
Minutes May 6th 2020

Minutes calendar year 2020 Uploaded on February 8, 2021



held on Tuesday

6th May, 2020

Using the ZOOM software application to hold virtual meetings as permitted by Covid-19 legislation

Present:   Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, Mrs Bysshe, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), R Johnson, G Kirt, D Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, C Wilde and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). 5 members of the public were also present.





331 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – None  – all present
332 MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr. Bell declared a non-pecuniary interest on the planning application by Larkfleet and took part in the discussion but abstained from voting on the matter
333 PLANNING APPLICATION – 20/00499/FUL Land to West of St Benedicts Close  – Proposed construction of 34 affordable homes.

Because of the scale of public interest the chairman brought forward item 6(i) on the agenda – planning application relating to the proposed construction of 34 entry level affordable homes.

There followed a lengthy and detailed discussion involving councillors and members of the public. All who spoke did so in opposition to the planning application citing both the adopted local plan and the emerging neighbourhood plan. Concern was expressed that the progression of the mature neighbourhood plan had not been sent for inspection by the city council because of Covid-19 restrictions.

At the conclusion of the discussed parish council RESOLVED unanimously to oppose the planning application. The clerk was instructed to write to Planning with Parish council observations, based upon the reasons given by the inspector in rejecting the appeal for a previous application by the same applicant on the same site. We agreed that the letter of objection should be approved by the chairman and chairman of the planning working group and circulated to Cllrs Bysshe, Kirt and Randall prior to sending to the planning authority











Clerk to write to Planning




·         A resident raised issues of undergrowth encroaching on footpaths on Lincoln Road and Welmore road to Willows footpath.  We agreed that the clerk should inform the highways officer.

·         A resident enquired who would represent the parish council at the Langdyke trust meeting of parish councils to be held on 18th May. Cllr. Mrs Bysshe volunteered to do so

Clerk to write to Highways


Clerk to provide Cllr. Mrs Bysshe with the link

335 MINUTES OF MEETING held on 18th February 2020

We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes and these were to be duly signed by the Chairman when we next met .

Proposed Cllr. D Lane    seconded Cllr. Mrs Bysshe


  Cllr. Johnson as chairman of the planning working group introduced the report on current planning applications which had been circulated with the agenda. This was noted without further comment.

a.    There were 8 planning applications on our agenda, one had been withdrawn by the applicant, one had been refused and three others permitted during the two and half months elapsed time since we were able to meet as a parish council. There remained only three planning applications for the parish council to consider.


b.    20/00375/FUL – 24 Peakirk Road – Proposed demolition of existing single storey dwelling & erection of 2 chalet bungalows. Parish council observed that highways considered the access too narrow and also that there were objections from neighbours. Furthermore we considered that the revised plans still represented overdevelopment of the site and we are therefore OPPOSED to this application and support the neighbours and highways in their objections.


c.    20/004989/CTR – 8 Peakirk Road – Various Tree works. We considered the detail of this application and are concerned about those works identified to trees visible from Peakirk Road, particularly the possibility of removal of large trees which would significantly alter the street scene. We are therefore OPPOSED to the removal of trees visible from the highway and agreed to ask the tree officer to consider tree preservation orders.




Clerk to inform Planning

  d.    20/00499/FUL – Land to West of St Benedicts Close – This matter had been dealt with at the early part of the meeting to allow full public participation.
338 WWii Seat installation and relocation update – The clerk reported that the city council had agreed to install the recently acquired commemorative seat in replacement of the one on the village green but would be unable to relocate that one to Welmore road as requested. The seat was concrete and would be damaged on removal. We unanimously agreed to authotise the clerk to order a replacement seat to be placed in Welmore road near to the parish council notice board when the dog bin is moved to the mouth of the footpath on the opposite side of the road

Proposed Cllr. Randall seconded Cllr. Mrs Bysshe



clerk to arrange fitting and relocation

339 DISABLED DROPPED KERB – HOLMES ROAD – We considered a request to fund a dropped kerb (£550) to enable a resident to use a mobility scooter and noted that our chairman had been unable to secure funding from elsewhere. Given the particular circumstances and issues with parking in the area we agreed to approve a grant of £550 for the purpose of a small dropped kerb. We asked the clerk to write requesting that Highways discuss the precise location with the resident concerned.

Proposed Cllr. Lane seconded Cllr. Bell

Clerk to write to highways
340 PLAYING FIELD – We considered a request for signs to be erected requesting dogs to be kept on leads at all times. This followed incidents of dogs not being kept under control and causing a nuisance to other dog owners. We agreed to ask the clerk to acquire appropriate signs to be attached to existing signage.

Proposed Cllr. Holdich seconded Cllr. Johnson

345 CEMETERY CAR PARK – We observed that there were two cars that were regularly parked in the cemetery car park and agreed to erect a permanent sign that the car park is for the exclusive use of funeral vehicles and short term visitors to the cemetery.

Proposed Cllr. Randall seconded Cllr. Spendelow

346 REPORTS from Councillors – STANDING ITEM – Cllr. Wilde reported on the activities of the voluntary support group set up to assist the most vulnerable and isolated in our community as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions. We noted thatb the support group had posted on the facebook page of the village tribune and has secured an increase in donations to meet a surge in demand for the support of the group. We Thanked Cllr. Wilde for coordinating the support group and applauded their actions

a.    The clerk had circulated, with the agenda, the Annual Governance statement and guidance on completion of each section. We had considered the response to each section on the statement and responded positively to each statement except the last which did not apply to this parish council. We unanimously instructed the clerk to complete the return as indicated.

Proposed Cllr. Johnson Seconded Cllr. Skinner

b.    CAPALC affiliation – Cllr. Batty reported on the changes being made to the structure of CAPALC and the benefits of membership. The clerk informed us that we used model standing orders & financial regulations which were subject copyright by NALC; membership of which is via CAPALC. We unanimously agreed to renew our membership at the increased fee of £481.88





Clerk to complete on our behalf





Clerk to arrange payment of fee


§  Cllr. Lane queried the use of ramps used by residents to cross kerbs when accessing their property. We asked the clerk to write to the city council to establish the legal position and put the matter on our next agenda.

§  Cllr. Mrs Bysshe raised the matter of the temporary fencing on the verge opposite the post office/NISA shop and reported the apparent damage to the structure of the dwelling. The clerk was asked to obtain a legal view of whether the verge in question is highways land




Clerk to write to Highways on both matters


349 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – to be confirmed and arranged as required during the present restrictions on public gatherings
350 Matters to be held over to future meetings

a.    VE day deferred commemorations – update on planted oak tree

b.    Dedication of replaced war grave memorial stone

c.    Dedication of the new WWii commemorative bench

d.    Protection against strimmer damage

e.    New Community Centre working group progress




Meeting closed 8.32pm




Clerk/Proper Officer,

15th May, 2020