
Minutes 27th September 2022

MinutesMinutes calendar year 2022 Uploaded on October 11, 2022

held on Tuesday
27th September, 2022
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D. Batty, C. Bysshe, S. Jackson, R. Joshi-Boparai, D. Lane, R. Randall, A. Staines. & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. No members of the public were present.


685. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs. Gordon Wright and Sukhvinder Singh both sent apologies for their absence.


687. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – With the chairman’s consent David Cowcill reserved comment on the nature recovery project until the matter is under discussion on the agenda.


a. 22nd July, 2022 – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd July, 2022.
Proposed Cllr. David Lane Seconded Cllr. Rita Joshi -Boparai

b. 2nd August, 2022 – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd August, 2022.
Proposed Cllr. Denis Batty Seconded Cllr. Steve Jackson

689. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – The Chairman remarked that the Freedom presentations had gone exceptionally well and that letters of appreciation had been received from recipients. He thanked all those who had attended for their part in making the event a success.


a. Status of current planning applications – An update report on applications previously considered by the parish council had been circulated with the agenda and the content was noted.

b. 22/01194/CTR – 24 North Fen Road – Lime – T1 – Repollard to previous pruning points; Mountain Ash – T2 – Reduce crown by 3m and sides by 2.5m; Willow -T3 – Repollard to previous pruning points. We had no objections to this tree work

c. 22/01278/CTR – 23 High Street – Multiple tree works – We had no objections but agreed to write to the applicant to request replacement of the trees to be felled or a contribution to the parish council to do so on their behalf.

d. 22/01302/HHFUL – 11b Welmore Road – Erection of two storey and single storey rear extensions, with porch roof to principal elevation. – We have no objections to make but would support any legitimate objections from neighbours.

a) Ashburn Close Play Area – Still awaiting response on parish council offer to take ownership.

b) Climate Change Emergency –

a) Cllr. Kirt Had circulated notes of a meeting of the working group held on 5th September and we noted that the group had expressed an interest in acquiring land off waterworks lane for the purpose of an energy project. Cllr Jackson briefly reported some work on analyzing consumption figures for the village to create a benchmark for assessing the achievements of the group. The chairman had also spoken to John Dadge

c) Anglian Water and National Grid – We agreed that a discussion with both organisations may be worthwhile in taking forward opportunities to address an energy project on land in waterworks lane and that the promised site visit to the gas compressor station would be appropriate as the upgrade works must be at a very advanced stage

d) Annual Awards for Excellence – The Chairman suggested we might consider awards to publicise excellence in Housing, provisions for enhancement or protection of the natural environment; and use of Technology and invited further consideration of ideas over the coming financial year.

e) Garage Sale – Chairman reported on the success of the sale held by Northborough PC and we agreed to hold a similar event possibly in the spring of 2022 and hoped to involve the whole community with proceeds going towards a community cause such as the nature recovery project.

f) Speedwatch – Cllr. Randall reported on two sessions one by Arthur Mellows Village College, the other by the Primary school. It was noted that there were some drivers using mobile phones and in the follow up actions some occurrences of false number plates. Overall there were 16 cases of speeding offences.

8. REPORTS – Standing item – To note the reports of Councillors and/or clerk attending meetings as representatives of the Parish Council (if any).
a. Nature Recovery Project – Triangle Lincoln Road – Cllr. Andy Staines reported on the outcome of a meeting on site with James Collingridge of Peterborough City Council by working in conjunction with PECT we will not need a “Licence to Cultivate). We noted that the grass at the triangle had been cut and that the cuttings need to be collected. David Cowcill had identified a person with the appropriate equipment at a cost of £500. PECT may be able to assist with volunteers at no cost. Mr Cowcill pointed out that for the scheme to be successful it would need to be managed with Signage and seeding, both of which would require funding and a budget of £1500 to £2000to cover both.

b. Cllr. Batty reported on attendance at code of Conduct Training and we agreed to consider adopting a suitable policy at our October meeting.

c. Cllr. Steve Jackson reported on attending a session with Anglian Water about the need for two more reservoirs to ensure the future water supply. No details of locations were made public at that time.

d. Cllr. Jackson also reported on progress on research into the use of Facebook by various parishes and undertook to report to the October meeting with a view to a decision to be made on whether to proceed and if so in what form.

a) replacement of Swings in Playing field – We noted these had been replaced at a cost of £10619and that the City Council (PCC) would contribute £3k. We noted our previous commitment to pay the balance on receipt of an invoice from PCC

b) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – We deferred further consideration of the use of these monies pending decisions on Ashburn Close

c) Tree Safety report – We noted the report content and asked the Clerk to invite competitive quotes from various tree surgeons

d) Village Hall Valuation – We noted the report of Cardinus Risk Management on the reinstatement costs £379,990 & £429,990 including walling, ramps & awning. – Current insured value £418,439 affecting the insurance premium and agreed no further action is required at this time.

e) Memorial Headstone – We unanimously approved the proposed headstone for the late Nicola Jane Wedgwood-Jibb

f) Parish Council Precept 2023-24 We noted the city council intension to consider early in January and agreed to consider the budget in December and to ask the Finance Working group to meet in November to consider the detail with a view to making recommendations to the parish council in November.

g) Metro Bank signatories – We asked the Clerk to email signatories with details of the proposed Metro bank account

h) Operation Golden Orb – The Chairman reported criticism of lack of publicity for the jubilee beacon lighting and invited all to give early consideration to celebrations to mark the coronation of King Charles Ill. Possible re-use of the beacon and other village celebrations. We agreed to set up a working group and invite representation from residents along with Cllrs Kirt, Joshi-Boparai, Randall, Staines, and Jackson. Cllr Lane suggested that Sue Lane would wish to be included on behalf of the community association.

10. OFFICIAL NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE (If any received prior to the meeting) – None

a) Beech Road/ Helpston Road Junction East side needed repair to the standard of the West side.
b) Rectory Lane Posts needed inspection and a more substantial solution to avoid the recurring issues.
c) Slabs to be fitted as promised in front of the memorial bench by the village pump.
d) Planning or Highways to chase reinstatement of posts in front of the NISA Shop.
e) Helpston Road white lining to be reinstated.
f) Protection to be fitted to play equipment and trees to avoid strimmer damage.
g) Speed activation sign by NISA shop permanently on, needs repair.

i Mike Horne to be invited to discuss the NRP on the Lincoln Road Triangle
ii Report of working party on village Facebook page
iii To consider overall budget strategy for precept and reserves
iv To adopt a code of Conduct
v To consider actions on publicising the presence of Thatched properties and to urge restraint on the use of Aerial fireworks
vi Operation Golden Orb – if date announced or further ideas identified
i report of working party on Village Sign Replacement
ii Finance Working Group report (if available)
i Finalise 2023/24 Budget and Precept

691. Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is Tuesday 18th October 2022 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.15pm

Meeting closed at 8.30pm

Clerk/Proper Officer,
30th September 2022