held on Tuesday
13th June, 2023
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), D. Batty, C Bysshe, S Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, R W Randall, S Singh, A Staines, & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. One member of the public was also present.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting, those present stood for a minutes silence in memory of Gordon Wright, a parish councillor who passed away on 5th April 2023
807. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – apologies were recorded from Councillors Aylesbury & Lane. both absent from Peterborough and unable to attend this meeting.
• The overgrown hedge at the Welmore Road end of The Willows footpath, reported at the previous meeting, and still not addressed had deteriorated even further and was considered a safety issue. We asked the clerk to seek the further support of the city council in requiring the landowner to keep the public footpath clear
810. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th May, 2023
Proposed Cllr. Bysshe Seconded Cllr. Batty
811. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None
a) Status of current planning applications – The clerk reported that with the exception of one property all previous planning applications had been determined. The following three applications are to be added to the list. All determined applications will be archived and the future reports will start with those considered at this meeting and the one awaiting a decision.
b) 23/00578/HHFUL – 52 Helpston Road – Demolition of existing structures and outbuildings and erection of single storey detached annex. We noted that the indicated siting of the proposed annex is as far away from the main house as is possible on the site. The site is also bounded two sides to neighbouring properties. We consider the application to be classic “Backland Development”; contrary to local Planning policies and accordingly; should be refused. Parish council will support any legitimate planning objections made by residents.
Furthermore, if officers are minded to approve the application the annex should be sited closer to the main building to minimise the impact on neighbours and more easily be used as an annex. There should be restrictions placed requiring occupation solely as an annex to the main building and used by occupants of the main dwelling – prevented from
o being sold, or rented separately from the main building, or
o being used for any commercial purpose, or as an office.
c) 23/00504/HHFUL – 11 North Fen Road – Parish council are vehemently OPPOSED to this application which, if approved, in the opinion of councillors, would significantly alter the street scene. The design is unsympathetic to neighbouring properties, contrary to planning policies in conservation areas as set out in the supplementary Planning document “Design and Development in selected villages” adopted by PCC as planning authority. The size and depth of the site would allow the main building to be extended back in to the site and remain not visible from North Fen Road
d) 23/00694/CTR – Hortus 22 North Fen Road – Removal of 2no. willow trees in front driveway and cut back Bramley apple tree in rear garden. We have no objections to the proposed works, but would support; the tree officer in reaching a decision or legitimate objections by neighbours.
a) Golden Orb (Coronation) Celebrations – noted that the financial outcome is still being determined as sponsorships are still coming in and bills being paid, although we confidently note that in excess of £5000 will be carried forward and available for future community events.
b) Future Community events – The event organising group met on 26th May and concluded that there were few lessons to be learnt from the coronation celebrations and considered putting on a late summer live music event and a garage sale similar to the popular event held last year in Northborough. The group had previously considered a drone display instead of fireworks but noted that the costs of such an event exceeded £80k. The proposed fireworks event is to be put on hold because of the lack of a suitable location. A major event is to be planned for 8th June 2024 to coincide with D-Day commemoration week.
c) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported a lack of further progress since the last meeting and we agreed that if there were still no movement by our next meeting we would seek a meeting with city councillors at a senior level to seek a resolution.
d) Defibrillators – Cllr. Randall reported contacting Community Heartbeat as suppliers regarding supply lead times and possibilities of arranging collection instead of delivery. We also asked the Clerk to seek approval from the City Council to the preferred locations of the defibrillators and the new Village Sign
e) Gas Compressor Station. Our visit on Friday 19th May had been most informative and reported (with photographs on the parish council Facebook pages. We asked the Clerk to write formally and again thank National Grid for accommodating our visit and to also follow up on 4 matters
o We are firmly of the opinion that ALL the agreed cladding on the compressor stacks should be completed as envisaged
o Seeking confirmation that the current levels of noise is attributable to testing and will cease on commissioning of the new units and decommissioning of the older units
o Seeking confirmation of timescales for landscaping and mature tree planting on the site, particularly on the Eastern and Southern Boundaries of the site.
o Some indication of the timescale for returning the eastern acquired land to agricultural use
f) Biodiversity issues – Cllr. Staines reported that the signage was being prepared by Anglian Water (AWA) and we agreed the proposed draft signage, including to reference to provision of the signs by AWA.
g) Village Hall working party – we were all too soon reminded that this was very much being supported by Gordon Wright and would now be picked up by the Chairman, Vice chairman and Cllr. Staines. A meeting has been arranged to meet with Peter Smith Associates on site on Monday 19th May with a view to considering possible improvements to the hall.
h) Winter Warm Hubs –Cllr. Bysshe reported that the schema had been put on hold for the summer months and would be considered again in the Autumn to consider the most cost effective use of resources.
i) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported on the continued growth of the Glinton Parish Council Face Book page and the particular success of the one dedicated to Golden Orb (Coronation) events now renamed the Glinton Social Events. Cllr Jackson also reported no misuse of allowing comment on the postings and proposed to retain that facility.
814. REPORTS – Standing item – Cllr. Staines reported on a second attendance at the Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG). He anticipated that up to four of the longest standing members of the group will retire in June or July and that newer members were hopeful that they might be more influential on the Deepings Practice
a) GORDON WRIGHT – Funeral arrangements, Representation and tribute to his memory – we understand that the funeral may be held on 22nd June and that subject to confirmation Cllrs Kirt and Jackson will attend on behalf of the parish council together with others able to attend. We RESOLVED to delegate to the chairman and Vice chairman an approved budget of up to £100 for, (depending on Family wishes), either a floral tribute or donation to the chosen charity operating in the UK.
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Staines
(1) Internal Audit Report – we noted the completion of the internal audit by Mr Steve Davies FCA and a clean audit report and agreed to his appointment for the current year subject to his availability
(2) Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) – Accounting Statement – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the statement as drafted on Page 5 of the annual return and to be signed by the Chairman on our behalf.
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr Kirt
c) Roll of Freedoms of the Parish – The Clerk reported that he had, in consultation with the chairman, confirmed the style of board required from those styles available but that he still awaited indication of a price and timescale for delivery. We agreed that the matter should be on the agenda for our next meeting.
816. OFFICIAL NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE – none other than those considered elsewhere on the agenda.
a) Village Green – Anglian Water – The Clerk reported a notification from Savills on behalf of Anglian Water that they intended to do a trial Hole on the Village Green to see if it is a suitable location for a water pressure meter. This is being challenged to see if the location can be changed and what the implications are if the location is deemed unavoidable and successful as we are agreed we would oppose an above ground obstacle placed anywhere on that site
817. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village
i. North Fen Road
a. Pot Holes too deep and too numerous to list, and considered to be serious safety issue
b. Post – Strimmer damage, need guards and a remedy. (Same for Rectory Lane posts)
c. Weight limit signs One by Kissing Gate, one at Junction with The Green
d. Promised Litter Bin by Stone Bridge
e. Continuous lit speed limit sign by the Nisa shop
i. Honours board to record “Freedoms of The Parish”
ii. Grant Funding – recruiting a fund raiser
iii. report of working party on Village Sign Replacement.
iv. Signage Plaques, information boards and Village Pump
v. Village sign replacement- approval of Style and cost
I) Date of Next Meeting – The re-arranged date for the next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be re-arranged for Tuesday 1st August with a revised start time of 7.00pm
Meeting closed at 9.15pm,
Clerk/Proper Officer,
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