
Minutes 15th November 2022

MinutesMinutes calendar year 2022 Uploaded on December 12, 2022

held on Tuesday
15th November, 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H Aylesbury, D. Batty, Mrs Bysshe, S. Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, D. Lane, R. Randall, A. Staines, G Wright & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. Two members of the public were present.


711. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. Sukhvinder Singh absent


713. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Mr. David Rose of Peakirk Road expressed his concerns and frustration with the congestion in the village in particular at school start and finish times. He felt that the chicane style traffic calming measures are outdated and add to the congestion by not allowing free traffic flow. As they are intended to restrict speed a far more effective measure would be average speed cameras. The chairman responded that there was to be a review of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) early in the new year and that another consideration was possible rejuvenation of the cross roads as a project which might be incorporated and invited David to join the NP review working group

714. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18th October, 2022
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Batty

715. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None


a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.

b. 22/01488/HHFUL – 1 Lincoln Road – We no objection in principle to the planning application but do consider that if approved there should be a condition that the new building must be used as an annex solely in connection with the occupants of the main building; and NOT be either sold or made available for rent, as a separate residence.

c. 22/01564/FUL – 68 Helpston Road – We noted that a planning inspector had dismissed the appeal for an almost identical planning application for this site. The dismissal was based on the loss of employment opportunities arising from a potential change of use of outbuildings being included in that application.

In the case of the present application the redline outlining the site includes the current access to the land to the rear of the site. The land to the rear incorporates the buildings previously used for commercial purposes and providing the employment opportunities cited in the appeal inspector’s dismissal of the appeal. It is the parish council view that the current application in its present form should be REFUSED on the same grounds as the inspector’s dismissal of that appeal, namely that the employment opportunities provided by those buildings MUST be retained, along with a separate access to those buildings on the site outlined in Blue.

D. 22/01051/OUT – 2 Scotts Road – We noted the minimal change in the access to the site which do not change our objections when the application was previously considered. Use of the existing rear access to 2 Scotts Road does not overcome our view that access is too close to the junction with Welmore Road and approval on this basis merely increases the vehicle usage of that access.

It remains our view that the site is also too small to provide sustainable development in the form of a dwelling, and car parking space together with garden and would be contrary to policies in both the Local Plan & Glinton Neighbourhood plan. We fully support the objections by both the Highway authority and the neighbour.

a) Fireworks – We noted the limited success of our leaflet drop and agreed that a repeat exercise before the upcoming New Year celebration might reinforce the message for consideration and restraint. The Chairman agreed to develop the New Year Fireworks leaflet and organise its printing. We are well aware of our inability to curb the use of aerial fireworks and asked the Clerk to write to the City Council asking for their consideration of making a byelaw applicable to Conservation areas containing thatched cottages. We RESOLVED to set up a working group to take forward a parish bonfire night fireworks event with the aim of reducing the number of domestic events.
Proposed Cllr. Wright Seconded Cllr. Bysshe

b) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk confirmed that he had not received a reply to the offer of the parish council to take ownership of thee play area and use our resources to upgrade the play equipment. We asked the Clerk to write again to the City Council and copy our Ward Councillor and Adrian Chapman expressing the wish for an early reply to enable appropriate budget provision to be made if required.

c) Climate Change Emergency –
Cllr. Kirt undertook to circulate the notes of a previous meeting and to provide a further update at our next meeting.

d) Speedwatch – Nothing to report as no exercise conducted since our previous meeting.

e) Nature Recovery Project – Triangle Lincoln Road – We were informed of the intention to rake the grass clippings on Saturday 19th November and invited all to bring their own rake if able to join the working party. Cllr. Staines undertook to circulate details of times for the group to meet.

Clarendon Way – We agreed to leaflet drop residents in to encourage more volunteers to participate in the project for that area of open space. Cllr Staines agreed to develop and print the leaflet

We also noted the wish of Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) to have their signs erected at both the Lincoln Road and Clarendon Way sites, as they were providing the seeds and bulbs for planting the wildflower areas. We RESOLVED to purchase two signs at £80 each and to consider more elaborate signage in our budget considerations. Cllr Staines agreed to develop a suitable signage scheme for consideration at a future meeting.
Proposed Cllr. Joshi-Boparai Seconded Cllr. Aylesbury

f) Winter Warm Hubs – Cllr Bysshe reported that this was originally a Martin Lewis idea which had been widely taken up by authorities in the UK, usually in urban areas where one unit can be accesses more readily than is the case in rural areas. The City Council has provided £10000 to the Good Neighbours scheme to provide a similar facility to rural areas in the form of a roving unit to supply. The unit would visit with meals and possibly blankets etc. and provide advice on access to other forms of support available to vulnerable residents. We RESOLVED to participate for a trial period of two months and review its success, if a suitable regular slot could be made available in the village hall.
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Kirt

g) Christmas Tree “Switch On” – Cllr. Kirt reported a discussion with Leigh Titman and we noted that historically Mulled Wine and Mince Pies had been provided by the parish council for the event. The clerk informed us that £500 is included in the budget for the purchase of the tree and provision of replacement light and refreshments. We noted the start time of 6.45pm on 1st December for carols etc., with a countdown to the switch on at 7 pm followed by those refreshments in the church.

