approved auditors
d. INSURANCE –The renewal quotation supplied by Came and Co along with two other competitive quotes had been circulated with the agenda, together with policy documentation. We unanimously approved payment of £1113.85 plus £50 admin fee for the renewal of our insurance policy for a further year with Ecclesiastical Insurance.
Proposed Cllr. Johnson Seconded Cllr. Bell
Clerk and RFO to progress AGAR to external auditors
Cllr. Skinner referred to the shrubbery overgrowing the footpath outside No1 Peakirk road causing nuisance to pedestrians. The clerk was requested to write to the resident and ask this to be trimmed back
Cllr. Kirt raised the state of the brickwork around the village pump and we agreed that the clerk should obtain quotations for the reinstatement of the pump basin.
During discussion on the pump some councillors recalled that historically there was a metal sign warning that the water was unsuitable for human
Clerk to action
Clerk to action
consumption; prompting a request that we consider restoring the appearance of the site to its former state along with some sort of notice setting out some historical statement. Councillor Randall undertook to research some facts for the purpose and we asked the clerk to report back on these ideas.
Cllr Kirt also requested consideration of a waste bin by the pump and WW1 commemorative bench.
Cllr. Wilde repeated his request for the bin on the village green to be replaced with a covered version.
Cllr. Randall & the Clerk to follow up
Clerk to action
Clerk to action
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – to be confirmed and arranged as required during the present restrictions on public gatherings
Matters to be held over to future meetings
a. VE day deferred commemorations – update on planted oak tree
b. Dedication of replaced war grave memorial stone
c. Dedication of the new WWll commemorative bench
d. Protection against strimmer damage
e. New Community Centre working group progress
f. John Clare vision/Langdyke Trust Cllr. Bysshe to report
Meeting closed 8.39pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
10th June, 2020