
Minutes March 19th 2019

Minutes calendar year 2019 Uploaded on March 3, 2021

held on Tuesday
19th March 2019
at the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, Mrs C Bysshe, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), R. Johnson, D Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Also present 4 members of the public.


142 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs Kirt & Wilde both with prior commitments
143 MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr. Batty declared an interest in the agenda item to consider the planning application to extend his property
a) The owner of 22 Peakirk road urged parish council to oppose the application for a dropped kerb at no 20. The proposed drive was right up to the adjoining boundary of their semi-detached properties. No other property in Peakirk Road had two accesses and 20 already had a rear access to a double garage. If a dropped kerb was to be approved it should be at least a drive width away from their joint boundary.
b) The Reverend Mark-Aaron spoke of his concerns about traffic speeding through the village, which at times resembled a race track. He recognised that we do not have the necessary powers, but urged consideration of speed cameras which were not only effective but also brought in revenue. In response Cllr. Randall gave the statistical evidence derived from 3 Speedwatch sessions. Prior to giving further consideration of measures to combat speeding we asked the clerk to write requesting data gathering speed strips in High Street.

145 MINUTES OF MEETINGS dated 19th February 2019 – we unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes, to be signed by the chairman
Proposed by Cllr. Lane and seconded by Cllr. Skinner
Cllr. Spendelow asked if there had been a reply from AMVC agreeing a meeting date. In the absence of a reply the chairman would contact the college
a. We noted the update, circulated with the agenda papers, on the current status of planning applications, validated or decided /since the last meeting.

b. 18/02112/FUL – 5 The Green – Construction of a two storey dwelling and double garage. We viewed the plans and listened to the applicant. We were reminded that the plot of land had been included in an earlier local plan for development of a number of houses. In that local plan access to the site had been from the north of the site. Alternative access may have been through the site currently being developed at the rear of 30b Lincoln Road. Both those access points were now no longer available through development leaving the plot as land to the rear of number 5. We are OPPOSED to the proposed dwelling which is back land development, contrary to existing planning policy. Furthermore, we consider the access, through the car park of the surgery, to be too restricted and potentially dangerous to visitors to the surgery. We also noted the observations of the conservation officers and support his views. We urge the planning authority to REFUSE this application

c. 19/00260/HHFUL – 20 Peakirk Road – Dropped Kerb – A letter from the applicant was read out. We also noted the concerns of the neighbour, voiced during the open forum at the beginning of the meeting. On balance we OPPOSE the application and support the legitimate concerns of the neighbour. If the planning authority are minded to approve a dropped kerb we consider it should be further away from the joint boundary with number 22 Peakirk Road.

d. 19/00202/FUL – 29-31 High Street – demolition of prefabricated garages and erection of garages with associated works. – We noted that part of the proposed development was outside the village envelope and should automatically be REFUSED. The proposed garages include a first floor area which would be capable of conversion at a later date. We therefore ask that if the planning authority is minded to approve the application it should be conditioned that the buildings are non-residential; used solely by the residents of 29 & 31 High Street and not to be used for commercial purposes.

e. 19/00288/CTR – 12a High Street–T1 Walnut tree approx. 2 metre reduction to the nearest suitable growth point. Parish council has no objections.

f. 19/00238/R3FUL – Peakirk cum Glinton VA Primary School – New 1.8m boundary fence and gate to front of school. We acknowledged the legal responsibilities placed upon the school for the safety of children and staff. We viewed the detail of the proposed fence and are of the opinion that it is of a modern palisade design, totally out of keeping with the Victorian school building and directly opposite to St Benedicts Church, in the very heart of the conservation area. We are therefore UNANIMOUSLY OPPOSED to the application in its current form, in that it would dramatically alter the street scene. We urge the planning authority to REFUSE the application and ask the applicant to resubmit a design more in keeping with the Victorian school building and sympathetic to the surrounding conservation area.

g. 19/00345/HHFUL 32 North Fen Road – Single storey rear extension, roof extension over garage, chimney, render to side and rear, & gravel hardstanding (part retrospective) – resubmission – Parish council had no objections.

