
Minutes 20th February 2024

Minutes Calendar Year 2024 Uploaded on March 13, 2024

held on Tuesday
20th February 2024
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D. Batty, C Bysshe, S Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, D Lane, L. Rossouw, R. Randall, A Staines & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. seven members of the public were also present.


892. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE –NONE. Cllr. Singh absence noted.



a) Neil Boyce, Chairman of Good Neighbours scheme, Castor Parish Council and Parish Liaison Committee introduced himself as the independent candidate standing with Peter Hiller as Peterborough 1st candidates in the upcoming City Council elections to be held on 2nd May 2024

b) Cllr. Kirt informed parish council the wish of the resident of 11 North Fen road to create a driveway access to the property. Planning application awaited before further consideration

c) A number of residents raised the issue of noise from the Gas Compressor station and asked for the item to be included on the March agenda and an invitation to be extended to National Grid representation

895. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th January 2024
Proposed Cllr. R.W. Randall Seconded Cllr. H Aylesbury

a) Cllr. Bysshe informed us that the Litter pick had been held as advertised and had been successful.
b) School “Listening” letter – We had previously noted the content and requested that further information was provided by the school


a) Status of current planning applications – The Clerk reported that the applications for 78 Scotts Road and tree works at 24 Lincoln road had both been permitted this month.

b) Planning Applications –

i. 24/00119/DISCHG – 23 High Street – We noted that parish councils are not consulted on applications to discharge planning conditions and that this application is reported to us purely for information

ii. 23/01736/FUL – 2 Welmore Road – Demolition of existing house and reconstruction of front elevation. Both the applicant and the next-door neighbour were present at our meeting and each addressed the parish council. For our part we applaud the attempt by the applicant to protect the street scene, whilst renovation this very dilapidated property. We also support the concerns of the neighbour in that the proposed building is extremely close to the neighbouring property. We agreed to object to the planning application in its present form.

Reasons – The proposed new dwelling is too close to the neighbour’s property. In our view the street scene could be largely maintained by moving the proposed dwelling a little to the North, away from the neighbouring property. In this respect we note, but disagree with, the tree officers’ observations.

We are of the opinion that the building has suffered considerable deterioration and are supportive in principle of demolition and reconstruction of the façade of the building to protect the street scene. In this regard we note the final paragraph of the conservation Officers comments and support the request for a full viability assessment.

iii. 24/00034/HHFUL – 35a Lincoln Road – installation of a 12kw Hydraulic Vaillant air source heat pump. We support the application.

iv. 24/00164/CTR – 5 The Willows Prune 3 Ash trees – We support good tree management and support this application.

v. 24/00185/CTR – Websters Farm High street. Fell silver Birch – We have no objections but would like to see the tree replaced by another tree of native species

c) Peterborough Local Plan Review – We noted correspondence between Larkfleet and our chairman and that the chairman had declined an invitation by Larkfleet to discuss their plans to develop on a site if that site were included in the revised local plan.

d) Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – The Chairman reported that the consultation booklet had been delivered to all households and as many land owners as could be identified. Chairman thanked all those who had done a sterling job of delivery. Results would be analysed and presented to a future meeting of the parish council.


a) Cemetery Vandalism – We are appalled at the recent spate of disrespectful vandalism and Anti-social behaviour occurring at the lawn cemetery and asked the Clerk to write to the police, Ward Councillor and Clair George at the city council to request increased surveillance and possible deployment of covert CCTV.

b) Rural Policing surgery 12th April. We agreed to publicise this event widely and to encourage residents to meet the police officers at the surgery and to vice their concerns

c) Events – GlintonFest24 incorporating D-Day 80 Commemoration – The chairman reported that the events working group would have to meet to consider the school proposed charges and restrictions and consider the implications and costs of changing the location of the event to the playing field.

d) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported Taylor Wimpey internal legal team would be acting for TW in the transfer and need details of who will be acting for the parish council. We asked the Clerk to again approach Adrian Chapman at the city council.

e) Playing Field – Strimmer protection – Cllr. Randall informed the meeting that the required material is now back in stock and that he had placed an order for the parish council. Once delivered arrangements will be made to install the material to protect trees and play equipment from further damage.

f) Climate Change – The chairman reported that a meeting is to be held soon and that the notes of that meeting will be circulated to all parish councillors.

g) Engagement with Peakirk Parish Council – Peakirk pc are in favour of closer collaboration n climate Change and Bio diversity issues and have requested the opportunity to have a stand at Glinton Fest 2024. We readily accede to that request.

h) Biodiversity issues – Cllr. Staines that the signage is now complete and awaiting delivery. Once delivered the clerk to contact the organisation that had installed the defibrillators, to obtain a price for installing the signs.

i) Village Hall working Group – The chairman reported that the Working group had met to consider the options provided by Peter Smith associates. It was noted that the Neighbourhood planning (NP) review consultation document was out and contained options about the village hall. The group concluded it would be prudent wait for the results of the consultation on the NP before making any recommendations.

j) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported on the continued growth of both the parish council page and attributed that to the interest in the planning consultations on possible development sites and the retrospective planning application for 14 Rectory Lane.

k) Defibrillator –
a) Cllr Randall reported on the results on monitoring the internal temperature of the newly installed defibrillator on Welmore road. The results were not as impressive as the manufacturer or Community Heartbeat Trust claimed but were within the tolerance for safe working. We agreed to purchase a second monitor and install that in the machine on the junction of Helpston Road and Beech Road in order to provide further assurances and comparison between the two machines.
b) We also noted the arrangements for defibrillator training a week from the day of this meeting at 6pm in the Village Hall, and urged as many councillors as possible to attend.

l) Existing Village Sign. The chairman reported that this is currently sitting in his garage. We agreed that before concluding what to do with the sign we should use social media to consult with residents

899. REPORTS – Standing item – None at this meeting


a) Roll of Freedoms of the Parish – chairman reported delivery and the board is in his possession. We agreed to invite the named recipients to view the board at 6.30pm for s a short reception prior to the next meeting of the parish council. In the meantime, the Freedom Honours board will be installed on the inside wall of the village hall, at the High street end to balance with the Roll of Honour at the other end of the same wall.

b) Memorial Application – We considered and unanimously approved the detailed design of three matching headstones for members of the Locke family.

c) Flexmail – We were asked to agree a date for the migration of our emails to Flexmail hosted by Netwise. In the absence of knowledge of the implications for our email history we asked the Clerk to seek further guidance from Netwise.
(post meeting note Guidance obtained reassured councillors that emails history would be migrated and available after the move migration was agreed for 29th February)

a) D-Day Flag of Peace – We considered the email from CAPALC and agreed not to purchase this particular flag

902. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a) Rebecca Pressland had been invited to attend to discuss parking issues but was not present. We asked the Clerk to follow up the email invite to Rebecca.
b) Drainage system Capacity – The chairman undertook to circulate his earlier draft of a letter to Anglian Water. The clerk to send that letter to AWA, subject to any feedback from Councillors

c) Parish councillors’ observations:
• The Chairman reported multiple dep potholes on the High Street from the Junction with Lincoln Road to the Nisa shop.

a) Primary School listening letter
b) School Run” Parking issues – Rebecca Presland of Peterborough City Council invited to attend
c) Signage – Plaques, information boards and Village Pump.
d) Grant funding – recruiting a fund raiser
e) New Village Sign – updates (as and when available)

904. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall, preceded by the honours board reception commencing at 6.30pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.56pm.

Clerk/Proper Officer,
29th February 2024