
Minutes 28th July 2021

Minutes calendar year 2021 Uploaded on August 26, 2021

held on Wednesday
28th July, 2021
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; D Batty, Mrs C Bysshe, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), G Kirt, D Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Also present one member of the public.


518. The chairman welcomed all in attendance in particular noting that this is the 650th parish council meeting. for Cllr. Spendelow.

519. Apologies for Absence – Cllrs. Johnson and Wilde sent apologies on medical grounds

520. Members Declarations of Interest – None.

521. Public Participation – No matters were raised under this agenda item

522. Minutes of the Meetings–

a. We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th June, 2021
Proposed Cllr. Mrs Bysshe Seconded Cllr. Batty

b. We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd June, 2021
Proposed Cllr. Lane Seconded Mrs Bysshe

523. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting – None

524. Planning
a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.

b. 21/00894/CTR – 7 The Willows – T.1 & T.2 Ash – Create a ‘pollard’ of both trees. T.1 smaller tree – create pollard at approximately 4m above ground level (agl), and approximately 1m above the major forking break, as discussed and directed on site. T.2 larger tree in the north-eastern corner of the garden, create pollard at approximately 4m agl and approximately 0.5m above the major forking break, and removing the lowest lateral branch growing to the west, as discussed and directed on site. We Noted that this application had already been permitted on 12th July.

c. 21/00916/CTR – 12A High Street – T1 – Eucalyptus – Crown raise by removal of specific branches shown in attached photograph; T2 – Cypress – Fell; T3 – Supressed Yew – Fell; T4 – Small prunus or malus in corner, reduce all over by 1m; T5 – Walnut – Fell and replace with same or similar species further up the garden – We have no objection to this application for Tree works.

d. 21/00944/CTR – 5 The Green – Maintain, improve and reduce crown on 6no. ash trees – We have no objection to this application for Tree works -– We have no objection to this application for Tree works.

e. 21/00976/CTR – 9 The Green – Cherry tree (x3) remove dead wood, reduce crown and vertical growth, Yew tree remove branches growing into neighbouring plum tree and reduce crown by 1m, Yew tree cut branches and Portuguese laurel prune – We have no objection to this application for Tree works – We have no objection to this application for Tree works

f. 21/00981/CTR – 14A Rectory Lane – Lime (red) crown raise to approx. 5m and Sycamore x6 (blue) reduce group by 2m laterally and 1.5m in height -– We have no objection to this application for Tree works

g. 21/01004/CTR – 10 High Street – Fell cypress – We have no objection to this application for Tree works

h. 21/01019/CTR – 11 Welmore Road – Fell Sycamore tree – We have no objection to this application for Tree works

525. Community Matters
a. Community Centre Working Group – Cllrs. Kirt and Randall referred to a PowerPoint presentation introducing a report prepared by themselves and Mr. Gordon Wright. The report set out the background to the setting up of a working group on the provision of a new village hall. The report highlighted research by ACRE on the difficulties in attracting volunteers to manage village halls in a substantial proportion of the sector.

The report addressed the shortcomings of the current village hall and explored some possible major and minor works to address some of those issues and acknowledged that the major shortcoming is the lack of parking facilities. The authors of the report indicated the dangers of proceeding on any option (newbuild or upgrade) without full tangible community support demonstrated after full knowledge of the location and the impact on the parish precept translated into the effect on household council tax bills together with attracting willing volunteers to join the working group and/or the future volunteer management group.

Parish council agreed to conduct an in-depth survey of residents in a survey setting out the options and the financial consequences, The survey to be drafted by the authors of the report with input from parish councillors and brought back to a future meeting of the parish council for endorsement prior to delivery to, and collection from every household in the village

b. Local List Project – Cllr. Randall introduced this project being carried out by Peterborough City Council with the intention of creating a register of items or Land or Buildings (excluding listed buildings), that might be considered to be a heritage asset. The city council were encouraging widespread public input of suggestions to be considered by a panel for inclusion in the Local list. Cllr Randall agreed to circulate his thoughts on matters to be put forward for inclusion in the Local List and all parish councillors were invited to notify the clerk of any sites to be proposed by Glinton Parish Council

c. Playing Field – The clerk reminded us that parish council ownership of the playing field is registered with the land registry as possessory and that parish council can now apply for the title to be registered as absolute. We RESOLVED to approve an application to the Land Registry to vary the title to “Absolute” and to instruct LGSS to act on our behalf and conclude the process which they had started in a prior year.
Proposed Cllr. Lane Seconded Cllr. Spendelow

d. Boundary Commission of England – We considered the report of the Boundary Commission, out for consultation, containing a proposal that Glinton remain in a smaller NW Cambridgeshire constituency. We also noted the counter proposal to bring the parish in to a revised Peterborough Constituency. We RESOLVED to support the Boundary Commission proposal.
Proposed Cllr. Holdich Seconded Cllr. Kirt

e. Cemetery Notice Board – We were advised that the current cemetery Notice board had been removed on the instructions of the clerk as the supporting legs had rotted and the structure was unsafe. On consideration of the option of repair or replacement we instructed the clerk to seek prices for a replacement board on metal or manmade supports to avoid a recurrence of the present structural failure.

f. Cemetery Plan – we were informed that following a recent interment of cremated remains, the family of an adjoining plot had complained about the limited space between the adjoining plots. The assignment of the adjoining plot had been in accordance with the approved cemetery layout. The clerk informed us that the cremated remains bay did tend to narrow towards the Northern boundary of the site and would be tighter for future burials if the current layout were not varied. We noted that the cremated remains bay in the cemetery extension is wider and that the same issue should not arise when that part of the extension is brought in tom use. We RESOLVED that for the remainder of burial in the existing cremated remains bay future burials to the North of the existing seat will be in a single row.
Proposed Cllr. Spendelow Seconded Cllr. Kirt

526. Reports (standing Item) – there were no reports from councillors attending any meetings of other organisations.

527. Governance Matters – none to consider at this meeting

528. Official Notices and Correspondence – we noted the receipt of an email from a stonemason proposing a memorial matching another family member and an additional inscription on existing
memorial in a different plot. In both cases these were considered non contentious given existing family headstones and we approved both requests

529. Highways Matters –

a. Bins – Cllr. Kirt noted that the additional bins provided at nine bridges was proving inadequate, The bin requested and agreed for the West side of Lincoln Road had yet to materialise. The clerk agreed to take these matters up with the appropriate officer at the city council

b. Parking congestion in the High street – Cllr Randall reported the traffic gridlock on the previous Friday when a school bus returned at a time coinciding with other school related traffic. We were reminded of our intention to meet with Rebecca Presland to seek a solution to the parking and consequent traffic congestion in the high street. We asked the clerk to set up a meeting in the afternoon once the school holidays were over.

c. Junction of Helpston Road and Westbourne Drive – Cllr. Skinner reported the carriageway is breaking up and needed attention

530. Date of Next Scheduled meeting – 21st September,2021

Meeting closed at 8.40pm

Clerk/Proper Officer,
29th July, 2021