held on Tuesday
16th July, 2019
at the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; D Batty, J Bell, J. Holdich, OBE (chairman), R. Johnson , G Kirt, D Lane, R Randall, P Skinner, E Spendelow, C Wilde and Mr JV Haste (Clerk). Also present 2 members of the public.
208 The meeting was preceded by an address by Neil Boyce, Chairman of Castor Parish Council. Neil Outlined the “Good Neighbour scheme” whereby originally volunteers offered short-term practical support to the people of Castor, Ailsworth & Upton, The scheme was being adopted by other parishes and had now grown to be the rural N.W. Peterborough Scheme, with charitable status, trustees and paid administrative support funded by Peterbough City Council. Each additional parish that came on board would be asked to appoint a trustee to represent the parish on the board of trustees.
209 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. Mrs Bysshe sent apologies for absence due to a prior commitment away from Peterborough.
210 MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Cllr. Randall declared an interest in the item dealing with the application for permission to purchase a burial plot by a resident of Werrington
a) Mr Trevor King spoke in support of the application to purchase a burial plot for himself and his wife
b) A resident drew our attention to a growing litter problem in North fen road and that some of the litter was entering the water course.
c) A resident also enquired whether AMVC could be persuaded to convert part of their premises to a drop off and pickup point for parents and pupils to improve student safety and address Helpston Road Parking issues – Cllrs. responded that this and other suggestions had been made at our AMVC liaison meetings
212 MINUTES OF MEETINGS held on 18th June 2019 – Cllr Randall drew our attention to an error in minute 202a . The consultation period concludes (not commences) on 14th September. With that amendment we unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes, and these were signed by the chairman of this meeting.
Proposed by Cllr. Johnson and seconded by Cllr. Randall.
• Cllr. Spendelow asked if AMVC had responded to his suggestion of publishing parking and speeding restrictions to parents in advance of the new intake in September.
• Cllr. Johnson asked if there had progress on meeting with management from the Kisimul care premises Clerk to write to appropriate persons on these matters
a. We noted the update, circulated with the agenda papers, on the current status of planning applications, validated or decided /since the last meeting.
b. 19/00956/CTR – Peakirk-cum-Glinton VA Primary School – we considered in detail the proposed tree work. Subject to the satisfaction of the City Council Arborealist, AND subject to there being no Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on the affected trees; we have no objections to the application. We were of the opinion that the applicant should replace the felled tree within the curtilage of the school
c. 19/00904/HHFUL – 23 Websters Close – Erection of single storey side extension – We have no the application.
d. 19/00715/HHFUL – We noted the Conservation Officers report posted on the planning portal the day before our meeting and therefore not available to the Planning Working group. The applicant was present at our meeting and accepted the conservation officers report and had submitted revisions to the planning application to maintain the access width and the yew tree hedge. With those amendments to accommodate the conservation officers views we had no objections to the proposed works
e. 19/00820/HHFUL – 8 Welmore Road – single storey conservatory to the rear of the premises – We had no objections, subject to conforming with the tree officers recommendations.
215 Verge Parking Policy – We noted that the city council had approved a city wide policy prohibiting Parking on verges. Never the less it was up to residents to request a local consultation exercise to establish if the policy is to be applied in their area. We agreed to request a consultation of residents adjoining the green adjoining Beech, Elm & Oak road to the gauge the level of support for enforcing the policy in that area.
216 Good Neighbour Scheme – We referred to the presentation made at the beginning of our meeting and agreed to take a positive attitude towards implementing this scheme in our parish. We RESOLVED to form a working group comprising Cllrs Bell, Randall and Wilde to meet with the Rector to explore the feasibility of Glinton joining the N.W Rural village scheme.
217 Village Hall Fire Alarm System – We RESOLVED To accept the quotation from Absolut in the sum of £389 + VAT to making the alarm system compliant with fire regulation
Proposed Cllr. Johnson Seconded Cllr. Randall
218 Inadequate signage – We were made aware of the occasional driving of motor cycles across the playing field where this is prohibited. We noted that this was not a frequent occurrence and that there were signs at each end of the Willows Footpath and further signs at each end of the footpath across the playing field. We concluded that further signs would also probably be ignored and for the present to take no further action.
219 Burial Request – We considered the request of a resident of Werrington for permission to purchase a plot in the lawn cemetery. Although there were close family ties to former Glinton residents, neither the applicant nor spouse had ever been resident in the village. Conscious of the limited space available we RESOLVED, by majority vote, not to vary the current criteria for burial and therefore to REFUSE the application, Councillor Randall had declared an interest, and abstained from voting as the applicant was known to him.
220 REPORTS – standing item –
a. CAPALC annual one day conference. We noted the reports from the clerk and Cllr. Batty which had been all councillors
b. PCC Parish Council Liaison Meeting. We noted the reports from the Cllr. Bell which had been all councillors
c. Neighbourhood plan working group (NPWG) – Cllr Kirt reported that the consultation leaflet is in the process of being delivered to all households and known businesses. Responses to the leaflet can be sent to Cllr. Kirt or put in one of three boxes in the NISA shop, the pharmacy and the Doctors surgery.
d. New Village Hall Working group – Cllr. Bell reported that a preliminary survey leaflet is being delivered with The N. P. leaflet – designed to gauge the level of support for such a facility before undertaking work on the project. The leaflet had already prompted some questions from residents and responded to by Cllr Bell
221 GOVERNANCE MATTERS – for consideration at this meeting
222 HIGHWAYS – to note observations of councillors –.
a) As reported at the previous meeting, the overgrown Bramble hedge on the West side of Lincoln Road on the southern approach to the village after the first traffic calming island was no obstructing the road signage and visibility of the oncoming traffic round the curve of the road. The clerk was asked to chase up remedial action..
b) The clerk reported that the city council had agreed to replace two well used litter bins with larger closed top bins to try to stop overflow and scattering of contents by birds or other wildlife. We asked the clerk to negotiate three additional bins, at Parish Council Expense, for Beech Road, the Village Green and adjacent to the toddler play area on the playing field
223 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 17th September, 2019 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall.
Meeting closed at 8.47pm
Clerk/Proper Officer,
22nd July 2019