
Minutes 21st May 2024

MinutesMinutes Calendar Year 2024 Uploaded on May 23, 2024

held on Tuesday
21st May 2024
in the Village Hall, High St.

Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D Batty, C Bysshe, S Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, D Lane, L. Rossouw, R. Randall, A. Staines & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. One member of the public and Ward Cllr. Neil Boyce were also present.


931. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR THE ENSUING PARISH COUNCIL YEAR – There being only one nomination Cllr. G Kirt was elected unopposed as Chairman for the coming year.
Proposed Cllr. Mrs C Bysshe Seconded Cllr. D Batty

932. CHAIRMAN’S DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE – The chairman signed the acceptance of Office in the presence of the Clerk

933. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN – there being only one nomination Cllr. Randall was elected unopposed as Vice Chairman
Proposed Cllr. G Kirt Seconded Cllr. A Staines

934. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – none and the absence of Councillor Sukhvinder Singh was again noted.



a) Cllr Staines as a resident reported that the oak planted by the Womens Institute was dead possibly through lack of watering, there was also another sapling in a similar state. We asked the Clerk to put the matter on the agenda for the next meeting with a possible view to replacement. The Clerk also mentioned the availability of irrigation bags from Barcham Trees which could help to resolve the watering issue.
b) Cllr. Staines also referred to the request for a slab in front of the dog poo bin on the recreation ground and asked for a similar construct in front of the toddler play area. (We noted that the contractor could also quote to install the AWA nature recovery signs and the new village sign when delivered)

937. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th April 2024
Proposed Cllr. C. Bysshe Seconded Cllr. R. Joshi-Boparai

938. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None

939. RECEIPT OF NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN and MEMBERS TO WORKING GROUPS: We unanimously resolved to approve the following working group membership

i. Finance Working Group. Cllrs. G. Kirt (Chairman), S. Jackson, D. Lane, R.W. Randall
ii. HR Working Group Cllrs Lane (Chairman), Mrs. C. Bysshe, & G. Kirt
iii. Climate Change Group Cllr. G. Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, A. Staines, C. Bysshe, S. Jackson & D. Batty.

FOR REPORTING BACK: We unanimously resolved to approve the following representations:

a. AMVC Liaison Committee. (Cllrs Batty, Randall, Bysshe & Kirt)
b. CAPALC (Cllr. Batty)
c. Parish Council’s Liaison Committee. (Clerk & Cllrs Batty, Jackson & Randall).
d. Clare Lodge Committee. (Cllrs Aylesbury, Bysshe & Randall)
e. Northern Footpath Forum. (Cllr. Mrs Bysshe & Staines)
f. Neighbourhood Planning Group. (Cllrs Kirt (chairman), Joshi-Boparai, Randall, Rossouw, Staines & Aylesbury)
g. Glinton Community Association (Cllr. D Lane)
h. Rural NW Good Neighbours Scheme (Cllr. Mrs Bysshe)
i. Patient Participation Group – (Cllrs batty & Jackson agreed to attend)


The clerk reported that NALC had revised the model form of Financial Regulations and that he had not yet had a chance to review the new version. WE agreed to re-affirm the old version and to ask the Clerk to report to the June or July meeting on the new version. With that caveat we unanimously RESOLVED to approve these policy documents without any further changes
Proposed Cllr. G Kirt Seconded Cllr. D. Lane


a) Status of current planning applications – The Clerk reported two changes to the report circulated with the agenda and we noted that the applications for 11 North Fen Road and 18 Welmore road had both been permitted.

b) Planning Applications –

i 24/00483/OUT – Land South Of Peakirk Road – Outline permission for up to 250 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system and vehicular access point with access secured and all other matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale). WE recalled the attendance of 94 residents at the public meeting held in the Village hall without a single voice in favour of the proposed development. We there agreed to submit a robust and detailed response to the planning authority and delegated the task to Cllrs Kirt and Randall together with the Clerk.

ii 24/00656/CTR – 8 High Street – Fell highlighted tree on plan. No objection and if the applicant is agreeable to fund a replacement the parish council will accommodate this on the playing field in place of a failed young tree.

iii 24/00628/HHFUL & 24/00629/LBC Manor House cottages, 29-31 High Street – The amalgamation of two properties into one, including associated internal and external alterations, repairs and restoration. Replacement roof covering, replacement garage/workshop, replacement glazed porch structure and glazed extension. We considered the proposed works to be an improvement on the property and the street scene and agreed to SUPPORT the application. In addition, we asked if the applicant could agree to retain the historically significant fire damage residue to the lower left window and an explanatory brass plaque.

