held on Tuesday
17th January, 2023
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D. Batty, C. Bysshe, R. Randall, A Staines, R. Joshi-Boparai, G Wright & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. Six members of the public were present.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting James Cowley and Dan Stewart of Anglian Water gave a presentation on the planned pipeline to pass through Glinton Village. Councillors and residents asked questions and received some assurances about safeguarding nature recovery area and minimising disruptions to residents. Dan and James undertook to provide details of the width of a “no build zone” along the length of the pipeline. AWA would be providing 110% of replanting where trees etc had to be removed and would provide additional flowers for nature recovery areas and would look in to the possibility of providing sponsored signage of those areas
737. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors S. Jackson, D. Lane had sent apologies for their absence as both were unwell. The absence of Cllr. Singh was also noted.
739. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Bob Randall, as a resident asked that the parish council request the Deepings Practice to re-instate the patient participation group and having a parish council representative on that group.
740. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th December, 2022
Proposed Cllr. Batty Seconded Cllr. Wright
741. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None.
a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.
b. 23/00004/LBC – Manor House, High Street – Removal of two 1950s fireplaces and surrounds and restoration of original inglenook fireplaces, with the addition of woodburning stoves – We have no observations to make on these proposals
C. 22/00042/REFCL – 14 Rectory Lane – Use of dwelling by no more than six residents living together as a single household where care is provided (Class C3(b)). The Chairman referred to our previous submission to the planning authority and the applicant’s grounds for appeal against the refusal to grant a certificate of lawful development. We instructed the Clerk to write to the planning inspector confirming the views previously conveyed to the planning authority and supporting the legitimate observations of residents in the vicinity of the appeal property.
d. 23/00028/HHFUL – 30a Lincoln Road – Erection of single storey front and rear extensions – We have no observations to make on the application and would support any legitimate objections made by neighbours
a) Fireworks – The Clerk reported the response from the City Council legal Officer to our request that the city council considered a byelaw prohibiting the use of aerial fireworks within 300 metres. In essence there were reasons for not doing so principal among those were that it was a matter to be taken up by legislation by central government. Locally residents of thatched cottages expressed their gratitude for the efforts of the parish council and were pleased that our actions had at least raised awareness within Glinton. We agreed to approach the local MP and to try to elicit support from the fire service.
b) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported that he had escalated our offer and the matter was being chased by the deputy leader of the city council.
c) Climate Change Emergency – Cllr. Kirt reported that a further meeting of the working group would take place before we next met and reported to the February meeting. We congratulated Cllr. Aylesbury on an excellent article in the Village Tribune on the subject of heat source pumps.
d) Gas Compressor Station. Cllr. Randall reported that there has been a noticeable increase in the noise levels emanating from the site, believed to be coming from the existing compressors. We asked the Clerk to write to National Grid seeking an explanation.
e) Speedwatch – Nothing to report as no exercise conducted since our previous meeting.
f) Nature Recovery Projects – Cllr Bysshe reported that she and Judy Staines had planted lots of bulbs in the Clarendon Way grassed area and had been joined by some local residents. Cllr Staines reported that he had obtained some unacceptably high quotes for providing signage and that he would be seeking to obtain more competitive quotes to report to our February meeting.
g) Winter Warm Hubs – Cllr Bysshe reported that the good neighbours scheme had conducted a recruitment campaign with some success. It remained to be seen if there was sufficient support in Glinton for the village to be included in the schedule for the Roving Hub.
h) Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – Cllr. Kirt reported that he would be resurrecting the NP working group in February to kick start the review of our NP. The revised group would consist of Cllrs. Kirt, Bysshe, Randall, Staines and Wright together with residents David Rose and Judy Staines.
i) Lyons Garden Care Home – Cllr Staines reported some noise and disturbance from this care home and sought advice from the parish council. We are of the opinion that as a first step it would be advisable for Cllr. Staines to arrange to meet with the management of the care home to discuss the issues and seek a better understanding of the causes and solutions. Cllr Staines to raise the matter at a future meeting of this parish council in the event that there was no meeting or resolution to the matters raised.
744. REPORTS – Standing item –
a. CAPALC Special general meeting. Cllr. Batty reported that this would take place on 25th January 2023 and that he would be attending. Cllr Jackson also indicated he intended to do so if possible.
b. Cllrs Kirt and Randall reported on a meeting at Clare Lodge where the consultants had argued that the additional changes sought by the parish council were either not necessary or not possible. We disagreed and are of the opinion that there are solid planning grounds to pursue those matters with the planning authority and asked the Clerk to convey that to the case officer quoting planning policies.
c. Cllr Wright reported on a meeting he and the chairman had with an architect who would prepare “as done” drawings of the Village Hall for £500 and additional drawings with costed options for changes for a further £500. We agreed that Cllr. Wright should seek further information for our consideration at the February meeting.
a) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported a steadily growing number of followers agreed to report further progress to the February meeting and the agenda to include a link to the revised draft policy
b) Operation Golden Orb
i Cllr. Kirt reported that a meeting had been arranged, to gather more volunteers to assist in the planning and running events on the day.
ii A more detailed plan would be put in place after the meeting dependent in part on the number of volunteers coming forward to assist.
iii We considered purchasing official mugs in quantity sufficient to provide all the pupils at the primary school with one each. We RESOLVED to place an order for 216 mugs at a cost of £1407.80 +VAT, well within the budget of £1500 set aside for the purpose.
Proposed Cllr. Wright Seconded Cllr. Batty
iv We noted that for insurance purposes the parish council covered volunteers for public liability whilst engaged on parish council business, provided their input is properly recorded before the event and proper risk assessments carried out
c) Grant Funding – we agreed to seek to appoint a person to be a grant funding champion (fund raiser) and asked all present to help to identify someone to fill the role.
d) Metro Bank 95day Deposit account – The Clerk undertook to progress the arrangements with Metro Bank and seek to establish account numbers in order that the proposed signatories to the account might then seek appointments with the bank to finalise their part in the process
The Clerk reported an email from the cemetery maintenance contractor indicating a willing ness to extend the contract for a further 12 months and seeking an inflationary increase in the monthly rate. We RESOLVED to offer an increase to £225 per month.
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Kirt
747. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
i. We asked the Clerk to thank the city council for providing the Bin on the west side of Lincoln Road opposite the Willows Footpath Bus shelter.
ii. Cllr. Kirt provided photographs of the appalling state of Peakirk Road and Footpaths and the damaged permissive footpath at the eastern end of Peakirk Road. We agreed that these matters should be reported to the appropriate officers at the City Council.
i. report of working party on Village Sign Replacement.
ii. Signage – Plaques, information boards and Village Pump – February 2023
iii. Bonfire nigh event – 2023
749. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 17th February in the village hall commencing at 7.15pm
Meeting closed at 9.39pm,
Clerk/Proper Officer,
28th January 2023