718. REPORTS – Standing item –
a. Village Hall Improvements – Cllr. Wright reported on a meeting of himself the chairman and Sue Lane on priorities for Village Hall improvements. The possibilities included such matters as improved insulation, floor replacement, potential for solar panels to be explored and other works. In order to take the discussion forward it would be desirable to identify a suitable consultant with sufficient expertise to advise on the scope and costs for those works identified.

b. Village Walkabout – The Clerk reported a meeting with James Collingridge of Peterborough City Council attended by himself, The Chairman and Cllr. Batty to visit various parts of the village to identify a number of works required to repair and make good fences, footpaths and to identify sites for litter bins and other improvements. It was the intention to monitor progress on each of the areas identified.


a) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson gave a further presentation on a community Facebook page and a revised draft policy to be considered for the use of social media by the parish council.
We were mindful that the draft policy may need minor changes to refine the grammar. We nonetheless RESOLVED to authorise the publishing of a Parish Council Facebook page on the basis of that draft policy, subject to that policy being amended in the light of experience over the course of the next few months. Chairman & Cllr. Randall to develop a revised draft.
Proposed Cllr. Bysshe Seconded Cllr. Wright

b) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – We agreed to defer further consideration pending the outcome of our budget deliberations

c) Operation Golden Orb – The Chairman reported that meetings were taking place and good progress was being made. He further reported that a detailed risk assessment was required for each of the events planned and that our insurers would need to be made aware of our plans and the risk assessment well in advance of the event.

d) Metro Bank 95day Deposit account. – The Clerk reported that, because of the passage of time since we last considered this matter, Metro Bank would require us to start the process of opening a deposit account from scratch.
We RESOLVED to set up a 95 Day Business Deposit account, to be operated by the Clerk to the parish Council as a key signatory plus any one of the following three Parish Councillors, Cllr. Gerry Kirt, Cllr. Andy Staines and Cllr. Claire Bysshe. Interest to be paid monthly in to an instant access deposit account to be operated in the same way as the 95day notice account and by the Clerk and any one of the same three signatories. The only permitted transactions on both accounts being transfer to or from the parish councils current bank account with Unity Trust Bank.
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Lane

e) Parish council attendance – At the request of the chairman the Clerk read out the following statement to offer some guidance on attendance and apologies.

“When elected or co-opted all councillors have to sign a declaration of acceptance of office. The Local Government Act 1972 places an obligation on councillors to attend meeting hence they are not invited to a meeting; councillors are summonsed – if unable to attend advance apologies with reasons for non-attendance enable those reason to be minuted and allow the Clerk to judge whether the meeting is likely to be inquorate. Continued absence for 6 months triggers automatic disqualification – Apologies, (except in very rare circumstances approved in advance,) do not reset the clock for this six month rule.”

We agree that this statement should be included in the minutes and circulated with a copy of the draft minutes to all councillors.

a. Local List Consultation – we were advised of the city council intention to create a local list of heritage assets not otherwise “Listed”. Whilst not affording the same protection as listed buildings and other assets, the local list would record those features of particular interest in each locality. We asked the Clerk to write to the City Council within the consultation period to confirm that the following assets were either “Listed or included in this local list.
i. The Village Green
ii. The Village Pump
iii. Stone Bridge on North West Corner of the Ridge & Furrow field
iv. Milestone Post (Recently refurbished) believed to be already included.
Any other asset notified to the Clerk before the deadline at the beginning of January 2023

b. National Pay Award Notified by CAPALC as nationally negotiated by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)and agreed on 3rd November. We noted the pay award is backdated to 1st April 2022 and we were informed of the effect on the salary of our Clerk.
We RESOLVED to implement, in full, the revised pay structure as reported to us
Proposed Cllr. Lane Seconded Cllr Randall

721. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
i. Cllr Randall raised two issues that had been brought to his attention by former cllr. Spendelow. The possibility of a lollipop person by the primary school had been taken up with the city council and was rejected by them as not meeting the criteria and on the grounds of cost given the competing demands on already stretched resources. The second issue of a mirror to overcome the blind spot at the bus stop by Happy Faces had been rejected as not appropriate to that location. Cllr. Mrs Bysshe also pointed out that bus drivers should always stop at that Bus stop even if no passengers were waiting. Cllr. Randall undertook to relay the information back to Mr Spendelow.

ii. The destruction of a seat by vandalism in the playpark – We noted that the debris had been cleared by Aragon. It was uncertain whether there is an intention to replace the seat because of repeated vandalism in that South east corner of the field. The Clerk was asked to report the incident to the police and get a crime number if at all possible and report the Matter to Clair George of the PES Team at the City Council.

iii. We look to arrange a meeting onsite, with Highways, to discuss the parking issue around our schools and in particular the Primary School and High street congestion and also to consider extending the 20mph limit the full length of North Fen Road to its junction with Mile Drove

iv. Metal shields, as strimmer protection, around play equipment, to be added to the list for monitoring with James Collingridge referred to in minute 718b above.

i. report of working party on Village Sign Replacement.
ii. Updating Neighbourhood Plan – January 2023
iii. Signage – Plaques, information boards and Village Pump – February 2023
iv. Bonfire night event – 2023

723. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 20th December BUT we agreed to re-arrange that for an earlier date subject to availability of the Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 9.52pm,

Clerk/Proper Officer,
18th November 2022

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