
Minutes 18th October 2022

MinutesMinutes calendar year 2022 Uploaded on November 3, 2022

held on Tuesday
18th October, 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), D. Batty, S. Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, D. Lane, R. Randall, A. Staines, S Singh. & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. Four members of the public were present.


698. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs Mrs Bysshe, H Aylesbury and G Wright recorded as absent and apologies sent. Cllr. Mrs Bysshe as unwell and Cllr. Aylesbury absent from Peterborough.


700. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Mrs Jill Cowcill was in attendance with Mrs Crawford, both as owners of Thatched cottages, and Mrs Cowcill spoke about the concerns they shared about the hazards of fireworks and aerial fireworks in particular. See agenda item below.

Mike Horne of PECT (Peterborough Environment City Trust) spoke of the progress of the John Clare Countryside project involving 19 parishes aimed at doubling nature over a 10year period. In particular the contribution of 3 areas in Glinton; Lincoln Road Triangle, Clarendon way and the churchyard

701. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 27th September, 2022
Proposed Cllr. David Lane Seconded Cllr. Andy Staines

702. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None


a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.

b. 22/01332/DISCHG – 8 Peakirk Road – Discharge of condition C2 (external materials detail) of planning permission 22/00493/HHFUL. Noted (Parish council are not consulted on applications with the suffix DISCHG and the item was on the agenda for information only and completeness)

c. 22/01389/CTR – Mouse Cottage, 1 North Fen Road – Remove Scots Pine and Mulberry from Front Garden. We were of the opinion that the work had already been completed and were satisfied that the conservation officer had been consulted and have no further observations to make

a) Fireworks – the concerns raised by residents of two thatched cottages in the village were discussed and we unanimously confirmed our decision to leaflet part of the village and to urge residents exercise some restraints with the addition of a possible voluntary 9pm curfew. It was agreed that a future agenda item would be to consider a village event with the aim of minimising the domestic use of fireworks

b) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk confirmed that he had not received a reply to the offer of the parish council to take ownership of thee play area and use our resources to upgrade the play equipment. We asked the Clerk to write and make the Offer formal to see if that elicited a response

c) Climate Change Emergency –
Cllr. Kirt had previously circulated notes of recent meeting of the working group. He further reported that the group would need to get outline costs of the propositions discussed. We also noted a response from National grid and a willingness to discuss how they might support the ideas of the group. The Chairman also reported that he was submitting an article for the Village Tribune and that Cllr. Wright was investigating the possibility of Solar panels on the Village Hall.

d) Speedwatch – Cllr. Randall reported that the planned session had been postponed because of weather conditions and would take place in the coming weeks.

e) Nature Recovery Project – Triangle Lincoln Road – We received a presentation and advice from Mike Horne of PECT and we RESOLVED to include £750 in the budget for proper treatment of the grassed area in Lincoln Road.
Proposed Cllr. Andy Staines Seconded Cllr Steve Jackson

f) Queens Canopy – We considered the request of the local Women’s Institute and unanimously RESOLVED to grant permission for them to plant a commemorative Oak on the playing field.
Proposed Cllr. Bob Randall Seconded Cllr Denis Batty

g) Remembrance Day Commemoration – Cllr Randall reported on the traditional arrangements for the annual commemoration. We resolved to approve the purchase of a wreath for the purpose and agreed that Cllrs Randall and Kirt would lead the commemoration
Proposed Cllr. Bob Randall Seconded Cllr Gerry Kirt

705. REPORTS – Standing item
Clare Lodge Liaison – Cllr Randall reported that he had attended a meeting of the working group at which the planning application had been discussed. Clare Lodge had accepted most of the observations of the parish council and were planning to retain the trees to the boundary with properties on Ashburn Close and also amending the car parking arrangements. We are of the opinion that the village envelope should have been drawn around the perimeter of the Clare Lodge registered land and that if that had been the case there would be no issue with the planned development being outside that envelope. We asked the clerk to write to the planning authority asking them to recognise that mistake and make the appropriate correction.