At this point in the meeting Cllr. Batty left the room and took no part in the following discussion

h. 19/003299/HHFUL – 35 Oak Road single storey side extension – Parish council considered the detailed plans and had no objections

Cllr. Batty re-joined the meeting

i. 19/00307/FUL – Buffingham Kennels, Waterworks Lane – Proposed continuation of use of land and siting of mobile home in connection with, and use of the land, kennels and associated fencing as licensed establishment for breeding dogs – We noted that the application arises as the current temporary planning permission is coming to an end. We are OPPOSED to granting approval on a permanent basis, but would not oppose a further temporary extension providing it was personal to the applicant.

j. 19/00317/CTR – 14a Rectory Lane – Leylandii hedgerow to reduce back by approx. 5 metres – Parish council has no objections

Clerk to notify Planning

Clerk to notify Planning

Clerk to notify Planning

Clerk to notify Planning

Clerk to notify Planning

148 HIGH STREET ISSUES – Matters raised by a resident in the public forum in the previous meeting. The chairman had written to the resident. We cannot support much of what the resident asked, since the post office was a significant attribute of the village, along with the schools, surgery, public house and pharmacy. These facilities are what makes Glinton such a popular village. The only issue raised by the resident that we are able to address is the issue of speeding (see minutes 144a & 149).
149 SPEEDWATCH – Cllr Randall reported that between 1st March and 7th March there had been 3 sessions.
Lincoln Road 30mph – 10.00am – 86 vehicle in 30 mins – None exceeding limit
High Street 20mph – 10.40am – 76 vehicles in 45 mins – 15 exceeding limit (20%)
High Street 20mph – 6.40am – 93 vehicles in 50 minutes – 28 exceeding limit (30%)
a. We authorised the clerk to purchase a new book of Exclusive Rights of Burial certificates from Shaw’s at a cost of £103 + Vat and rejected the option of printing our own certificates.
b. Non floral tributes on grave spaces – we noted the growth of tributes expanding beyond the memorial stones contrary to our regulations. We instructed the clerk to write to the families requiring compliance with the regulations.
c. Maintenance contract – we were informed that our contractor had requested an increase of £10 per month, commencing on 1st April 2019, arising from the increase in fuel costs and other expenses. We unanimously approved the increase as requested.

Clerk to Action

Clerk to Action

Clerk to inform contractor
151 BT BILLING FOR BROADBAND IN THE VILLAGE HALL – The clerk informed us that BT had attempted to impose a large increase in the monthly charge for this facility. A complaint had been raised and a compromise reached where BT would continue to charge at the increased rate but had credited the difference between that and the previously agreed level for 24 months as an immediate credit to our account.

a) New Village Hall Working group report – We were pleased to note that previously lost deeds had been located in City Library archives and that Cllr Randall had obtained written permission to copy these records. As a consequence the working group need to obtain legal advice on title and possibility of restrictive covenants. The clerk was asked to draw up a schedule of the legal advice required and to seek costs from Buckle solicitors and two other firms recommended by Nicholas Hancox. We delegated powers to the clerk to obtain the legal advice required up to a maximum cost of £2500.

b) Grant Funding, LCPAS training event. – Cllr Bell reported that the event in Bury St Edmunds was a power point presentation which could have been delivered as a webinar. Some information had been gathered which may become useful when we had firmed up proposals for the new village hall

Clerk to Action

153 HIGHWAYS – to note observations of councillors –
a) We were informed that the road sign for “The Green” had still not been erected
b) Line painting in Rectory lane had been halted because resurfacing was planned to take place in the near future. The lines would be replaced and completed after the resurfacing work
c) Cllr. Batty reported that there was a water leak at the junction of Helpston Road and Lincoln Road

Clerk to refer these matters to the relevant authority
154 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 16th April, 2019 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall – Prior to closing the meeting the chairman allowed Cllr Randall to raise an urgent matter on safety grounds – It has been reported that Kisimul leave “sharps” containers in Rectory Lane for collection. This along with other incidents was giving cause for concern among local residents. Clerk was asked to write seeking a mechanism for a dialogue between Kisimul and the parish council.

Clerk to Action

Meeting closed at 8.50pm

Clerk/Proper Officer,
20th March 2019