
Planning applications status report as at 10th July

Planning DocumentsSupporting Papers Uploaded on July 10, 2024

23/01712/FUL 14 Rectory Lane Change of use from dwellinghouse (C3) to residential care home (C2) – retrospective Karen Ip 16th January 2024 Awaiting decision
23/01736/FUL 2 Welmore Road Demolition of existing house and reconstruction of front elevation, to match existing, with rear extension, detached garage and associated external works Karen Ip 20th February
RE-consult 16th April Awaiting decision

24/00436/HHFUL 2 Peakirk Road Erection of double-bay oak-framed car port to front of property Robyn Weavers 16th April Refused 28th May

24/00483/OUT Land South Of Peakirk Road Outline permission for up to 250 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system and vehicular access point with access secured and all other matters reserved
(appearance, landscaping, layout and scale).
Asif Ali 21st May Awaiting decision

8 High Street Fell highlighted tree on plan. Stephen Chesney-Beales 21st May Permitted 10th June

24/00628/HHFUL & 24/00629/LBC
Manor House cottages, 29-31 High Street The amalgamation of two properties into one, including associated internal and external alterations, repairs and restoration. Replacement roof covering, replacement garage/workshop, replacement glazed porch structure and glazed extension Sophie Hutchinson 21st May Awaiting decision

24/00704/CTR Brook Farm House 3 North Fen Road T.1 Prunus – Fell
Stephen Chesney-Beales 18th June Permitted 3rd July

24/00703/CTR 23 High Street T1 T2 T4 T5 and G1 (Hawthorn, Grey Alder, Alders and Sycamore Saplings) to be felled and T3. Willow to be removed
Stephen Chesney-Beales 18th June Permitted 3rd July

24/00775/FUL 14 Rectory Lane Erection of 2.4m fencing (in lieu of existing 1.8m/2m fencing) (Retrospective) Sophie Hutchinson 16th July Awaiting decision

24/00886/CTR 7A Welmore Road Reduce cherry tree in rear garden by approx. 1/3rd and reduce tree in front garden by approx. 1/3rd and clear back from property Stephen Chesney-Beales 16th July Awaiting decision