held on Tuesday
20th October, 2020
Using the ZOOM software application to hold virtual meetings as permitted by Covid-19 legislation
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, Mrs Bysshe, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), R W Johnson, G Kirt, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). 5 members of the public were also present.
402 | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. C Wilde sent apologies as unwell | |
a. Mrs Watts supported in principle the memorial bench but against locating it on the highway verge by her property. The clerk confirmed that her written objection and together with her stated reasons and alternative suggestion for locating it in the Willows Play area had been circulated to all parish councillors b. Mr Pepper of AMVC spoke of the difficulties of providing suitable projects for students wanting to work towards the Duke of Edinburgh award due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Suggestions of taking part in Litter picks or planting in the wildlife project could be explored. Cllr. Mrs Bysshe agreed to Liaise with Mr. Pepper to take these possibilities forward. c. David Cowcill – spoke in support of Judy Staines Wildlife proposals and referred to a report by Sarah Lambert. We asked for this to be placed on the next agenda. d. David also asked why the planning authority had yet to determine the Larkfleet planning application. We were advised that the city council were being cautious to address all issues to ensure that if the application were to be refused and go to appeal then their processes would not be faulted. |
Next agenda |
405 | MINUTES from previous meeting
We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th September and these were to be duly signed by the Chairman when we next meet. Proposed Cllr. Kirt seconded Cllr. Skinner |
· In the absence of any update on replacing the headstone the clerk was asked to again write to the CWGC for an update · Cllr. Randall requested an update on the replacement of the dead memorial Oak Tree. Coles nursery had agreed to replace the tree on a like for like basis, but required an additional payment of £300 if a containerised version was preferred. We RESOLVED to pay the additional sum as we are of the opinion that it will be more likely to survive. Proposed Cllr. Johnson seconded Cllr Randall · Cllr. Mrs Bysshe informed us that she had acquired the litter pick equipment approved at the last meeting and was awaiting an invoice in the name of the parish council. |
Clerk to write to CWGC
Clerk to notify Coles |
a. The currents status of planning applications –Cllr. Johnson gave an update of applications received and decisions made since the previous meeting.
b. 20/01335/CTR – Hortus, 22 North Fen Road – Pollard Willow (1) & Thin Willow (2), Apple tree crown reduction by 2m (3,4,5), Beech tree reduce and crown (6,7,8) and Quince tree crown reduce (9). – We have no objections
c. 20/01250/CTR – 20 High Street – Apple tree in back garden prune back to symmetrical frame to appropriate pruning points max reduction 2m. – We have no objections
d. 20/01325/LBC – Red House 12 Rectory Lane – Replace three first floor windows to the front and one first floor window to the south facing side. – We have no objections
Clerk to inform Planning |
a. Proposed Wildlife Recovery project – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe referred to the visit to the location and the forthcoming report by Sarah Lambert. The chairman reminded the group leading the project that the land was Highways land owned by the city council and they would need to engage the city council in their discussions. Cllr. Kirt asked for other parts of the village to be considered as well. We agreed to give further consideration at our next meeting at which we anticipated being able to consider the report by Sarah Lambert.
b. Placement of the memorial bench – Cllr Kirt referred to the results of the survey conducted in conjunction with the neighbourhood plan and the specific request for a seat between Scott’s Road estate and the bus stop in Lincoln Road. We noted the concerns of Mrs Watts and will keep under review any anti-social behaviour and were unanimous that the bench should still be installed at the agreed location at the junction of Welmore Road and The Willows.
c. Community Centre Working Group (formerly New Village Hall WG) Councillor Bell reported on the outcome of the village consultation exercise. 187 papers returned (27% response) 169 in favour and 18 against. We considered the response to be good and noted the significant level of support for the project.
Cllr Bell referred to the earlier advice received from Alan Lamb the project manager at Duxford and other village halls and suggested feasibility exercise concentrating on the availability of services to the proposed site, estimated to cost c£1000. Subject to a satisfactory conclusion to that study a further exercise setting out a specification of requirements and milestones of the phases of the project to provide for a successful outcome, estimated to cost a further C£1000
We therefore RESOLVED to set aside a budget of £2000 for those preliminary investigations to take place, Cllr Johnson the sole councillor voting against. The clerk also referred to the work done in the previous year, advised by LGSS Law, establishing the location of documents relating to the purchase of the land by the parish council and parish council title to the site as registered with the Land Registry.
