
Planning Applications status report as at 15th November 2023

Supporting Papers Uploaded on November 15, 2023

23/00390/LBC & 23/00391/HHFUL 23 High Street Outbuilding, garage/carport and room in roof space – with roof slope mounted photovoltaic panels and removal of remaining walls of collapsed garage and alterations to from new opening in stone garden wall with metal gate. Increase width of existing opening in stone garden wall with metal gate. New stone piers to existing opening in stone boundary wall and replacement entrance gates Mrs Shaheeda Montgomery 16th May 2023 Permitted 29th September
23/00578/HHFUL 52 Helpston Road Demolition of existing structures and outbuildings and erection of single storey detached annex Connor Liken 13th June 2023 Withdrawn by applicant 5th July
23/00504/HHFUL 11 North Fen Road Side and rear extension and replacement of roof Ellie O’Donnell 13th June 2023 Awaiting Decision
23/00694/CTR Hortus 22 North Fen Road Removal of 2no. willow trees in front driveway and cut back Bramley apple tree in rear garden Stephen Chesney-Beales 13th June 2023 Permitted 7th July
23/00765/LBC 23 High Street Alterations to window opening to form new external door with new double door, conversion of loft space with dormer windows, internal alterations, installation of new central heating and hot water system, with gas fired boiler in outbuilding Keeley Tipton 1st August 2023 Permitted 28th September
23/00679/HHFUL 5 Peakirk Road Proposed single storey side extension Daniel Worley 1st August 2023 Permitted 10th August
9 Dovecote Way T.1 White Willow, rear garden – Fell Stephen Chesney-Beales 19th September 2023 Withdrawn by applicant 18th August

Manor Farmyard High Street
Residential development of 10no detached dwellings and garages
Miss Molly Hood 19th September 2023 Withdrawn by applicant 19th October
18 Welmore Road
Fell Ash Trees to Ground Level (T1 & T2)
Stephen Chesney-Beales 19th September 2023 Permitted 29th September
1 Westbourne Drive Erection of New Bungalow Connor Liken 19th September 2023 Withdrawn by applicant 3rd October 2023
Manor Farmyard High Street Conversion and extension of dovecote to form dwelling, including the installation of new openings, closure of existing openings and internal alterations Miss Molly Hood 19th September 2023 Withdrawn by applicant 11th October 2023
23/01233/CTR 8 Dovecote Way Repollard 2No Weeping Willows 2109 and 2111 Stephen Chesney-Beales 19th September 2023 Permitted 20th October

23/01301/CTR 24 North Fen Road (T5) Fell Willow tree, (T3 and T4) remove trees and replace with lime tree Stephen Chesney-Beales 17th October, 2023 Permitted 27th October

23/01060/LBC 24 North Fen Road Replace gutters, downpipes and waste pipes. Replace entrance gates. Daniel Worley 17th October, 2023 Awaiting Decision

23/01211/HHFUL Hortus 22 North Fen Road Demolition of prefabricated garage, ‘lean to’ structure and brick piers at site entrance and erection of single storey garage with ‘lean to’ structure, reinstatement of boundary fencing, erection of timber posts at site entrance and insertion of window to side elevation of dwelling Keeley Tipton 17th October, 2023 Awaiting Decision

23/01300/CTR 7 The Green Repollard of willow tree and reduce height of trunks Stephen Chesney-Beales 17th October, 2023 Permitted 26th October

5 The Green Two storey dwelling and single storey double garage Connor Liken 21st November Awaiting decision
38 Peakirk Road Construction of two bungalows with access and layout secured and all other matters, (appearance, landscaping and scale), reserved Connor Liken 21st November Awaiting decision
Scotts Farm, 6 Peakirk Road Complete Fell Sycamore Stephen Chesney-Beales 21st November Awaiting decision
Peakirk-cum-Glinton primary school Norway Maple and Sycamore, crown lifts to 2.5m Stephen Chesney-Beales 21st November Awaiting decision
29 High Street Row of conifers reduce to 8ft and allow to re-establish as a hedge at appropriate height and width. Stephen Chesney-Beales 21st November Awaiting decision