held on Tuesday
16th April 2024
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, C Bysshe, S Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, D Lane, L. Rossouw, R. Randall, & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. Twelve members of the public were also present.
918. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Apologies were noted from Councillors Dennis Batty and Andy Staines, both unwell. the absence of Councillor Sukhvinder Singh was also noted.
920. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – AWA PIPELINE – Dan Stewart of Anglian Water gave a detailed presentation about the pipeline work being carried out in the village and addressed, in particular, the high level of noise previously experienced 24 hours a day, together with the and bright working lights throughout the night. These activities were particularly disturbing to nearby residents in the Holmes Road area, in some cases at the end of their gardens. Dan explained that the work was vital to AWA ability to meet forecast supply demands. The work involved utilises a horizontal direction drill to tunnel beneath railway lines and watercourses. Once commence the drill has to run continuously until surfacing the other side in order to mitigate against tunnel collapse. Although the tunnelling work had temporarily ceased it is anticipated that tunnelling will resume on Thursday in a weeks’ time and is estimated to last for four weeks. Dan regretted the impact on local residents and all operatives would be reminded to be as considerate as possible
921. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th January 2024
Proposed Cllr. C. Bysshe Seconded Cllr. S Jackson
922. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None
a) Status of current planning applications – The Chairman reported that the Tree work at Websters Farm and those at 5 The Willows had both been permitted on 20th March
b) Planning Applications –
i. 23/01736/FUL – 2 Welmore road (re-consultation) – Demolition of existing house and reconstruction of front elevation, to match existing, with rear extension, detached garage and associated external works. The applicants, their agent and the neighbour were all in attendance.
We noted the observations of the Tree Officer and the Conservation Officer and consider both to be over prescriptive.
We are in principle supportive of the application and also supportive of the neighbour’s objections which we consider to be legitimate. On consideration we are of the opinion that there is an opportunity to meet both the wishes of the applicant and overcome the neighbour’s objections by moving the footprint of the proposed dwelling by a meter or two to the North. We therefore instructed the Clerk to write to planning setting out our views and asking for the application to be referred to the Planning & Environmental protection committee
ii. 24/00436/HHFUL – 2 Peakirk Road – Erection of double-bay oak-framed car port to front of property. On examination of the plans and observing the street scene on Google Maps we expressed a slight concern that the proposed Car port might be overbearing but on the other hand could be an improvement to that street scene On balance we are minded to support the application in its current form but ask that it be conditioned on remaining an open car port in perpetuity and nit walled in so as to create a garage or give the appearance of a solid structure.
c) Neighbourhood Plan (NP)
i. The Chairman reported the analysis of 267 questionnaire responses, which will be published in full when the free format responses have been analysed and Collated. The random draw was conducted of those returned Questionnaires and the prize winner announced as Mr. M Lowe-Lauri
ii. Housing Survey Jenna Brame of Cambridgeshire ACRE had responded that ACRE could carry out the desired survey but that it would need funding. Jenna had approached affordable rural housing partnership members to seek the required funding.
d) Review of Local List – Cllr. Randall reported his discussion with Daniel Worley, conservation Officer and that the “local list” referred to in this consultation is about the planning authority requirements in validating planning applications and nothing to do with heritage assets. Bizarrely Peterborough City Council planning department appear to have TWO “local lists” with no connection whatsoever as to their purpose
a) Anglian Water Pipeline – dealt with in the open forum reported in minute 920 above.
b) National Gas – report back from Noise testing. – deferred to a later meeting as testing had not been completed.
c) Cemetery Vandalism – noted no recent reports – Matter to be kept under review.
d) Rural Policing surgery 12th April – 3pm-5pm. The police had attended and were unable to gain access to the village Hall. We asked that a new date be arranged as soon as possible.
e) Events – GlintonFest24 incorporating D-Day 80 Commemoration – The chairman reported that arrangements were proceeding well and circulated flyers that. A bigger team had been assembled which will help to make the event a success. The chairman called for volunteers to help distribute the leaflets to all households in the village.
f) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported that Christian Firmin had agreed to act on behalf of the parish council and the fee and costs could amount to £1500 depending on the searches involved. We RESOLVED to agree a budget up to £1500 for Legal fees in bringing a conclusion to the land transfer.
Proposed Cllr. Aylesbury Seconded Cllr Bysshe
g) Playing Field – Strimmer protection – Cllr. Randall informed the meeting that he and the Chairman were applying the protective material and were about half way through the work required.
h) Climate Change – The chairman had previously circulated the notes of the most recent meeting of this action group. Cllr Aylesbury referred to the Community Orchard and a possibility that it could be funded by Anglian Water
i) Engagement with Peakirk Parish Council – Deferred top a future meeting
j) Biodiversity issues – The chairman informed the meeting that the signs were in his garage and the Clerk was asked to arrange for Spalding contractor to install them in a location to be agreed with Cllr Staines.
k) Village Hall working Group – Given the narrow results of the NP review questionnaire we agreed to give further consideration to improvements to insulation in the village hall and placing these on a future agenda.
l) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported on the continued growth of both the parish council page and the events Facebook pages with over 2000 hits in the past month, 95% appeared to be from residents of Glinton residents.
m) Defibrillator –
a) Cllr Randall reported that he was trying to arrange further training
925. REPORTS – Standing item – None at this meeting
a) Annual Meetings – We agreed to hold the Annual Parish meeting at 6.45pm on Tuesday 21st May followed by the Annual Parish Council meeting at the scheduled time of 7.15pm or immediately after the conclusion of the parish meeting if that were to finish later than 7.15pm
a) Tree Condition Safety Report – We noted that the report listed work required and asked the Clerk to obtain a price from Willow Tree Services and to authorise the work to be done.
b) Invite to “Meet your Army” – We asked the Clerk to circulate details and to book places for those interested.
928. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) Anglian Water Foul Water Drains – we asked the Clerk to write again and to raise the issue of capacity given the response as consultees to the outline planning application
b) Cllr. Kirt also referred to the promised waste bin at Stone Bridge NFR and the Pot Holes in the High Street
a) National Gas – outcome of noise testing
b) Signage – Plaques, information boards and Village Pump.
c) Grant funding – recruiting a fund raiser
d) New Village Sign – updates (as and when available)
930. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 21st May
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.43pm.
Clerk/Proper Officer,
30th April 2024