Members, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to Glinton Parish Council’s Annual Meeting.
This has been a year like no other, when we’ve had to meet virtually, but the vital work of the Parish Council still needs to be carried out.
The Council has administered a total of 35 planning applications, and the planning applications from Larkfleet, which were successfully turned down by the Parish and the City Council. Our assumption is they will appeal, but have not yet done so.
The Council has set up a new ‘Village Hall Working Group’, later renamed ‘Community Centre Working Group’.
We’ve set up a ‘Good Neighbours scheme’ working group, following a year providing support in Covid lockdown, opposed the Surgeries’ opening hours and ran a successful petition, since which time the practice has said it is their intention to reopen.
Installed a light on the defibrillator housing;
had a clean, unqualified audit report from PKF Littlejohn;
Cllr Bysshe has organised and carried out litter picks;
urged the Commonwealth war graves to replace that for Sgt Nelson Walker; usual wreath laying at Remembrance services;
acquired new litter bins, and others requested;
continued our frustration with parking outside the church;
were poised to support VE Day celebrations but were unable to do so because of the pandemic;
approved the purchase of a cooking range in the village hall, installation and kitchen remodelling by the GCA;
had a presentation from Richard Astle on the John Clare rural vision project; purchase commemorative oak tree (VE celebrations);
installed a commemorative bench in Welmore Road, in memory of former Cllr Dave Wragg.
Covid restrictions hit in March 2020 and there was no requirement for an Annual Meeting last year.
Recent Activity
Approved a grant for a dropped kerb in Homes Road;
Permanent No Parking at the cemetery;
Continue to pay for planters to be kept in good order and replaced seasonally as appropriate;
Landyke Trust Scheme escalated to Wildlife Recovery Project. Cllr Bysshe represents the Parish Council, later escalated to the triangle of land near to McDonalds;
Requested work to the base of the village pump;
Received a presentation from Beatrice Wilson, age 7, and her mother following a Glinton Rainbows survey supporting a 20 mph speed limit. Also noting that we have three play parks, all to the east of Lincoln Road, more dog poo bins required, also lids for other litter bins.
The Council agreed to support a request for heavy goods weight restriction, in conjunction with Newborough and Borough Fen.
Purchased litter picking equipment;
Felled a dead tree on the village green;
The old milestone marker on Lincoln Road north past the last bungalow restored to its former glory by PCC at our request;
Village Christmas tree and switch-on was carried out in spite of the pandemic;
New Website installed and activated – – and all Parish Councillors now have their email address.
Accepted Youth Club funds (£925) to hold as earmarked reserves;
Raised concerns at vehicles crossing Beech Road play area;
Following the retirement of the cemetery caretaker, Paul Carpenter, a local resident Dave Grierson was appointed in his place;
Supported the repairs to the public clock in the church tower.
Unfortunately we had a resignation from Jeff Bell, who was a stabilising influence on our committee, and will be much missed. Adverts were placed for a replacement and four people have expressed an interest.
After five years’ work, the Village Plan finally went out to referendum, and the village supported it by a large majority. My thanks go to that working group for their painstaking work.
I would like to thank all Councillors and our Clerk for their outstanding work on behalf of our community.
Cllr John Holdich