
Cemetery Regulations

Cemetery Regulations Uploaded on February 12, 2021

The Lawn Cemetery is owned by Glinton Parish Council and administered by the Clerk; eligibility is outlined below, irrespective of religious denomination.

Right of Interment
Parishioners whose names appear or are eligible to appear in the Register of Electors for Glinton or those who were resident or born in the parish, may be interred in the Cemetery on payment of the appropriate fee as set out in the scale of charges.

Eligible persons or their families may purchase an exclusive right of burial of a single additional adjacent plot, for the sole purpose of the interment of the remains of a Husband, Wife or Civil Partner (even though that Husband, Wife or Civil Partner may not meet the residential criteria) provided that the exclusive right of burial is purchased at the same time, and prior to the interment of the remains of the eligible person.

Notice of Interment
At least 48 hours notice of every intended interment must be given to the Clerk to the Parish Council. Except in special circumstances, no notice will be received on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays. Such days must be excluded from the period of 48 hours notice. An exception will be made on production of a medical certificate stating that an early interment is necessary. Upon receipt of a notice of interment the Parish Council shall confirm the details. All fees in connection with an interment must be paid to the Clerk at the time that the notice of interment is given.

A Disposal Certificate of the Registrar of Deaths, or, where appropriate, of the Coroner, must be delivered to the Clerk with the Notice of Interment. In the case of a stillborn child, the appropriate certificate under the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 must be produced.

Place of Interments
All graves will be allocated by the Clerk.
The digging and mounding of graves will be the responsibility of the Funeral Director but the work must be carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of the Parish Council.
Likewise, excavations to receive cremation caskets will be the responsibility of the Funeral Director or person arranging the burial and must be carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of the Parish Council.

Hours of Interment
The hours of interments in the Cemetery will be from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm and no interments will be allowed on Sundays and Public Holidays, unless there are special reasons acceptable to the Parish Council. Not more than one funeral will be allowed to take place at any one time.

Purchase of Exclusive Right of Burial
‘Right of Burial’ may be purchased at the time of the interment on payment of the appropriate fee. ‘Right’ is granted for 75 years. The Exclusive Right entitles the deed-holder to determine who is buried in the grave and whether a memorial can be placed (subject to the payment of the relevant fee and permission being granted). All requests for transfers or refund of Exclusive Right must be in writing to the Parish Council together with payment of the relevant fee.

Grave Depths
The Local Authority Cemeteries Order Act 1977 states that 3ft of soil has to be between the top of the coffin interred and the ground level (for an average coffin being 1ft 3 inches in height). Double depth graves will not be permitted due to the high water table.
Single grave depth should be at least 4ft 6 inches Children’s grave depth are 4ft 6 inches

Cremated Remains
Caskets of ashes may be interred in an earthen grave 3ft by 2ft. There is no facility for ‘scattering’ ashes. For further information contact the Clerk to the Council Mr. J Haste 07591 834163 or Email: . In his absence contact Cllr Johnson Tel: 01733 252743

Anyone who wishes to erect a headstone/monument in the cemetery must first obtain permission from the Parish Council. The application must show a drawing or illustration of the design, dimensions; not exceeding 2 ft 6 inches in height or width and 12 inches at base for graves and 2 ft 3 inches in height, 1 ft 9 inches in width and 10 inches at base for cremated remains, materials to be used and any inscription required. All memorials must be installed to comply with BS 8415 and the NAMM Code of Practice. Those who erect headstones/monuments not in compliance with these directives may be compelled to remove them and pay all costs involved. Subsequent installation of additional memorial items must be applied for as above.
Monumental Mason’s names, signs or marks may be inscribed on any monument provided their appearance are seemly and unobtrusive having regard to the monument as a whole. Every memorial erected or placed shall bear the grave space number engraved on the back face or base. Memorials shall be constructed of granite, marble, slate or other hard natural stone of monumental quality. All memorials remain the property and responsibility of the owner. The Parish Council shall not be held responsible for any damage or breakage, which may occur to any memorial through any cause whatsoever. The owner may have liability for any injury or death resulting from an unstable or incorrectly erected memorial. Wooden crosses will only be permitted for six months after the interment when they will be removed and a permanent memorial should be erected.

Lawn Cemetery Fees and Charges are reviewed annually and will be published separately

Grass Cutting and Maintenance Work
This will be carried out by the Parish Council and the frequency will be determined by weather conditions. Individual maintenance of grave spaces is the responsibility of owners. The Council reserves the right to carry out levelling or in-filling on grave spaces where this becomes necessary. Grave spaces should be kept free of all material to enable free movement of grass cutting equipment.

Flowers, Litter and Rubbish
Flowers must be in unbreakable receptacles on memorials, (or where no memorial, in the space where the memorial would be erected). Under no circumstances should glass containers be used. Only floral tributes are permitted, all other tributes may be removed. A brief exception will be permitted following a funeral. Wreaths and floral tributes from recent funerals should be removed when they have deteriorated. All rubbish should be placed in the wheelie bin provided.

Risk Management
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Occupiers Liability Act 1957 overall responsibility lies with the burial authority. However, any person who is employed by the burial authority, or by a third party, to carry out work within the burial ground has a duty to make sure that any activity is carried out in such a way that risks are properly managed.

Revision of Regulations
A review of regulations and charges shall be made annually or as deemed necessary to take effect 1 April each year. These regulations supersede all previously issued regulations.

Regulations Reviewed and amended 15th March 2016 .