Application for Grant for Voluntary Organisations
1. Name of Organisation
2. Name, Address and Status of Contact
3. Telephone Number of Contact
4. Is the Organisation a Registered Charity? Yes / No
5. Amount of grant requested £
6. For what purpose or project is the grant requested?
7. What will be the total cost of the above project? £
8. If the total cost of the project is more than the grant, how will the residue be financed?
9. Have you applied for a grant for the same project to another organisation?
If so, which organisation and how much?
10 Who will benefit from the project?
11 Approximately how many of those who will benefit are Glinton parishioners or their dependants
12 Payment will be made by bank transfer unless otherwise requested
Account Name
Account Number
Bank Sort Code
You may use a separate sheet of paper to submit any other information which you feel will support this application.
When completed send to: Clerk to Glinton Parish Council
22 Borrowdale Close
For Official Use Only Approved Yes/No Amount granted £ Minute Reference