held on Tuesday
19th January, 2021
Using the ZOOM software application to hold virtual meetings as permitted by Covid-19 legislation
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, Mrs Bysshe, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), R W Johnson, G Kirt, D. Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, C Wilde and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). One members of the public was also present.
426 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – None – all councillors present
a. David Cowcill – asked again why the planning authority had yet to determine the Larkfleet planning application. The clerk provided an update by way of an email from the case officer received on the day pf our meeting. The chairman added his thoughts that the application would now proceed to examined by planners and decided within a few weeks.
b. David Cowcill also complimented whoever arranged for the work on the footpath to Northborough which had been upgraded
c. Gerry Kirt spoke regarding the removal of protection round saplings planted at the expense of the parish council and with the considerable personal effort of parish councillors in planting said trees and erecting supporting stakes and protective mesh. The response from the city council included the policy against wire mesh to avoid injury claims. The clerk is to make further enquiries of the city council including possible use of an alternative to wire mesh
We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17h November and these were to be duly signed by the Chairman when we next meet.
Proposed Cllr. Mrs Bysshe seconded Cllr. Kirt
a. The currents status of planning applications –Cllr. Johnson gave an update of applications received and decisions made since the previous meeting and noted that there was a late addition to the report as a planning application, on our agenda, had been received on the day that the agenda was published
b. 20/01733/HHFUL – 20 Welmore Road. We had before us the plans available on the city council planning portal for this two storey front extension and replacement windows. We noted that the premises were surrounded by other premises and whilst we have no objections to the proposed works we would support the legitimate objections of neighbours were there to be any.
Clerk to notify Planning
c. 20/01272/FUL – 29-31 High Street – we noted that the applicant had submitted revised plans which now located the new dwelling inside the village envelope and have no objections the work planned in converting the cottages back in to one dwelling or the proposed dwelling itself.
We observed that the application refers to the garage already approved and also that the current application showed access to the new dwelling by a driveway which is still outside the village envelope. With those matters in mind we are compelled to still object to the application in its current form.
If planners are minded to approve the revised layout we are of the opinion that conditions should include the prohibition of any building constructed outside the village envelope, including the garage previously approved. Furthermore any permission should include a condition that the façade of the building, which is of historical interest, should be preserved.
d. 20/01275/FUL – Buffingham Kennels – Parish council considered the revised layout and parking provision submitted by the applicant. We noted that the previous planning permission had been granted on a temporary basis. Furthermore Highways have recommended refusals and neighbours raised objections. Taking all matters in to consideration we do not believe that the premises are suitable for operating the licensed business of dog breeding and recommend outright REFUSAL of the application
e. 20/01732/HHFUL – 30a Lincoln Road – single storey extensions to front and rear. We considered the detail of this application on the planning portal and concluded that we have no objections to make on this application
f. Neighbourhood Plan (NP) update – Cllr. Kirt reported that the inspector’s comments had been taken in to account in some redrafts which were now to be considered by the working group. When agreed the revised documents will be submitted to the city council who will then put it to a public vote (referendum) to coincide with the local election planned for May 2021, but possibly deferred to the autumn
Clerk to inform Planning
Clerk to inform Planning
Clerk to inform Planning
a. Duke of Edinburgh award – Cllr Mrs Bysshe reported that she had sent three emails and awaited a reply from Mr. Pepper albeit that the college staff would be prioritising accommodating student learning during the lockdown for Covid-19.
b. Community Centre Working Group (formerly New Village Hall WG) – Councillor Bell had issued a personal report yesterday, and a further update today, for consideration by the working group. At the request of the chairman it was agreed that those reports would be circulated to all parish councillors. The clerk reported that our solicitors, LGSS, had confirmed that they had completed documentation to register absolute title with the land registry but would be unable to progress that until July 2021
c. Beech Road Parking and vehicles crossing the open space – We were made aware of two quotes, received from the city council, to fence of the said open space to prohibit vehicular access and parking. The chairman agreed to follow up with city council officers what enforcement powers could be available to us and whether a byelaw or traffic regulation order might be appropriate in this location.
d. Cemetery Maintenance contract – the clerk reported the receipt of a letter from the existing contactor giving notice of his intention to retire at the end of March 2021. We had before us two quotes for undertaking this work with effect from 1st April 2021. We accepted the offer from Mr Dave Grierson to take on this work on the basis of a 12 month contract, renewable subject to satisfactory performance. Cllr. Johnson abstained from voting.
e. Memorial Headstone application – we considered, and approved, the design, submitted by JG Cross for a memorial headstone for the plot of the late Ian Lilley.
f. Good Neighbour scheme – Cllr Wilde gave an update report on the activities of the group and how they were in a position to make use of the coronavirus hub through Peterborough City council.
g. Good Neighbours scheme affiliation fee for year two. We noted that the city council had funded the first year costs and that a co-ordinator had been appointed. Initially the fee for each affiliated parish is to be £2 per household. The intention, to create some financial stability to the organisation. We agreed to consider this in our budget deliberations, later on this agenda.
