held on Tuesday
19th September, 2023
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D. Batty, C Bysshe, S Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, D Lane, L Rossouw, R W Randall, A Staines, & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. Three members of the public was also present.
844. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. S. Singh gave apologies to the meeting, unable to attend through a family commitment.
a) The chairman reported, for information only, that the City Council Officer responsible for public rights of way is dealing with a current dispute over access across a field at the southern end of North fen road.
b) Cllr Kirt also reported that a resident had acquired 2 Welmore Road and was asking for old photographs of the front of the house with the intention of restoring the front garden.
c) At Cllr. Kirts request, the Clerk confirmed that in the past he has ordered the parish council wreath for laying at the memorial on remembrance Sunday and reclaiming the cost from the parish council.
847. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17th September, 2023
Proposed Cllr. D Batty Seconded Cllr. R Joshi-Boparai
848. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None
a) Status of current planning applications – The Clerk reported that of the applications considered by the parish council at previous meetings, 23 High street had been permitted, 18 Welmore Road, fell Ash Tree had been permitted. The application for 1 Westbourne had been withdrawn by the applicant as had the application in respect of the Dovecote at the Manor Farm site.
b) 23/01301/CTR 24 North Fen Road – (T5) Fell Willow tree, (T3 and T4) remove trees and replace with lime tree. We have no observations to make on this application
c) 23/01060/LBC –24 North Fen Road – Replace gutters, downpipes and waste pipes. Replace entrance gates. No Objections
d) 23/01211/HHFUL Hortus, 22 North Fen Road – Demolition of prefabricated garage, ‘lean to’ structure and brick piers at site entrance and erection of single storey garage with ‘lean to’ structure, reinstatement of boundary fencing, erection of timber posts at site entrance and insertion of window to side elevation of dwelling. We have no material planning observations to make.
e) 23/01300/CTR – 7 The Green – Repollard of willow tree and reduce height of trunks – No Objections.
f) Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – The Chairman reported that the NOP working group had held one meeting in September and the next meeting of the NP Group is scheduled for 24th October in the Village Hall. intention of the group is to revise the former questionnaire and to bring a revised document to the parish council for approval to the November meeting with the aim of getting the questionnaire out before Christmas.
a) Events
a) GlintonFest – The chairman reported on the success of the event and the financial outcome showing a surplus of £559.76 allowing for an invoice for the use of school facilities.
b) Garage Grab – the chairman reported that this too was a success with over 250 people attending and an event surplus of £598.
c) D-Day 80 – Thursday 6th June 2024 – The chairman reported on some of the detailed arrangements for an event to be held on Saturday 1st June 2024 a date chosen so as not to clash with multiple events which will be taking place on 8th June. More volunteers are required to marshal and assist with the event which is now known as “GlintonFest with D-Day commemoration”. The event will be a combination of daytime activities (similar to the coronation event) and an evening event (of the style of GlintonFest 2023). Stamford Squadron of Air cadets will attend and provide support as required. Stamford Squadron of Air cadets will have a static display from RAF Wittering and discussions are being held with Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.
b) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported receipt late on the day of our meeting from the city council legal officer stating that the team continues to investigate the matter and making it obvious that no contact has been made with the developers who are shown on Land registry documents as the owners of the site. The clerk undertook to press for a meeting with Officers and the ward councillor to expedite the transfer to the parish council.
c) Playing Field – Strimmer protection – The Clerk reported that he was progressing a meeting on site with Jayne Jarvis from the city council with a view to finding a means to protect the play equipment from further damage. It is expected the meeting will take place in the next week.
d) Village Sign – Cllr. Randall gave an update on the design and we unanimously agreed to accept Design 1 version two which showed the St Benedicts church spire in a truer proportion to the church and also included the weather vane on top of the spire.
e) Climate Change – The chairman had circulated notes from the previous meeting of the group there is nothing further to report other than the group are scheduled to meet again on 20th October.
f) Biodiversity issues – Cllr. Staines had no further update on progress with the production of the signs.
g) Village Hall working party – A meeting had been held with the working group and Peter Smith associates. Having examined a number of potential options the group have concluded that overcoming the building’s fundamental shortcomings will be prohibitively expensive, take the hall out of operation for several months and not solve the lack of car parking. The group are pursuing more modest upgrades and improvements to disability access and storage. The upcoming village survey will again explore the appetite for a community centre.
h) Kisimul – Cllr. Kirt reported continued noise from the Kisimul Property and the complete lack of acknowledgement of the complaint correspondence or apology from the company directors.
i) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported on the continued growth of the events and social media Facebook page compared to the parish council page and again asked for contributions from councillors to be provided to him. The article on defibrillators had prompted some very positive contributions.
851. REPORTS – Standing item –
a) The Clerk referred to the CAPALC conference and had circulated the slides from the event.
b) Cllr. Mrs Bysshe reported that Warm hubs had recommenced with 10-12 attendees
a) Replacement Notice Boards, New Defibrillators and Resiting of a sign – The Clerk reported attempts at finding a contractor through Trust a trader and Check-a-trade websites. The leads from which failed to produce sufficient interest. Subsequent enquiries of fencing contractors had resulted in two quotes. The lowest, in the region of £800 had been accepted and work is due to start on the notice boards the day after our meeting. We unanimously RESOLVED to retrospectively approve the appointment of Spalding Fencing Ltd as the contractor for installing the notice boards and defibrillators cases.
Proposed Cllr. David Lane Seconded Cllr. Denis Batty
b) Roll of Freedoms of the Parish – The Clerk reported on further exchanges with our preferred supplier and the increase in prices that would follow selecting non-standard sizes. By comparison with existing signs and the Roll of Honour we agreed to request a board 780mm wide and 600mm tall and asked the clerk to place an order for such a board with Creative Honours.
a) The Clerk reported that the City Council required the precept forms for 2024/25 to be returned early January and that would mead Budget decisions required in the December meeting and the FWG needing to meet in early December.
b) There were no other matters other than those considered elsewhere on the agenda.
854. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) The chairman suggested that we again raise the following with the City Council
• Thank the city council for the visit of the Traffic Warden which was of great benefit on that day and to request more of the same traffic Warden visits
• To request a “beware of Horse” sign in North Fen Road
• To pursue the provision of Litter bins by the stone Bridge NFR, and another in Mile Drove
• All road signs need cleaning
• Repeat request for 20mph to be extended in NFR to Mile Drove.
Cllr Staines referred to the speed sign on Lincoln road as being confusing and greyed whilst the Anglian Water work was being conducted.
i. Grant Funding – recruiting a fund raiser
ii. Signage Plaques, information boards and Village Pump
iii. Climate Change working group
I) Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 21st November starting at 7.00pm
Meeting closed at 8.55 pm,
Clerk/Proper Officer,
18th October