
Minutes 15th June 2021

Minutes calendar year 2021 Uploaded on June 21, 2021

held on Tuesday
15th June, 2021
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; D Batty, Mrs C Bysshe, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), G Kirt, D Lane, R. Johnson, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Also present one member of the public.


506. Apologies for Absence – Cllr. Wilde sent apologies as not well enough to attend.

507. Members Declarations of Interest – None.

508. Public Participation

a. David Cowcill expressed his interest in the pipeline item on the agenda and the agenda item related to the wildlife recovery project.

b. Anglian Water Pipeline – The meeting was joined (By ZOOM) using the conferencing facility by Keir Dawson from the AWA communications team. Keir shared maps with the parish council and indicated that more exploratory work would be undertaken before settling on a preferred route for consultation prior to submitting a planning application. Councillors advised Keir of the location of wildlife recovery area, noise reduction tree planting to the rear of Holmes road and also the presence of High Pressure gas pipelines. Cllr Randal offered to supply gas pipeline maps to assist AWA inn their exploratory work. Keir Dawson undertook to keep the parish council informed of progress and noted the date of our September meeting to attend with the updated position.

509. Minutes of the Previous Meeting – We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Batty

510. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting – None

511. Planning – The Planning Authority portal was unavailable from the day of our meeting until, 17th June, as work is being undertaken by Peterborough City Council on the computer system. We were therefore unable to consider the planning applications on the agenda. We asked the clerk to arrange a further meeting, giving due public notice, in a weeks’ time and to write to the planning authority requesting extension of time for consultation on these applications.

512. Community Matters

a. Community Centre Working Group – Cllr. Kirt reported that the three members undertaking a review of the options available to the parish council had nearly completed a report to be considered by the whole working group and the Community association prior to presentation to the parish council at a future meeting.

b. Outdoor Table Tennis – we noted that this has been installed and looked a welcome addition to the facilities available on the playing field.

c. Playing Field Security – We noted that city council officers were to review the security of the access to the playing field now that the travellers had been evicted from the site and anticipated that additional work would be required to shroud the padlocks.

d. Blocked Footpath on the boundary of the Ridge and Furrow land – We Had before us clear evidence that the footpath is a long established and recognised Public Right of Way. We therefore asked the clerk to inform the landowner that the evidence existed and continued attempts to block access to the footpath would be met by rigorous legal action.

e. Beech Road open space – We noted the continued presence of vehicles crossing and parking on this site and asked the clerk to request the city council as landowners to write to residents asking them to cease this activity.

f. Wildlife Recovery project – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe informed the meeting that the first stage of this project has been a success and that 25 Bee Orchids had been seen on the small triangle at the southern entrance to the village. The next grass cut isdue in July and another in September followed by sowing a selection of wildflowers and a management regime.

513. Reports (standing Item) – there were no reports from councillors attending any meetings of other organisations.

514. Governance Matters

a. Internal Audit – We received the report of the internal auditor and noted his satisfaction with the records kept and the financial accounts. There were no matters he wished to bring to our attention. The internal auditor had signed off the relevant section of the Annual return.

b. Internal Audit Fee – We RESOLVED to approve the payment of the internal audit fee of £175.
Proposed Cllr. Johnson Seconded Cllr. Mrs Bysshe

c. Appointment of internal Auditor – We asked the clerk to approach Mr. Davies to see if he was willing to undertake the appointment failing which we asked the clerk to approach CAPALC who we understand to have set arrangements to provide this service at a fee to affiliated councils.

d. Insurance – We noted that the renewal had been confirmed with Came and Co and that the Admin Fee of £50 had been waived as they were unable to assist the parish council with the valuation of the village hall.

e. Village Hall Valuation – We asked the clerk to seek informal guidance fronm John Dadge the chairman of Northborough Parish Council understood to have connection with Barker Storey Matthews.

515. Official Notices and Correspondence – no matters to report other than those on the agenda.

516. Highways Matters –

a. Bins – We noted with thanks that the additional bins requested had been supplied and noted that the bin at nine bridges was overflowing on day one. We asked the clerk to report this to the city council with a view to closely monitoring whether there was sufficient capacity to cope with the usage of the popular area.

b. Fencing by the footbridge in Helpston road – we were informed that this had been damaged for some time and represented a hazard for students at AMVC. We asked the clerk to report this as a matter of urgency on safety grounds.

c. Mud on Northbound carriageway of the Werrington Bypass – We were informed that from the junction with Waterworks Lane to the McDonalds roundabout the carriageway was caked with mud from lorries joining the bypass at this junction.
d. Playing field fence – We asked the clerk to inform Aragon that the damaged fence by the willows footpath entrance be cleared away.

517. Date of Next Scheduled meeting – 20th July 2021

Meeting closed at 8.41pm

Clerk/Proper Officer,
16th June, 2021