
Minutes November 17th 2020

Minutes calendar year 2020 Uploaded on February 17, 2021

held on Tuesday
17th November, 2020
Using the ZOOM software application to hold virtual meetings as permitted by Covid-19 legislation
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, Mrs Bysshe, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), R W Johnson, G Kirt, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). 5 members of the public were also present.


414 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. C Wilde sent apologies as unwell. We unanimously agreed to grant Cllr. Wilde 6 months leave of absence on the recommendation of our chairman.
a. David Cowcill – asked again why the planning authority had yet to determine the Larkfleet planning application and quoted a report that Larkfleet were considering an appeal on the basis of non-determination. We however, understand that the city council were being cautious to address all issues to ensure that if the application were to be refused and go to appeal then their processes would not be faulted. We were told that the Larkfleet Chief Executive accepted the need to provide further information to the planning authority

We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20th October and these were to be duly signed by the Chairman when we next meet.
Proposed Cllr. Kirt seconded Cllr. Mrs Bysshe
• The clerk reported that Netwise Training Ltd had acknowledged our order and presented an invoice for payment. The next steps would be for the clerk to provide Netwise with basic information in order to set up a website template for population by the clerk.
• Cllr. Johnson asked about the 7.5 tonne weigh limit sign for North fen road. The clerk was instructed to progress this with Highways

Clerk to write to PCC Highways
a. The currents status of planning applications –Cllr. Johnson gave an update of applications received and decisions made since the previous meeting.

b. 20/01272/FUL & 20/01273/LBC – 29-31 High Street – Conversion of two semi-detached dwellings (No. 29 and No. 31 High Street) into one dwelling. Erection of 1no. 3 bed dwelling including amenity space, parking provision, boundary treatments and landscaping. In considering these applications we were made aware of an historic element to 29 High Street in that John Clare’s Sweetheart, Mary Joyce, died in a fire at the property. Scorch marks are still visible on the property façade. We have no objections to the proposed conversion of 29 & 31 but would like the scorch marks to be preserved.

In considering the proposed new dwelling in the rear of the property we are obliged to oppose this element of the application since it breaches the village envelope. To do otherwise would set a dangerous precedent as it is against national and local planning polices and also contrary to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.

We therefore unanimously RESOLVED to OPPOSE the application and in doing so enquire whether the proposed new dwelling can be redesigned or realigned to keep within the village envelope.
c. 20/01275/FUL – Buffingham Kennels Waterworks Lane – Proposed continuation of use of land and siting of mobile home in connection with the use of land, kennels and associated fencing as licensed establishment for breeding dogs and erection of additional timber kennel.
In considering this application we were made aware that a previous application to extend the temporary use had been refused by the planning committee on planning officer’s recommendation and the site is being operated as a licensed establishment for breeding dogs without planning permission.
For our part we had ongoing concerns about the access and parking given the lack of vehicular access to the site. We were minded to oppose the application and asked that if Planning officers were minded to approve the application then any such permission should again, and finally, be of a temporary nature.

d. Neighbourhood Plan (NP) update – Cllr. Kirt reported that he was in receipt of the examiners report and that subject to some minor amendments to the wording of some paragraphs in his opinion the draft NP meets all the requirements and he is content for it then to go forward to a referendum of Glinton residents. He further commented that it was written in Plain English and easy to read. A landowner had written to the examiner regarding land in her ownership and the relevant comments in the draft NP. The examiner had rejected her observations. The NP working group will now make the required amendments and supply the Planning Authority with an amended document to go forward to the referendum. If approved at the referendum it will then be for the planning authority to adopt the NP as planning policy to be applied to planning applications within the village.

