
Planning Applications Status report 11th October

Supporting Papers Uploaded on October 12, 2022

18/02201/DISCHG – Scotts Farm Welmore Road John Gibbison Hereward Homes Discharge of conditions C1 – C11 of Listed Building Consent 15/01212/LBC
Mr Sam Falco
Considered by PC 15th January 2019 Awaiting Decision

Pasture Farm Waterworks Lane Existing use creation of a dwelling. Ms Alex Wood-Davis 15th March Lawful 17th June

22/00274/FUL & 22/00330/LBC –
Manor Farmyard, High Street – Erection of 10 dwellings and garages including conversion and extension of dovecote Mr M A Thomson 19th April 2022 Refused 4th July

8 Peakirk Road Proposed minor internal works, Replacement Porch, Replacement windows and Timber frame extension to form 2No garages and Sunroom Connor Liken 17th May 2022 Permitted 23rd August 2022

Arthur Mellows Village College, Helpston Road Erection of a single storey detached building for educational use and construction of thirty-four space car park and associated external works James Croucher 17th May 2022
Permitted 8th July

26 Helpston Road Single storey rear extension Karen Ip 21st June Permitted 25th July, 2022
22/00511/FUL Arthur Mellows Village College, Helpston Road Creation of Lift and lobby to serve ground and first floor to replace existing lift. Connor Liken NOT CONSULTED Permitted 30th June
28 Peakirk Road Demolition of garage and outbuilding, erection of 1 1/2 storey chalet bungalow Miss Molly Hood 21st June Permitted 22nd August 2022

22/00788/HHFUL Granville House, 2 The Green Proposed replacement windows, casements and glass including associated repairs
Mr Sam Falco 21st June Permitted 12th August 2022

Clare Lodge 8 Lincoln Two storey extension to form new education facilities, single storey extension to form new visitor and staff entrance to north of site, single storey extension to form new entrance to ‘step-down’ unit to west of site together with covered canopies and internal and landscape alterations. Miss Molly Hood 19th July Awaiting Decision
Red House 12 Rectory Lane Shorten side-branches and remove dead and congested branches, to a maximum of 20% Stephen Chesney-Beales 19th July Permitted 11th August 2022

22/01051/OUT 2 Scotts Road Construction of a detached dwelling with all matters reserved (appearance, access, landscaping, layout and scale)
Karen Ip 2nd August Awaiting Decision

22/01074/CLE 14 Rectory Lane Use of dwelling by no more than six residents living together as a single household where care is provided (Class C3(b))
Ms Alex Wood-Davis 2nd August Awaiting Decision

221/01194/CTR 24 North Fen Road Lime – T1 – Repollard to previous pruning points; Mountain Ash – T2 – Reduce crown by 3m and sides by 2.5m; Willow -T3 – Repollard to previous pruning points Stephen Chesney-Beales 27th September 2022 Permitted 3rd October

22/01278/CTR 23 High Street T1 – Cedar with dieback throughout crown – fell and replace with similar size tree T2 – Large ash – deadwood and crown raise by removing lowest downward sweeping branches (below where main stem divides) T3 – Fell of sycamore growing beneath crown of ash (there are 2, the one to be felled is the one to the rear i.e. set back further from the garden, the closer one is to be retained) T4 – Fell of hawthorn in hedge along front of property T5 – Fell of beech tree growing up through crown of ash G1 – Fell of 2 large cherry laurel, holly by house and large box T6 – Crown raise of incredible huge London plane to approx 5m, and prun back to give 2m clearance from roof and chimney stack T7 -Crown raise of sycamore by removing low growth from right hand stem (when viewed from garden looking back towards house) from around the location of a previously pruned branch (lowest branch, growing to the right) Removal of vertical growth from the pruned branch and 3 small branches growing to the right G2 – Pollard of willow and fell of 2 lombardy poplars in poor condition within line of boundary trees
Stephen Chesney-Beales 14/9/22 27th September 2022 Awaiting Decision

22/01302/HHFUL 11b Welmore Road Erection of two storey and single storey rear extensions, with porch roof to principal elevation
DC unallocated 21/9/22 27th September 2022 Awaiting Decision

22/01332/DISCHG 8 Peakirk Road Discharge of condition C2 (external materials detail) of planning permission 22/00493/HHFUL Information ONLY Parish council are not consulted Awaiting Decision

22/01389/CTR Mouse Cottage, 1 North Fen Road Remove Scots Pine and Mulberry from Front Garden
Stephen Chesney-Beales 18th October Awaiting Decision