Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings

There are 29 listed buildings in Glinton, as well as the churchyard wall and bridge on North Fen Road. All, apart from the bridge, are in the conservation area. Listed buildings make up 22% of all buildings in the conservation area. There are no buildings subject to Article 4 direction.

Summary of Listed Buildings – Grade II unless otherwise stated
No 1 The Green
Late C18 cottage. Coursed stone with Welsh slate roof with gabled ends. Two storeys. Three window range. Three-light casements with glazing bars. Central modern glazed door.

No 2 (Stone Haven) The Green
Late C18 house. Tablet in east gable “LW 1796”. Collyweston stone roof with coped gabled ends. Two storeys and attic. Three window range. First floor 3-light casements with glazing bars and wooden lintels. Ground floor 2 late C19 stone bay windows.

No 6 (Bleach House) The Green
Late C18 house with tablet inscribed “V” over “RL 1783”. Coursed stone, with quoins. Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys. Four window range. Sashes with glazing bars, keyblocked lintels. Ground floor left, French window.

No 7 (Bleach Cottage) The Green
C17/18 cottage. Coursed stone rubble with thatched roof with coped gable ends. Gabled wing projects on south-west forming L-shaped plan.. Two storeys. Four window range. Modern casements and 2 canted ground floor bay windows. C19 3-light casements in wing.

No 9 (Figtree Villa) The Green
Early C19 house. Inscription “AS” over “R 1837”. Coursed stone with flush quoins. String course at floor level. Low pitched Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys. Three bays. Sashes with glazing bars. Keyblocked window arches. Round-headed doorway.

Church of St Benedict High Street (Grade 1)
From C12. Nave has Perpendicular clerestorey and battlements with large grotesque gargoyles. North aisle has shallow buttresses and battlements and Norman round arched slit window in west end, chamfered north doorway with small flanking buttresses, and restored Early English windows. The south aisle has battlements angle buttresses restored Early English and Decorated windows and C15 four-centred arch south doorway.

Boundary wall enclosing Churchyard to Church of St Benedict High Street
C18/19. Low coursed stone rubble wall with stone coping slabs. Encloses churchyard on all sides. Included for group value.

No 13 High Street
C18 cottage. Coursed stone rubble. Steeply pitched Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. One storey and attic. Two window range. Modern 2-light casements. Two old hipped dormers. Modern plank door off centre. Brick end and ridge chimney stacks.

Manor House, High Street (Grade II*)
Circa 1630-40. Built probably by the Wildebore family. Large coursed rubble and ashlar house with steeply pitched Collyweston stone roof. Two storeys and attic. Four window range. Gabled on left and gabled 2 storeyed and attic porch on right. The porch was intended to have been the centre feature with a balancing wing on the right, but this was either never carried out or has been demolished. Part of the base wall and skeleton window remain to indicate this.

Stables immediately north-north-west of Manor House High Street (Grade II*)
C17 stable range with carriageway between it and the Manor House. Squared and coursed stone. Steeply pitched Collyweston stone roof with ogee-shaped gable end facing house with ball finials at apex and feet, and stone mullion window with stepped head with cornice.

Barn north-north-east of Manor House High Street
Early C19 barn. Coursed stone rubble with Collyweston stone roof with gabled ends. Segmental arched cart entrance boarded up, small loft window, and ventilation slits. Included for group value.

Cattlesheds adjoining north of stables at Manor House High Street
C18/early. Coursed stone rubble single storey range with Collyweston stone roof. Three small window openings and double doors. Faces former farmyard, now a lawn. Included for group value.

Dovecot north-east of Manor House High Street
Dated 1789. Coursed stone rubble dovecot with flush quoins. Square on plan. The hipped slate roof with lantern has fallen in. Straight headed doorway with stone lintel. Re-used tablet “1594 RW”. Interior lined with brick nesting boxes with stone ledges.

The Malt House High Street
C17 coursed stone rubble building detached from the Manor House but might have been intended to be a wing if the south wing had been built. Steeply pitched Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys. Stone mullion windows, some blocked. C19 Tudor arched doorway.

Manor House Cottages (formerly listed under Peakirk Road) High Street
C17 house. Coursed stone rubble. Steeply pitched concrete tile roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys. Five window range. Central coped gable with oval panel. Three-light ovolo moulded stone mullion windows with cornices, centre first floor 4-light window with transom.

