
Minutes 18th January 2022

MinutesMinutes calendar year 2022 Uploaded on February 9, 2022

held on Wednesday
18th Jauary, 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), R Johnson (Vice Chairman), D Batty, Mrs C Bysshe, D Lane, G Kirt, R Randall, and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Two members of the public were also present.


576. Apologies for Absence – Cllr. Spendelow apologised for his absence recovering from a broken hip and granted leave of absence by the parish council. Apologies from Cllr. P Skinner unwell

577. Members Declarations of Interest – None declared.

578. Public Participation – Mrs Ruth Hutchinson was in attendance with her husband and addressed the parish council giving explanation and information, including photographs, regarding the planning application for their property. In addition, providing responses to the objections of the next-door neighbour.

579. Minutes of the Meetings–

We RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21st December, 2021
Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Randall

580. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting – None

581. Planning
a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.

b. 21/01870/HHFUL – 16 High Street. In addition to the information provided by the applicant during the public forum parish council examined the detail available on the planning portal. Parish council agreed by a majority vote to oppose the application as having insufficient space between the extension and adjacent walls and fences. We have no objection in principle to a new and larger replacement to the existing conservatory and invited the applicant to discuss with their architect and the planning authority revised plans allowing a minimum of 600mm space around the extension.

c. 21/01918/HHFUL – 1 Farthingstones – We have no objections or observations to the revised scheme

582. Community Matters

a. Community Centre Working Group – Cllr. Kirt reported that all questionnaires had been delivered and that about 100 responses had been received so far. We await further responses in the consultation period ending 14th February and will be provided with a summary analysis at our February meeting

b. Climate Change – Cllr. Kirt reported that an inaugural meeting had been held with interested residents and three parish councillors in attendance. In the short term it had been agreed to keep the group under the umbrella of the parish council but that might change given the growing interest in the matter. Judy Staines had an established facebook page for the group and Cllr. Batty undertook to do research via CAPALC to see what other parish councils had accomplished. Glinton Green Projects might provide a suitable vehicle or blueprint for future initiatives or to achieve grant funding.

583. Reports of Councillors attending meetings with other bodies. Cllr. Mrs Bysshe referred to a group of residents wishing to take on the management of the open space between The Willows and Clarendon Way. We agreed to consider the matter at our February meeting when further information might be available

584. Governance Matters –

a. Cemetery Maintenance – We noted with regret the intention of Mr Grierson to end his responsibilities at the cemetery due to other commitments arising in 2022. We agreed that we should start the process of finding a suitable replacement with a preference for someone local to maintain our cemetery

b. Banking Arrangements – Further to the previous decision of our meeting in December we noted the need to designate signatories to the account. In addition to the clerk Cllrs JFW Holdich, Cllr RW Johnson, Cllr. G Kirt and Cllr. D Lane all agreed to be nominated signatories.
Proposed Cllr. Mrs Bysshe Seconded Cllr D Batty

585. Official Notices and Correspondence – None brought to our attention.

586. Highways Matters –

• We noted with gratitude that the step up to Jubilee footbridge over Maxey Cut had been repaired.

• We noted the response from the city council relating to our request that the A15 from Waterworks lane to McDonalds roundabout needs sweeping for residue of Mud on road. Highways are examining the obligations of the contractors for the works by Network Rail and the National Grid

The following outstanding matters were raised by parish councillors
• Additional Bin on West side of Lincoln Road
• Slabs by the seat near the village pump
• Pavement on south side of Peakirk road
• Potholes, and footpath white line reinstatement, in North Fen Road.

We also asked that Highways consider extending the yellow lines on the East Side of Beech Road from the junction with Helpston road to the 1st house on Beech Road

587. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 15th February 2022.

Meeting closed at 8.27pm