Clerk to inform Planning

a. WW11 Memorial Bench – The chairman reported that through frequent use holes had developed in the grass verge which is adopted highways land. He asked for consideration to be given to a concrete base or slabs to be laid in front of the bench. We unanimously agreed that this should be done.

b. Proposed Wildlife Recovery project – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe referred to the site visit and the report by Sarah Lambert. Our proposals were being considered alongside proposals from other parishes and collaboration between villages was seen as absolutely vital in producing a comprehensive wildlife recovery project for the John Clare Countryside. Further discussions were being held with interested parties and the city council to obtain permission to use adopted highway land and to influence the verge cutting contract. Once agreed details would be widely publicised in Village Tribune and possibly information boards.

c. Welmore Road memorial bench – The clerk reported that he had been informed that a concrete base would be laid this week and the bench installed in the following week.

d. Replacement of Commemorative Oak tree – The clerk reported that Coles Nurseries had agreed to supply a containerised tree and that Cllr. Kirt had agreed that it could be delivered to his home for planting at a convenient time

e. Community Centre Working Group (formerly New Village Hall WG) – Councillor Bell reported that he had today received the preliminary report. The report indicated a ball park figure of £843k for the completed project. The outline costs influenced by the high costs of service pipelines or treatment plant. We were minded to use £1m as a budget figure for the whole project any less being considered a bonus. The working group were tasked with meeting again to develop the proposal for further consideration by the parish council.

f. Duke Of Edinburgh Awards – Collaboration with AMVC –Cllr. Mrs Bysshe reported that she had sent two emails to Mr. Pepper at AMVC and awaited a response.
g. Armistice Day Commemoration – Cllr. Skinner reported that despite the lockdown restrictions preventing the attendance of the Rector, school children and with no church bells; 3 parish councillors had nevertheless carried out the wreath laying act of remembrance at the war memorial the those from the village that had given their lives in two wars
h. Village Christmas tree – The chairman reported the Leigh Titman and his team had erected the tree on the day of receipt prior to the imposition of the lockdown. We recorded our thanks to Leigh and his team and noted the switch on would take place on 3rd December with Carol Singers and would be filmed for publication on a website. We noted receipt of an invoice for the tree and related support cables and lights. We unanimously approved payment of the invoice for £509.79 +VAT
Proposed Cllr. Randall – Seconded Cllr Holdich, OBE

Clerk to arrange

Clerk to liaise with Coles

Clerk to email Debbie Sanderson

421 REPORTS from Councillors – STANDING ITEM – There were no reports
a. Youth Club Funds – We noted that former Youth Club funds of £925.75 Had been successfully transferred to the parish council on 4th November and that the funds would be held in an earmarked reserve for youth facilities possibly in connection with the proposed new community centre
b. SLCC Membership – We confirmed our agreement for a third year to share the cost of the clerk’s membership to the Society of Local Council Clerks with Castor parish council Pro rata to the basis of calculation of the fee and noted that our share of the fee would be £124.83.
Proposed Cllr. Mrs Bysshe Seconded Cllr Bell
c. National Pay award – The clerk reported that a national pay award had been negotiated that revised the play scales. The revisions to the pay scales had been agreed on 26th August and were applicable from 1st April 2020. We RESOLVED to implement the pay award.
Proposed Cllr Lane seconded Cllr. Johnson
d. Official Notices and Correspondence – The clerk reported that Lenton’s would be replacing the summer bedding plants with winter displays. We were grateful the summer planting had been done despite the difficulties caused by Covid-19 and were pleased with the outcome.
a. Parish Councillors Observations

i. Cllr. Johnson referred to the footpath between Ashburn Close and St Benedicts close and how dark it was for pedestrians at night. He was of the opinion that footpaths within the village should benefit from street lighting. We agreed to refer the request to the highway authority.

ii. Cllr. Kirt referred to the lack of steps up the bank at the end of the permissive footpath. We were uncertain as to whether there is a public right of way on the top of the bank and asked the clerk to seek the opinion of the appropriate officer at the city council

Clerk to write

Clerk to write to Lee Moore
424 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – We noted that the next scheduled meeting would be on December 15th and agreed that unless there were urgent business to transact the meeting would be held over and routine matters referred to the January 2021 meeting
425 Matters to be held over to future meetings – The following matters remain to be considered at a future meeting when appropriate
a. Dedication of the new WWll commemorative benches.
b. Dedication of replaced war grave memorial stone & protection against strimmer damage.
c. Meeting with Chief Executive of Kisimul – deferred until able to meet face to face
d. Site meeting with Rebecca Presland re school run congestion – to be arranged post Covid-19 Lockdown

Meeting closed 8.21pm

Clerk/Proper Officer,
18th November, 2020