
Minutes 26th July 2022

MinutesMinutes calendar year 2022 Uploaded on September 21, 2022

held on Tuesday
26th July, 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), D. Batty, C. Bysshe, S. Jackson, D. Lane, R. Randall, R. Joshi-Boparai, S. Singh, A. Staines. The Clerk, Mr J Haste and 1 member of the public


667. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs. Aylesbury sent apologies as absent from Peterborough and Cllr. G Wright through recovering from being unwell

668. MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr. Kirt registered his non-pecuniary interest in the planning application of a near neighbour in Rectory Lane

669. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – None at this point in the meeting although with the chairmans consent Verity Missen reserved the opportunity to speak when the agenda on the Clare Lodge planning application item was under discussion

670. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING – We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21st June 2022
Proposed Cllr. Lane Seconded Cllr. Batty

671. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING – We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5th July 2022
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Batty

672. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – For information only – there was no further information provided

a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted including noting that one application had been deemed lawful and 2 permitted since the previous meeting. The application for 10 dwellings on land at Manor Farm had been refused.

b. 22/00722/R3FUL – Clare Lodge 8 Lincoln – Two storey extension to form new education facilities, single storey extension to form new visitor and staff entrance to north of site, single storey extension to form new entrance to ‘step-down’ unit to west of site together with covered canopies and internal and landscape alterations.

With the consent of the Chairman, Verity Missen expressed her opposition to this application citing development outside the village envelope and loss of amenity to those neighbours in Ashburn Close due to the removal of trees and the addition of several carparking spaces on the boundary with those properties.

Parish council concurred with all points made and instructed the clerk to write to the planning authority in opposition and to request restrictions on hours for traffic movement if the application is to be permitted. Furthermore, we unanimously RESOLVED to require the application to be referred to the planning committee IF officers were of a mind to approve the application

c. 22/00960/CTR – Red House 12 Rectory Lane – Walnut Tree – Shorten side-branches and remove dead and congested branches, to a maximum of 20%. We expressed our support for this application and had no further observations to make


a. Playing Field swings – We noted that the framework for the new swings had been erected and we confidently anticipated that the work would be completed within the next 24 hours

b. Ashburn Close Play Area – We noted with astonishment the response of the City Council that the cost of refurbishment to this small play area would be £30-£40k. The Clerk reported that he had suggested to the city council that the parish council might consider taking on responsibility for this play area if reasonable terms could be agreed. We await a response from the city council.

c. Climate Change – Cllr Kirt reported on a further meeting and undertook to circulate minutes of that meeting. We were informed that John Dadge, a trustee of 4c’s had provided further information and would be encouraging AMVC to consider Solar panels.

d. Village Sign – Cllr. Randall made a presentation on the various designs and materials available for a new village sign, including the work of the woodworker at Sacrewell farm. The range of costs were dependent on both the materials used and the complexity of the design and whether one or two sided. Cllr. Randall’s presentation also considered three possible locations and the visibility splays of each. We agreed to set up a working group, chaired by Cllr. Randall, to consider all options; with a target date to report to parish council in November so that a budget provision could be made for 2023/24. Cllrs. Bysshe, Joshi-Boparai, Batty, Kirt, Staines and Lane all volunteered to be in that working Group.

e. Speedwatch – Cllr. Randall made a short presentation on the merits of joining the Speedwatch group and we agreed to restart the Speedwatch sessions. The Speedwatch group to comprise Cllrs. Randall, Bysshe, Kirt, Batty and Joshi-Boparai.

f. Facebook – Cllr Jackson posed the question as to whether the parish council should have a Facebook page, together with the benefits and the risks. We noted that several parish councils in the area did use Facebook and we agreed that there were benefits from showcasing the work done for the benefit of residents in the parish. We asked Cllr Jackson to do some more research. Cllr Singh agreed to work with Cllr. Jackson on a report back to the parish council at the October meeting

675. Reports of Councillors attending meetings with other bodies. – Cllr. Batty reported on a meeting of the City Parish Councils Liaison group and in particular a presentation by Claire George on the multiple issues faced by the City Council PES team. These include dealing with Parking, Fly tipping illegal encampments and some issues of anti-social behaviour. Claire has been invited to Glinton to witness first hand the gridlock and parking issues around the two village schools


a) CAPALC / NALC. Cllr Batty gave a presentation on the roles of these two bodies and the relevance of both to Glinton Parish Council.

b) Financial Report – The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the Opening Balances for the current Financial year together with the Receipts and payments up to 30th June, reconciled to both the various Reserves and Bank balances. We RESOLVED to accept the financial report as presented.
Proposed Cllr. Lane Seconded Cllr. Kirt

c) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – We noted that we have an earmarked reserve of £12461 and considered a range of options including additional defibrillator and benches in the Helpston Road / Beech road area of the village. We asked the clerk to firstly write to the city council to address some of the eyesores of the broken benches and fences before committing use of the CIL reserve for further enhancements

d) Tree Safety – We had before us a quote of £600 from J Wilcockson to carry out our safety inspection as required by the common law duty of care and an insurance requirement. We RESOLVED to accept the quotation and asked the Clerk to inform Mr. Wilcockson
Proposed Cllr Randall Seconded Cllr. Kirt

e) Village Hall Valuation – we noted the rise in Insurance premiums from £448 in 2017/18 to £1819 in the current year and the major part played by the insurance valuation of the village hall. We RESOLVED to accept a quote of £130+VAT from Cardinus to provide an up to date insurance valuation of the village hall to ensure piece of mind that we have the proper insurance cover needed by the parish council.
Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Randall

f) Freedoms Presentations – We noted the attendances and planned arrangements for 2nd August. A number of Cllrs. agreed to arrive at about 4 pm to assist in setting up the hall for the event.

g) Memorial Headstone – We considered the application by a Stone Mason for a memorial headstone for the late Christopher James Wilde and unanimously approved the application

677. Official Notices and Correspondence – An email from the editor of the Village Tribune had been received and circulated to councillors. The editor had referred to a review of the financial arrangements of the Tribune and the need for a review given the reduced advertising revenue and rising production costs; together with expansion into additional areas of circulation. Proposals include setting up a community interest company and setting a flat rate affiliation fee of £300 for each parish council. In return for a set space for parish council use. A further proposal was to reduce the number of publications from 6 to 4 per year. We asked the Clerk to inform the editor that a reduction of number of publications would reduce the relevance of the publication. Residents had also given the clear impression of interest in planning applications and that they should be included in future publications. We are reluctantly minded to agree to the flat rate subscription for One year only subject to a review of the decisions to be made on future content and frequency.

678. Highways Matters –
a. Cllr. Bysshe reported that the tarmac had melted and rutted at the junction of The Willows and Welmore Road.
b. Cllr. Kirt referred to the long-awaited Waste bin on the West side of Lincoln Road, the proposed slabs in front of the WW11 bench by the village pump and the previously reported bad state of footpath on south side of Peakirk Road eastward from Clarendon Way.
c. Cllr Batty referred to white and yellow lining required in Helpston Road, the state of the footpath on the Helpston Road / Beech Road junction and a need for the 20mph roundel on Helpston Road needing repainting
Cllr Kirt expressed a willingness to meet highways officers on site to discuss these issues

679. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 20th September 2022 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.15pm

Meeting closed at 9.57pm

Clerk/Proper Officer,
2nd August 2022

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