a) Code of Conduct – We noted that the existing code of conduct had been adopted in 2018 and that it needed updating in view of the report on Standards in Public Life. We also had regard to the advice of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). We accordingly RESOLVED to adopt the Model Code of Conduct prepared by the Local Government Association as being appropriate for ALL local authorities irrespective of Size
Proposed Cllr. Bob Randall Seconded Cllr. David Lane

b) Gifts and Hospitality – In connection with the previous item we noted that Peterborough City Council had incorporated a policy on the acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality in their adopted code of Conduct. We saw the wisdom of having such a policy and agreed to adopt the city council content on gifts and hospitality amended to be applicable to any Officers of the parish council as well as members.
Proposed Cllr. Steve Jackson Seconded Cllr. Gerry Kirt

c) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson gave a presentation on the pros and cons of having a community Facebook page and also presented a draft policy to be adopted along with that social media. We asked that the draft policy be circulated to all parish Councillors for consideration, and approval or amendment, and for adoption at our next meeting. We also asked Cllr Jackson to press ahead with initiating a Facebook page to test any reaction to the proposal.

d) Budgetary control report – The clerk as responsible financial Officer present a report on Receipts and Payments compared to the approved budget and we noted that subject to receipt of invoices for two large items of expense the parish council is likely have an increase in the level of reserves at the end of this financial year. It was also noted that there was a possibility that we would have significant call on our reserves, in 2023/24 if our proposals for the Ashburn Close play area and Nature recovery project came to fruition.

e) Budget Strategy – The Clerk asked for guidance on how we would wish to prepare a budget for the coming year and beyond. For our part we have made a number of ambitious proposals for the village and would wish those to be incorporated in the budget for 2023/24, 2024/25 and 2025/26. We agreed that all Councillors would give the matter further thought and email the Clerk and Chairman, before the meeting of the Finance Working Group, with their thoughts on matters to be included in those budgets.

f) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – We noted that we have these funds available and that there is a time limit for using these funds. We agreed to put a hold on allocating these funds and consider this again in the light of the coming Budget and outcome of proposals for other projects referred to in these minutes

g) Tree Safety Report – The Clerk reported on the receipt of three tenders to carry out the works detailed in the report. We RESOLVED to accept the tender of Willow Tree Services in the sum of £1800 +VAT
Proposed Cllr. David Lane Seconded Cllr. Bob Randall

h) Operation Golden Orb – The Chairman & Cllr. Steve Jackson gave a presentation on the ideas for celebrating the coronation of King Charles 3rd and the chairman confirmed that he had provisionally booked a hog Roast subject to the approval of parish Council. The Chairman also reported that he had arranged to meet the Head of the Primary School and hoped that the school could be the centre of the coronation celebrations. The working group also hoped to be able to engage with the Bluebell in the celebration programme. We were minded that many parish councils and community groups would be looking to arrange some form of celebrations and the various forms of entertainment would soon be fully booked for that event. We therefore RESOLVED to provide an interim budget of £1000 to the celebrations working group to enable them to pay deposits if and when required
Proposed Cllr. David Lane Seconded Cllr. Bob Randall

707. OFFICIAL NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE (If any received prior to the meeting) – we were given a range of dates to meet with James Collingridge of Peterborough City Council / Aragon to tour the village and raise issues that needed attention.

708. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a. Cemetery Notice board is in need of replacement and we asked the Clerk to research suitable replacements and RESOLVED to authorise the use of Village improvements budget for the purpose.
Proposed Cllr. Bob Randall Seconded Cllr. Gerry Kirt

i Social Media policy for approval
ii Initial report of Village Sign working group
iii To consider budget strategy & report of Finance Working group (if met)
iv Operation Golden Orb – update from Working Group
i Finalise 2023/24 Budget and Precept

710. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 15th November 2022 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.15pm

Meeting closed at 9.33pm,

Clerk/Proper Officer,
31st October 2022