
Local List Consultation

Supporting Papers Uploaded on November 8, 2022


Please ask for:
Our Ref:
01733 864487 or 01733 454408
Daniel Worley or Sam Falco
Draft Local List of Heritage Assets in Peterborough,

Peterborough City Council
Growth and Regeneration
Sandmartin House
Bittern Way, Fletton Quays


Dear Sir / Madam

Public consultation on the proposed inclusion of various in the Local List of Heritage Assets in Peterborough (consultation ends 8th January at 23:59)

I am writing to invite your views on the proposal to include the various heritage assets on the Local List of Heritage Assets in Peterborough (Local List) under Policy LP19 (Heritage Assets) of the Local Plan.

Peterborough City Council have been part of an Historic England led pilot project surveying the district for heritage assets. The assets has been nominated and assessed using the criteria for selection and is considered to be of sufficient quality to be included on the list. The description and reason for inclusion can be found at, as can an individual list for your parish.

The purpose of a local list is to highlight the many buildings and features within the historic environment, which although do not meet national criteria for being ‘Listed Buildings’, ‘Scheduled Monuments’ or ‘Registered Parks and Gardens’, do make a significant contribution to the historic, architectural and social character of the district. These heritage assets are considered ‘non-designated heritage assets’ and remain so once/if they are included within the list of ‘Buildings of Local Importance in Peterborough’ (Local List).

The current Peterborough Local Plan, in particular Policy LP19 (Heritage Assets) is supported by a existing local list, however, the selection criteria are being expanded to cover all types of heritage assets. This document as existing contains over three hundred heritage assets. This is approximately a quarter of the number which are statutorily listed as “Listed Buildings” or “Scheduled Monuments”. The purpose of this ‘local list’ is to promote locally distinctive buildings and ensure that repairs, and where appropriate, alterations and extensions are sympathetic to their character.

Implications of inclusion on the local list

The local list does not provide any additional statutory controls. The list is advisory and symbolic only and does not provide the Council with extra powers.

Planning policy encourages the retention and protection of the special character of ‘Locally Listed’ buildings. Some external works to a building or structure will not require planning permission or approval under Building Regulations. The removal of historic details and features and inappropriate repairs can harm the special interest of a locally listed building.

Proposals for alterations and extensions should be sympathetic to the building’s architectural character. Owners are encouraged to consider the special interest of the building when making external alterations. When planning permission is required, the retention of the building’s character and appearance will be a material consideration in determining the application. There will be a presumption against the demolition of any locally listed building.

Benefits of inclusion on the local list

Designation brings a number of benefits to the building owner. Help and advice from Planning Services is freely available to those carrying out alterations and repairs. Buildings on the local list benefit from a more flexible application of the Building Regulations. Further advice is available from Planning Services.

How to make comments.

We are now undertaking public consultation on the inclusion of buildings within the Local List of Heritage Assets in Peterborough and this can be viewed or downloaded at or inspected at Sandmartin House, Bittern Way, Fletton Quays. Copies are available for inspection on request.

The consultation ends on 8th January at 23:59. Please send any comments on the draft appraisal to: or by post to the above address.

A final report incorporating the results of the consultation will be drawn up and reviewed with City Council members. If approved the assets will be adopted as part of the Local List of Heritage Assets in Peterborough.

What happens next?

All comments received will be taken into consideration and will inform a revised version of the proposed Local List of Heritage Assets in Peterborough

Daniel Worley
Senior Conservation Officer