We further RESOLVED to allocate a further £500 to engage Abbie Smith of LGSS Law to carry out any legal or preliminary work required to register the absolute title in the land registry records. Both resolutions proposed by Cllr. Holdich and seconded by Cllr. Randall
d. Duke Of Edinburgh Awards – Collaboration with AMVC – We considered that this matter had been satisfactorily dealt with during the public participation part of the meeting and instructed the clerk to forward Mr Peppers email address to Cllr. Mrs Bysshe so that she could liaise with AMVC.
e. Armistice Day Commemoration – We delegated the purchase of the parish council wreath to Cllr. Skinner who also undertook to liaise with the primary school to establish if there is to be the usual participation of school children reading the names of the fallen given the Covid-19 restrictions. We agreed that the act of commemoration should take place at 11.00am on the 11th November and aske the clerk to inform the rector of our wishes.
f. Village Christmas tree – We were informed that Mr Titman and his colleagues were prepared to again set up the Christmas tree and lights. Although there would not be the usual switch on ceremony the chairman was hopeful that some sort of virtual event could be staged and noted that this would be aimed to be held on 3rd December. We unanimously agreed to the purchase of the usual size Christmas tree and are grateful to Mr Titman for obtaining this for us and setting it up by the church tower.
409 | REPORTS from Councillors – STANDING ITEM – There were no reports | |
a. Conclusion of Audit. The clerk informed us that the external auditors had completed their review of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) and issued an unqualified certificate. We congratulated the clerk on that achievement. We noted that the statutory notice of Conclusion of Audit had been published on our website. |
b. Website Accessibility Regulations – We noted that our current website did not comply with the new regulation on accessibility. We were also informed of the advantages of adopting parish council email addresses instead of the current practice of personal email addresses on multiple domain names. The clerk had previously circulated a link the Castor Parish Council website and we were informed of their requirement for “” email addresses and the investigative process adopted by that council before selecting Netwise Training limited as their website provider. We were informed that the costs of each potential provider was stated on their respective websites and were satisfied that Netwise Training Limited could provide a fully compliant website at annual cost of £360 including unlimited “” email addresses.
We therefore RESOLVED to take the premium package from Netwise Training and appoint them as our Website provider at a set up cost £599 plus a further £50 to register a ”” domain name, together with the first year annual charge of £360. Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Bell |
Clerk to liaise with Netwise on our behalf |
c. Youth Club Funds – The clerk reported a request from signatories to the Glinton Youth Club bank account. Despite attempts to revive the youth club the club remained closed with funds held in a bank account for the purpose. The signatories to the account were not formally trustees and there was no charity or corporate body in existence. The signatories requested that the funds, £925, be transferred to the parish council to avoid any future complications. The funds be held for the benefit of some form of future youth facilities, possibly in the new community centre when completed. The clerk advised that the funds could be held in an earmarked reserve for that purpose and we unanimously agreed to the request. | ||
d. Official Notices and Correspondence – None other than matters covered elsewhere on our agenda. | ||
a. School Run Congestion – Rebecca Presland had responded to the clerk on the School streets project and discussions with Mr Kendal the head of the primary School. The scheme could not be applied to Glinton because of the lack of an alternative route for residents in the cases of both the primary and secondary school. Rebecca did offer to meet councillors to discuss the issues and the clerk was instructed to accept her invitation. Cllr Johnson requested that he attend the meeting with the intention of seeing that residents of North fen road were not disadvantaged.
b. Beech Road Play area – We are concerned at the repeated crossing, and parking by vehicles, of the open space. Which is becoming chewed up. We instructed the clerk to request Highways write to all residents adjacent to the green requiring a cessation of these activities.
c. Parish Councillors Observations
i. Cllr. Kirt referred to the email from PCC that there was no weight restriction by the John Clare Bridge in the North Fen Road. Cllrs recalled the signage at the junction with North Fen Road and we found a google street view confirming that fact. We asked the clerk to write again to PCC with the image to ask for the sign to be reinstated |
Clerk to write to Rebecca
Clerk to write to highways
412 | DATE OF NEXT MEETING – We noted that the next scheduled meeting would be on November 19th. | |
413 | Matters to be held over to future meetings – The following matters remain to be considered at a future meeting
a. Dedication of replaced war grave memorial stone b. Protection against strimmer damage c. Dedication of the new WWll commemorative bench and new bench for Welmore Road.