Clerk to notify those who provided quotes
Clerk to tell J. Cross
433 REPORTS from Councillors – STANDING ITEM – There were no reports
a. Receipts and payments for the year to date and since last reported to parish council. We noted the report from the clerk as Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) totalling receipts of £ and Payments of £ up to the end of December 2020.
b. Bank Reconciliation as at 31st December 2020 – We noted the report from the clerk as RFO and noted that the reconciliation used the same figures as reported in the previous item.
c. Finance Working group (FWG) report – we noted that FWG had considered the detail of both audit reports and congratulated the RFO on the clean reports.
We also noted the recommendation of the working group, as set out in the report from the clerk, and agreed to dispense with a large cupboard and the disposal of old planning applications as these are available on the planning portal and the responsibility of the planning authority to retain in the public domain. The remaining documents could be held in four drawer filing cabinet or in some cases appropriately sent to the city archives held in the Library. We asked the clerk to investigate the possibility of the filing cabinet to be of a fire proof variety.
d. Review of Cemetery charges – we received a report comparing our cemetery charges with those of the City Council and the Church of England. Of particular note was the fact that the City Council had ceased to charge for the burial of a child under 17 years of age to bring them in line with the Church of England. We accepted the recommendation to do likewise. We also unanimously resolved to increase the charge for an adult burial to £400 and other charges as shown in the schedule attached to these minutes.
e. Budgetary Control report. – We noted the report before us along with the explanations provided by the clerk. In particular we noted that we had received a one off grant of government arising from the Coronavirus pandemic. Cemetery income had also exceeded the budget whilst expenditure was below that in our budget for the year. The clerk now anticipated that our reserves might increase by circa £13k at the year end.
f. Dedicated Mobile Phone for the parish council – we accepted the recommendation of the clerk to provide a mobile phone for use on parish council business and agreed provide for this in the budget. We authorised the clerk to progress this within a budget of £150 in the current year.
Proposed Cllr. Johnson Seconded Cllr Batty
g. Budget 2021/22 and 2022/23 to 2023/24 – the clerk presented the report as recommended by the Finance working group. For our part we amended the budget for the Chairman’s allowance & contingency provision and also added sums to cover the affiliation fee for the Good Neighbour scheme and a provision for fencing. We unanimously agreed the revised budget of £46922 expenditure, and £9735 income before precept. We RESOLVED to set the parish precept at £21616.00 resulting in a council tax charge of £35 at Band D whilst anticipating using £15,571 from our reserves.
Proposed Cllr. Johnson Seconded Cllr Randall
Clerk to investigate
Clerk to organise
Clerk to notify the unitary authority
435 Official Notices and Correspondence – The clerk reported the 2021 CENSUS would be undertaken in March of this year and the local Census manager had emailed all parish councils seeking assistance in promoting awareness. We also agreed to invite her to make a presentation to our next meeting Clerk to arrange
a. Parish Councillors Observations
i. Cllr. Bell raised the ongoing issues with Drainage and in particular the effect on St Benedicts close in the recent heavy rainfall. He is of the opinion that Anglian Water are not making adequate provision to resolve these issues. The chairman undertook to make further enquiries of Anglian Water
ii. Cllr Bell also referred to the unsightly entrance to the AMVC rear access road, and the clerk reported the lack of response to his emails to AMVC. The chairman undertook to seek a response from AMVC and asked the clerk to provide him with copies of the emails sent
iii. Cllr. Batty raised an issue regarding the footbridge over the bypass at the end of Helpston Road and was assured that this matter had been dealt with.
iv. Cllr Mrs Bysshe asked that a rotten part of the fence by the entrance to the playing field be removed, and also mentioned that she had been advised not to undertake litter picks whilst Covid -19 restrictions applied but that members of the public had asked to borrow our litter pick equipment which might be permitted on the clear understanding that they did so entirely at their own risk
v. Cllr Kirt asked about a litter bin by the seat at the village pump. The clerk will check on records to see if this had been requested or agreed, He also enquired about the no parking sign for the cemetery car park which is in the clerk’s possession. We agreed that this could be installed at the end of the car park on the boundary with the BT premises.
437 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – We noted that the next scheduled meeting would be on Tuesday 16th February 2021.
438 Matters to be held over to future meetings – The following matters remain to be considered at a future meeting when appropriate
a. Dedication of the new WWll commemorative benches.
b. Dedication of replaced war grave memorial stone & protection against strimmer damage.
c. Meeting with Chief Executive of Kisimul – deferred until able to meet face to face
d. Site meeting with Rebecca Presland re school run congestion – to be arranged post Covid-19 Lockdown.
Meeting closed 8.51pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
25th January 2021