held on Tuesday
27th August, 2019
at the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, R. Johnson (Vice Chairman), G Kirt, D Lane (Late), R Randall, E Spendelow, C Wilde and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). No members of the public were present.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs. Mrs Bysshe, Holdich and Skinner absent on pre-booked arrangements. In the absence of Cllr. Holdich the meeting was chaired by the Vice Chairman Cllr Johnson
MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr. Wilde declared an interest in the planning item on his own premises, 10 The Green.
There were no member of the public present and no matters raised under this item.
a. We noted the update, circulated with the agenda papers, on the current status of planning applications, validated or decided /since the last meeting.
b. 19/00939/WCPP – 30b Lincoln Road – Variation of condition C6 (approved plans) of planning permission 16/02264/REM
We noted the original decision notice and particularly condition C6 in relation to specified plans and approved the actions of the clerk in raising questions about the changes made, by the developers, in the course of construction and the consequences of not approving the variation of that condition. We noted that no reply had been received to those questions. Parish council view is that the condition is unequivocal and numbered detail plans were quoted “for the avoidance of doubt” It is the Parish council view that the developers should be required to reinstate the buildings to the approved plans. In the absence of that possibility (noting that some of the properties may have been sold and even occupied) there should be a financial penalty imposed on the developer with the proceeds treated as CIL and passed to the parish council.
c. 19/01030HHFUL – 12 Peakirk Road – Single storey side extension. We noted that the size of the planned extension was very small but denies vehicular access to the garage at the rear of the property and considerably reduces the capacity for off road parking. We noted the objection of the neighbour and it is our policy to always support legitimate concerns of residents.
Clerk to notify Planning
d. 19/01049/HHFUL Forge Cottage The Green– Demolition of existing garage and replacement with Annex.
We considered this application and have concerns on numerous points. On the application form, the answers given to standard questions are contradicted elsewhere in documentation.
i. The application form states that no tree will be removed, plans show that Two trees, critical to the street view are to be felled and a further one lopped. (for which no separate CTR application has been made)
ii. The application form states that the building is not visible from the road. The present garage roofline is already visible from the road and the proposed “annex” doubles the height.
iii. The application form says that pre application advice has not been sought, the design and access statement refers at length to such advice followed by a site meeting with planning officers.
The plans also show a planned basement with the stated intention to house electrical equipment. The site is situated within a designated area capable of flooding. It is our view that expert view of The environment agency or drainage board should be sought in addition to the views of the conservation officer & tree officer.
The documentation states that it is a one person dwelling, capable of accommodating a Carer and visiting elderly relatives. In our view it is not capable of accommodating four people and IF used solely as an annex to Forge cottage, the requirement to accommodate relatives would be unnecessary.
Forge Cottage is in the heart of the conservation area adjacent to St Benedicts church with the spire made famous in John Clare poetry.
It is our view that the annex, with increased height over the existing garage, and coupled with the proposed removal of trees, additional windows and roof light will have a significant and negative impact on the street scene in this highly sensitive location.
We are therefore vehemently OPPOSED to this application on the multiple planning grounds stated and ask that if officers are minded to approve the application with the removal of trees, and / or, with the construction of basement, the matter should then be referred to the Planning & Environmental protection committee.
Furthermore, we note that the previous consent contained the condition that the building was solely for the use of the occupants of forge cottage and was not to be sold, leased or otherwise occupied as a separate dwelling. ANY approval for these works MUST, in our view, restate those conditions.
e. 19/01149/NONMAT 8 The Green – Non-material amendment (internal and external alterations and add additional rooflight to east-facing slope of garage) of planning permission 18/00266/HHFUL – Cllr Wilde had declared an interest in this matter and took no part in the discussion or decision. The Planned amendments had been circulated for the consideration of the planning Working group and no objections had been made. We therefore have no objections or comments to make.
f. 19/01148/CTR 12a High Street – Fell Eucalyptus tree. We considered the detail of the application and noted that the tree could not be seen from the highway. We were divided in our opinion concerning removal of this tree compared to other treatment. On the casting vote of the chairman we resolved to support the tree officer in whatever works he considered appropriate and that he could agree with the applicant.
g. 19/01182/CTR – 49 North Fen Road – Trim up to 7 Metres off top of Silver Birch Tree and trim side branches. We considered reduction by up to 7 meters to be severe pruning but none the less had no objections and agreed to support the tree officers’ decision in this application.
GLINTON SURGERY – Proposed changes to opening hours –– under the proposals clinic appointments will cease on Wednesday & Thursday afternoons. Consultation period end 11th September. We considered the content of the consultation letter. Cllr. Randall also reported on his conversation with the Operations and Facilities Officer of the Deepings Practice. We question the statement that the current levels of operation are not sustainable.
We are opposed to the reduction of service at the Glinton surgery and although we note the practice view that the level of service will be maintained at the Deepings surgery we are of the view these changes will have a detrimental effect on the most vulnerable in our society.
Many elderly patients from Glinton access the services of the surgery on foot or by disability scooter. We do not view appointments at Deeping as an equal level of service. Younger and more mobile patients with children in our two schools can fit in appointments in Glinton around school times and would not be able to go to the Deeping surgery and back in the same time frame…
It is also more environmentally sustainable for a doctor to travel to Glinton than for multiple journeys of patients to Market Deeping, which would otherwise have been seen at the clinics on these two afternoons each week.
We also noted the assertion that in regards to the “proposed £40k funding axe for surgeries that take afternoons off” would not apply to the Deepings practice as services are still provided for patients. If true, it would fly in the face of the spirit of these sanctions as by any definition the clinic at GLINTON SURGERY are planning to take two afternoons off each week. We wonder whether the Practice view will be shared by the regulators of the proposed sanctions.
We RESOLVED to urge the partners of the Deepings Practice to rethink the planned closures.
Clerk to write to PCC
DEFIBRILLATOR LIGHTING – urgent item on safety grounds. Cllrs Randall and Kirt reported on recent use of the defibrillator and the lack of light to view the access number pad after dusk. The remedy is seen as a small light within the defibrillator casing which will cast sufficient light. We RESOLVED to authorise the required work which we were assured could be carried out within a budget of £50
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – As per the agreed schedule, the meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th commencing at 7.15pm in the village hall.
There being no further business to transact the meeting closed at 17.35hrs
Meeting closed at 8.47pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
29th August 2019