
Agenda 22nd June 2021

Previous Agendas Uploaded on June 17, 2021


All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend an extra meeting of Glinton Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 22nd June, 2021 at 7.15pm for the purpose of transacting the following Planning business unable to be dealt with at the meeting held on 15th June and received since the previous agenda was compiled.

J Haste 17th June, 2021

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend the meeting and to address the parish council in the Open Forum item 3 on the agenda below. Anyone wishing to do so are advised to contact the clerk by email at NO LATER THAN MID DAY ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING to ensure that they are able to access the meeting.

Members of the public are also advised to provide written submissions of any questions or comments on matters on the agenda. This is to insure that those comments are considered by councillors in the event that the member of the public has difficulty in accessing the meeting.



a. Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary interests not already registered or other Interest in any items on the agenda.
b. Consideration and granting of any dispensations submitted by members.

To allow up to 15 minutes for members of the public, and Councillors declaring a prejudicial interest, to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at this meeting.

4. PLANNING – To consider the following applications and other planning applications validated since the last meeting and respond as appropriate to the planning authority as Statutory consultees.

a) 21/00771/TRE – 14 Rectory Lane (4012, 4017 & NT2/21) Ash remove dead wood, (NT1/21) prune lime to clear shed roof by 1m, (NT3/21) prune yew to clear building by 1m and (4013) prune holly to clear building by 1m (05/00011/TPO)

b) 21/00835/CTR | Yew (NT3/21) and Holly (4013) prune to clear building by 1m | 14 Rectory Lane Glinton Peterborough PE6 7LR

c) 21/00858/CTR – Granville House, 2 The Green – Yews x 3 – Reduce crown by 30% (reduce height by 3m). Lift crowns over pathway to 2.5m and clear adjacent building by 1m. Clear area around chimneys at no. 1 The Green currently unable to achieve adequate draft. Cherry x 1 – Reduce size by 40% to provide more light to orchard and better management of orchard trees Walnut x 1 – Reduce size by 40% to provide more light to orchard and better management of orchard trees

d) 21/00570/FUL – Land to East of Lincoln Road – Creation of a new vehicular access

e) 21/00654/FUL – 29-31 High Street – Erection of 1no. 3 bed dwelling in combination with works to reinstate 29 and 31 High Street as a single dwelling house including provision of amenity space, parking provision, boundary treatments, landscaping, and associated works for proposed dwellings.

f) 21/00514/HHFUL – 7 Helpston Road – Ground floor side and rear extension with loft conversion and internal alterations

g) 21/00129/HHFUL – 5 The Green (re-Consultation) – Proposed single storey and two storey extensions, alterations and detached garage.

h) 21/00894/CTR – 7 The Willows – Fell two Ash trees

Original signed
J Haste 16th June, 2021