iv 23/01712/FUL – Re-consultation of 14 Rectory Lane – revised redline. We again considered this application in the light of the revised submission by the applicant. We unanimously declared our continued opposition to this application and considered the revised submission to be a delaying tactic by the applicant and a further example of playing the planning system to the applicant’s advantage. We asked the Clerk to respond accordingly to the planning authority and ask the planning authority to now expedite determination of the application.

c) Neighbourhood Plan (NP)
i. The Chairman reported that the recent questionnaire supported the current NP and the group would now move on to reviewing the content. A Housing assessment would also strengthen the review and we asked the clerk to contact Cambs ACRE to progress that assessment.


a) Anglian Water Pipeline – Cllr. Randall reported that the 24-hour directional drilling is still going on and is expected to continue for a further week. It was acknowledged that the pipelaying team had changed some practices to minimize overnight disturbance to residents

b) National Gas – report back from Noise testing. – deferred to a later meeting as testing had not been completed. Cllr Kirt reported that the cladding had still not been installed as required by planning conditions.

c) GlintonFest24 incorporating D-Day 80 Commemoration The chairman reported that arrangements were proceeding well and on target for another successful event

d) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported that Christian Firmin is acting for the parish council and has contacted Taylor Woodrow. It is now in the hands of solicitors for both parties

e) Anti-social behaviour – To consider a catalogue of events including youths on the Primary School roof, Wing mirrors vandalised, theft and recovery of child’s scooter, Lawn cemetery vandalism& Drug abuse, threatening behaviour towards parish councillors. The chairman reported that he is to meet with the police the next day with the intention of legal action against a perpetrator. We asked the clerk to write to the Police & Crime Commissioner or Chief of police seeking a street presence particularly in the evening. Our Ward Councillor informed us that he is to meet with Clair George on 28th May and discuss acquisition of deployable CCTV in rural communities

f) Biodiversity issues – Cllr. Staines reported that he is still chasing progress on the signage and taking up the lack of promised mowing on the Nature recovery site

g) Climate Change – The chairman had previously circulated the notes of the most recent meeting of this action group.

h) Engagement with Peakirk Parish Council – No recent movement on this and Cllr. Staines agreed to follow up with Sally Jackson.

i) Deepings Practice – Cllr. Randall referred to the feedback from the public meeting held Friday 10th May o discuss the outline planning application on which occasion there was a huge reaction from the 94 residents in attendance when the impact on the surgery was mentioned. It was evident that the whole village was appalled at the level of service provided by the practice. We asked the clerk to write to the practice seeking advice on what is actually available in Glinton and to ask for a partner or practice manager to attend the next parish council meeting

j) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported on the continued growth of both the parish council page and in particular the parish council FB page as a result of the opposition to the outline planning application by Gladman

k) Village Hall working Group – Cllr Kirt referred to the NP questionnaire result and the continued lack of majority support for a new village hall. The group would now concentrate on what could be achieved by cost effective upgrades to the existing Village Hall

944. REPORTS – Standing item – None at this meeting


a) Financial Matters – The Clerk reported that the accounts for the previous year had been finalised and had yet to go to the internal auditor. We therefore agreed to defer detailed consideration to the June meeting. In the interim we were advised that receipts of £56, 265 exceeded payments of £48226 and that reserves at the year-end totalled £100,078.

b) Review of Parish Council and Clerk’s membership subscriptions to other bodies – We confirmed
continued subscription to each body as follows:
i CAPALC (£544.09 – (previously £494.04)
ii CPRE Campaign for the protection of rural England -(£36 no increase)
iii Cambridgeshire ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England)
iv SLCC- Society of Local Council Clerks (shared with Castor PC) –. Glinton Share £130.53 (£137.46 share in 2023))
v PSMA Public Sector Mapping Agreement (est £80) – use of Ordnance Survey maps and public sector overlays where available.
vi Good Neighbour scheme – associate annual membership fee is Zero as the organisation is currently externally grant funded for at least the current year.


947. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) Complaint about the state of the Willows footpath, both overgrown and dangerously slippery.
b) Traffic signs – Cllr. Kirt reported that they needed to be cleaned
c) Waste bin at the Stone Bridge in North Fen Road had still not been installed
d) Cllr. Batty reminded us that extension of yellow lines in Beech road had been agreed and yet to be implemented
We asked the clerk to write to the highway authority to seek progress on these matters.

a) Financial accounts 2023/24
b) Internal audit report.
c) Grant funding – recruiting a fund raiser
d) Village signage and heritage plaques / information boards

949. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 18th June.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.03pm.

Clerk/Proper Officer,
22nd May 2024