
Minutes of Meeting 1st August 2023

Minutes calendar year 2023 Uploaded on August 12, 2023

held on Tuesday
st August, 2023
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), D. Batty, S Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, D Lane, R W Randall, S
Singh, A Staines, & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. One member of the public was also present.
819. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. Aylesbury sent apologies due to pressing commitments
822. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the
meeting held on 16
th May, 2023
Proposed Cllr. Lane Seconded Cllr. Singh
823. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None
a) Status of current planning applications – We noted that one tree application had been permitted and
that the application for a single storey detached annex at 52 Helpston Road had been withdrawn by the
b) 23/00765/LBC – 23 High Street – Alterations to window opening to form new external door with new
double door, conversion of loft space with dormer windows, internal alterations, installation of new central
heating and hot water system, with gas fired boiler in outbuilding. We noted the absence of any
observations from the conservation Officer. We have no objections to the proposed works, but would
support any objection by neighbours made on legitimate planning grounds.
c) 23/00679/HHFUL – 5 Peakirk Road – Proposed single storey side extension. We have no objections to
the proposed works, but would support any objection by neighbours made on legitimate planning
d) Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – We noted that a planning appeal elsewhere in the country had been upheld
and that the inspector had dismissed the relevance of the made NP because it was over two years old.
The chairman reported that to preserve the relevance of our NP he intended to reconvene the NP Group
in the 2nd or 3rd week in September to review and update Glinton NP.
a) Golden Orb (Coronation) Celebrations – We noted that, allowing for one anticipated invoice, £6250
was available in the earmarked reserve for future community events.
b) Future Community events – The chairman reported that following the undoubted success of the Golden
Orb celebrations the organising group had committed themselves to organising a music event comprising
four bands. Parish Councillors organising “GlintonFest” felt that it needed to be held in early September
before the nights pulled in. The group had gained the permission of the school to hold the event on the
Primary School playing field between 4pm and 10pm on Saturday September 9th 2023.We unanimously
RESOLVED to agree retrospective approval to the purchase of printed tickets with a QR Code at the cost
of £91.
Proposed Cllr. Joshi-Boparai Seconded Cllr. Jackson

Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
c) GlintonFest future arrangements – Given that the event is to be held prior to our next meeting we
RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Chairman and Cllr. Jackson, in conjunction with the Clerk, to
make all the necessary arrangements and to commit expenditure within the community events budget to
enable the event to take place.
d) D-Day 80 – Thursday 6th June 2024 – The Clerk reported on the national event being organised on behalf
of the palace and had provided a link within the agenda to the official brochure. We unanimously
RESOLVED to take part in lighting the beacon and to register our involvement with the pageant master
Bruno Peek CVO, OBE, OPR.
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Kirt
We also noted from the official brochure that D-Day80 celebrations also include a National Fish & Chips
day in recognition of the part that unrationed Fish & Chips played in feeding the nation during the war
years. We asked the Clerk to write to a local company to check availability during our event.
e) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported receipt of an email confirming the issue over registered
title and stating the intention was to have a simultaneous transfer from the developer to the city council
and from PCC to Glinton Parish council
f) Defibrillators – Cllr. Randall reported Confirmed that the order had been placed for the approved
defibrillators. Heartbeat are to contact Cllr. Randall when they are available for collection. We agreed that
we should find a contractor for the installation and conscious that we also need to arrange for the
installation of notice boards agreed that all similar work could be included in a single tender document.
g) Village Sign – Cllr. Randall reported on the winning design and that the suppliers would take up to 15mths
to manufacture the new sign. We formally RESOLVED to confirm an order for the aluminium sign at a
cost of £6251. We also instructed the Clerk to notify the city council of our intention to site the new sign
on the village green.
Proposed Cllr. Lane Seconded Cllr. Jackson
h) Gas Compressor Station. We re-affirmed the issues listed in our previous minutes and asked the Clerk
to write again to National Grid – namely:
o We are firmly of the opinion that ALL the agreed cladding on the compressor stacks should be
completed as envisaged
o Seeking confirmation that the current levels of noise is attributable to testing and will cease on
commissioning of the new units and decommissioning of the older units
o Seeking confirmation of timescales for landscaping and mature tree planting on the site,
particularly on the Eastern and Southern Boundaries of the site.
o Some indication of the timescale for returning the eastern acquired land to agricultural use
i) Biodiversity issues – Cllr. Staines reported that the two signs are with the manufacturer and would need
to be installed. Two posts for each sign to be included in the tender for work required in the parish. Tony
Cook of PECT is to visit the site and arrange for the triangle to be scarified if required.
j) Village Hall working party – The chairman reported that the architects were currently working up
possible schemes for improvement to the village hall and are expected to have options available for
consideration at the September meeting.
k) Monkey Challenge – we considered the advertising material for the 5 metre (£3750 + VAT) and a 10
metre option ((5750 + VAT). Whilst we consider these might be a useful addition to the playing field we
agreed to defer further consideration unless grant funding could be obtained.
l) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported on the continued growth of the events and social media
Facebook page reaching 3500 views compared to the parish council page of around 200. We noted that
the social media site was brightened by the posters provided by Judy and Cllr. Staines and thanked them
both for their contributions.
826. REPORTS – Standing item –

Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
a) Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG). – We noted that Peg Torrence was not
available for this meeting but intended to be at the September meeting to discuss the workings
of the group
a) Replacement Notice Boards – The chairman confirmed that these had been delivered and were
currently in his garden. We agreed that these should be included in the tender for early installation as
replacements for the existing notice boards.
b) Roll of Freedoms of the Parish – The Clerk reported that he had received follow up emails for this
boards seeking further information on style. We agreed that this should be followed up and reported to
the September meeting.
c) Ancient Order of Forresters – Glinton Village Pride Lodge medal. – The Clerk reported taking
delivery and we considered possible display within the village. Given the impending work to be carried
out in the village hall we considered it would be inappropriate to display it in the village hall and asked
the Clerk to retain the item for further consideration at a later date.
828. OFFICIAL NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE – none other than those considered elsewhere on the
a) Village Green – Anglian Water – The chairman and Vice Chairman had met with Savills on site and
noted that the trial hole required was large to accommodate the measuring equipment. The conclusion
was that the Village Gren was not the most suitable site. The Clerk reported a later email confirming the
intention to discuss with PCC the suitability of the highway verge to the south side of the High Street.
b) Official notification of “Love Parks Week” – this is running this week (28th July to 6
th August). The
chairman agreed to contact Cllr. Bysshe to see if a litter pick could be arranged at short notice.
c) Replacement Play equipment – We noted that the fenced off play equipment on the playing field had
been replaced by the city council and asked the Clerk to write expressing our grateful thanks for speedy
action by PCC
d) Consultation on the “Local Plan” – The Clerk reported the late receipt of a consultation letter from the
Local Planning Authority (PCC). The consultation period is Short and due to finish on 15th September,
(before our next meeting). WE accordingly, and unanimously, RESOLVED to delegate to Cllrs Kirt,
Randall, Staines & Joshi-Boparai; delegated authority to consider the detail of the lengthy consultation
document and to formally respond on behalf of the parish council
Proposed Cllr. Randall Seconded Cllr. Kirt
829. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) The chairman reported success in seeing some issues receiving prompt attention when he as Cllr. Kirt
had submitted matters via the city council links.
b) Extension of speed limit – We asked the Clerk to write requesting extension of the 20mph limit on safety
grounds to the whole length of North fen Road to Mile drove. The road is used heavily by pedestrians,
dog walkers and school children on bicycles to and from school. Largely because of the high verges
preventing easy avoidance those users are all at risk from speeding cars.
c) Advertising vehicles on verges – Cllr. Lane requested some action taken against the spreading use of
vehicles parked on verges for commercial advertising purposes
d) Cllr. Staines again reported on the strimmer damage to tree on the playing field and the Clerk was asked
to write to PCC requesting some forms of protection were installed to these and also to the wooden play

Chairman: Cllr. Gerry Kirt
e) Beech Road Parking – Cllr. Batty repeated the long-standing request for a meeting on site with Highways
officers to request extension of Yellow lines in Beech road at the junction with Helpston Road
i. Honours board to record “Freedoms of The Parish”
ii. Grant Funding – recruiting a fund raiser
iii. report of working party on Village Sign Replacement.
iv. Signage Plaques, information boards and Village Pump
v. Village sign replacement- approval of Style and cost
I) Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 19th
September starting at 7.00pm
Meeting closed at 9.02pm,
Clerk/Proper Officer