Websters Farmhouse (formerly listed as House 50 yds north of St Crispins, The Green) and garden area railings High Street
Late C18 house. Coursed stone rubble with ashlar front. Steeply pitched Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys and attic. Three bays. Sashes with glazing bars, flat stone arches with keyblocks. Central fielded panel door in plain stone frame with straight head with voussoirs and keyblock, rectangular fanlight with intersecting glazing bars.

No 12 (The Laurels) High Street
Late C18 house. Coursed stone. Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys and attic. Three bays. Modern casements in original openings with flat stone arches with keyblocks. Central panelled door with rectangular fanlight with glazing bars and cast iron porch

The Blue Bell Public House High Street
C18 range. Coursed stone with steeply pitched Welsh slate roof with gabled ends. Date stone in gable end “R” over “HF1701”? One storey and attic. Gabled dormer with 4-light casement. One late C19 tripartite sash, remainder of front has modern lean-to. Early C19 cross wing on west end, gault brick with slate hipped roof. Included for group value.

Canal Bridge North Fen Road
Circa late C18 canal bridge. Coursed stone with freestone dressings. Round arch with flush voussoirs. Parapet with plain stone coping, end quoins and string course.

No 2 (Grace’s) (formerly listed as shop premises south of Balcony Ho. ) North Fen Road
C17 house. Coursed stone. Thatched roof with coped gable ends. One storey and attic. Four window range. Two and three-light moulded stone mullion windows with cornices. Moulded stone framed doorway with cornice and flush panel door. Four eyebrow dormers.

No. 4 North Fen Road
Late C18 house. Coursed stone rubble. Pantile roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys. Two windows. Modern casements in original openings with keyblocks. Stone end chimney stacks.

No 20 (Balcony House) North Fen Road
C17 house largely rebuilt in C18 and with porch added using stone details from another building. Coursed stone with steeply pitched Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys and attic. Three window range. Central two storey ashlar porch

No 24 North Fen Road
Late C18/early C19 house at right angles to road. Coursed stone with flush quoins. Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys and attic. Two windows. Three-light casements with keyblocked heads. Tablet on front wall with date.

No 15 Rose Cottage (formerly listed under Rectory Lane) North Fen Road
C17 cottage. Whitewashed stone rubble. Thatched roof with gabled ends. One storey and attic. Two stone 3-light mullion windows with cornices and leaded panes. Modern central door. One eyebrow dormer. Brick internal end chimney stack, later brick stack over end.

No 4 Peakirk Road
Early C19 house. Coursed stone rubble with banded treatment and with stone quoins. Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Two storeys. Three window range. Three-light casements, centre first floor 2-light casement. Straight stone window heads with keyblocks.

Scott’s Farmhouse Peakirk Road
Late C19 house. Coursed stone with ashlar dressings. Steeply pitched Collyweston stone roof with coped gable ends. Moulded stone cornice and blocking course. Two storeys and attic. Three bays. Sashes with glazing bars in moulded stone frames with keyblocks.

Nos. 8 and 10 Rectory Lane
C18 range of cottages. Coursed stone rubble. Belgium tile roof with gabled ends. Two storeys. Three window range. First floor 2-light casements, ground floor C19 sashes.

No 12 Rectory Lane
Early C19 red brick house. Concrete tile hipped roof. Two storeys. Three bays. First floor new sashes with glazing bars, ground floor right C19 sash without glazing bars and canted bay on left with dentilled cornice. Central doorcase with pediment

Village Pound adjoining No 12 to north, Rectory Lane
Probably C19. Low coursed stone rubble wall with cement capping, surrounding a rectangular enclosure. Formerly the Village pound, now part of garden of No 12.

No 11 Welmore Road
C17/18 cottage. Coursed stone rubble. Steeply pitched concrete tile roof one end hipped, the other with coped gable. One storey and attic. Back to road with one small modern casement. Modern fenestration with dormer in hipped end of road. Brick stack over gabled end.

No 18 Welmore Road
C17/18 cottage at right angles to road. Coursed stone rubble with thatched roof with coped gable end. One storey and attic. Two windows. Modern casements. Two eyebrow dormers. Brick end chimney stacks. Modern flat roof extension at rear.