held on Tuesday
15th September, 2020
Using the ZOOM software application to hold virtual meetings as permitted by Covid-19 legislation
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, Mrs Bysshe, J Holdich, OBE (Chairman), G Kirt, D Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, C Wilde and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). 5 members of the public were also present.
387 | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. RW Johnson sent apologies due to a prior family commitment | |
a. School run congestion – The licensee of the Bluebell spoke about the worsening parking congestion around the start and finish of the school day; stating it was a big issue and a very real safety issue to young children in particular. The licensee expressed his willingness to work with others to find a solution. Cllr. Kirt considered City Council policy of placing children from other areas arriving by taxi when local children cannot get a place contributed to the volume of traffic and a local only policy would also be greener. He further suggested considering other places to provide car parking, even possibly the village green. The chairman indicated that government funds may be available to tackle the issue and some City Council officers were considering the matter citywide and could be asked to attend our next meeting. b. Wildflower area – Judy Staines spoke in support of her proposal for the triangle of land to the west of Lincoln Road, north of the McDonalds Roundabout. |
Agenda item & Invite |
390 | MINUTES from previous meeting
We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes and these were to be duly signed by the Chairman when we next meet. Proposed Cllr. Randall seconded Cllr. Kirt |
391 | MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (Information Only) – None | |
a. The currents status of planning applications – In the absence of Cllr. Johnson the clerk gave an update of applications received and decisions made since the previous meeting. b. 20/00972/HHFUL – 7 – 9 North Fen Road – Erection of front porch, addition of new glazing and replacement of existing windows and doors, new cladding to existing dormers and internal alterations – We noted the observations from neighbours and the conservation officer and unanimously agreed to support the application
c. 20/01180/HEDG – Land To The East Of Lincoln Road – Remove hedgerow to make new access point – The clerk reported receipt of an email from the applicant that this application had been withdrawn
d. 20/01061/DISCHG 16 Rectory Lane – (Coach House Conversion) Discharge of conditions C2 (materials), C5 (contamination), C6 (contamination remedial options), C7 (closure report) and C11 (arboricultural protection scheme) of planning permission 19/01544/FUL (for information only – Application noted |
Clerk to inform Planning |
a. Proposed Wildlife Recovery project – a detailed proposal submitted by Judi Staines had been circulate with the agenda – Cllrs were generally supportive of the proposal and considered this may improve the southern approach to the village. Cllr. Wilde supported the proposal and added that in his experience elsewhere these site did not just happen and needed input and advice from appropriate sources such as Langdyke trust. Cllr Mrs Bysshe agreed to liaise with Judy to approach Mike Horne of Langdyke possibly through David Cowcill. b. Community Centre Working Group (formerly New Village Hall WG) Councillor Bell gave a brief report on the experience of other parishes that had provided purpose built community centres and the necessity of gauging the level of support before embarking on the expense of architects , planning applications, project management and other preliminary costs. The current consultation runs to 2nd October and we would like as big a response as possible c. Litter pick 19th Sept – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe has organised a further litter pick and asked that consideration be given to acquiring some litter pick equipment by the parish council. We unanimously approved a budget of £200 for Cllr. Mrs Bysshe to buy the appropriate Kit. |
394 | REPORTS from Councillors – STANDING ITEM – There were no reports | Request Kisimul |
a. Financial Statements i. Receipts & Payments to 30th August – The clerk had circulated the statement with the agenda and published it on the website in accordance with the spirit of the transparency code. The report, attached to these minutes shows receipts to 30th August of £30305.98 and payments of £7695.91 ii. Current account Bank reconciliation as at 30th August – The clerk had circulated the reconciliation with the agenda and the contents were duly noted iii. Budgetary control report as at 30th August – The clerk took us through the budgetary control statement also circulated with the agenda. We noted that because of the coronavirus pandemic the parish council had received a £10000 grant, in addition elements of the budgeted expenditure had not materialised and cemetery fees had exceeded the budget provision. The clerk reported that the combined effect of these changes was a possibility that we may be adding £15,000 TO reserves as opposed to our budget which assumed a requirement to take £75779.32 FROM reserves in this financial year. We unanimously RESOLVED to accept the financial reports outlined above Proposed Cllr. Holdich seconded Cllr. Mrs Bysshe
396 | b. Website Accessibility Regulations – The clerk had circulated a link to these regulations, passed in 2018, which come in to effect on 23rd September. All public authorities are expected to comply with these regulations which aim to make our websites accessible on current home equipment such as tablets smart phones and smart TV’s. The regulations are mandatory for all new websites or websites when updated. The clerk relayed the experience of Castor parish council which had been forced to replace their website because of the withdrawal of the hosting service by the previous provider. We agreed to have this on the next agenda and in the meantime to consider our website requirements and the relative merits and costs of alternative providers |
Clerk to circulate information |
397 | c. Action Taken Between meetings – The clerk reported that on safety grounds he had accepted a quotation, of £470 plus VAT, from Willow Tree Services to fell a dead tree on the village green. We had been given prior notice by email and were unanimous in giving approval to the actions of the clerk. | |
398 | d. Official Notices and Correspondence – None other than matters covered elsewhere on our agenda. | |
a. School Run Congestion – this matter had been fully dealt with in the public forum as reported above.
b. Parish Councillors Observations
i. Cllr. Kirt referred to the Memorial Oak tree in the playing field. As previously reported it is dead and has not recovered. The clerk was asked to contact the supplier and require a replacement tree to be provided. ii. Cllr Skinner suggested that the blocked end of Helpston road and by the bench on Peakirk Road may also be considered for wildflower areas in addition to those referred to under the agenda item in the meeting iii. Cllr. Skinner again referred to the bushes near the McDonalds Roundabout blocking the view of the bypass and representing a safety hazard to any pedestrian crossing the road to go to McDonalds. In addition the overgrowth on Lincoln road obscuring the directional signs for motorists iv. Cllr. Lane asked if AMVC could again be asked to tidy up the rear access gate on the Lincoln Road. v. Cllr. Randall had observed an old cast Iron mile marker to the north Lincoln Road after the last bungalow in the village envelope and asked if this could be restored and straightened. vi. Cllr. Kirt referred to the continued absence of the weight restriction sign to protect the John Clare stone bridge. vii. Cllr. Mrs Bysshe requested that the information board at the John Clare Bridger also be reinstated viii. Cllrs. also referred to the CWGC headstone in the cemetery which was to be replaced and asked the clerk to write to CWGC to seek an update on their intentions |
Clerk to write to:
Coles Nursery Martin Benn & James Collingridge
400 | DATE OF NEXT MEETING – We noted that the next scheduled meeting would be on October 20th. | |
401 | Matters to be held over to future meetings – We agreed to continue to hold the following matters for consideration at the appropriate time in each case
a. VE day deferred commemorations no longer to be carried forward and we noted that there was to be a VJ commemorative service at the Cathedral b. Dedication of replaced war grave memorial stone c. Protection against strimmer damage d. Dedication of the new WWll commemorative bench and new bench for Welmore Road. We agreed to consider commemorating the Welmore Road bench to the memory Of Dave Wragg for his contribution to the village e. New Community Centre working group – once back on track for consultation within the parish