
Minutes December 19th 2023

MinutesMinutes calendar year 2023 Uploaded on January 10, 2024

held on Tuesday
19th December, 2023
in the Village Hall, High St.
Present: Councillors; G Kirt (Chairman), H. Aylesbury, D. Batty, C Bysshe, S Jackson, D Lane, S Singh, & the Clerk, Mr J Haste. Nineteen members of the public were also present.


868. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. L Rossouw, sent apologies as absent from Peterborough, Cllr. R. Joshi-Boparai & Cllr. A Staines both sent apologies as unwell. Cllr, R W Randall apologised for his absence for family reasons.



a Several members of the public addressed the parish council, all in opposition to development on sites put forward for consideration & assessment as part of the due process in producing a new Local Plan for Peterborough. The general view was that Glinton does not need any more large properties. Residents said that it was difficult to downsize and stay in the village through the lack of smaller properties and bungalows in particular. If there were to be any development small two / three bed bungalows would be favoured. In order of preference; the common view expressed, was if development were to take place the our SHELAA observations should be to favour the smallest site first.

871. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – We unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21st November, 2023.
Proposed Cllr. D Batty Seconded Cllr. C Bysshe

872. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (information only) – None.


a Status of current planning applications – The Clerk reported that of the applications considered by the parish council at previous meetings.
The following proposed developments had been permitted.
• 24 North Fen Road
• 22 North Fen Road
• 5 The Green
• Scotts Farm, 6 Peakirk Road – Fell Sycamore
• Peakirk Cum Glinton CP School – Tree work
• Brook Farm, 3 North Fen Road – Fell Cherry Laurel.
A proposal to build two bungalows at the rear of 38 Peakirk Road had been Refused
All applications for consideration at this meeting had been added to the schedule.

b PETERBOROUGH LOCAL PLAN REVIEW – Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) – We noted that parish council had been invited to consider sites in their parish and to submit observations to the planning authority by 5th January. Observations to be in a prescribed format for each site; either in favour or opposed to development; in each case with reasons and to rank sites in order of preference for development. As the deadline for submitting observation is before our next scheduled meeting we RESOLVED to delegate to the Chairman and Vice Chairman the task of drafting and submitting the response on behalf of the parish council. The draft to be circulated to Parish Councillors and the Clerk with short notice to comment prior to submission.
Proposed Cllr. Kirt Seconded Cllr. Aylesbury

c Planning Applications – there were no new planning applications submitted since our November meeting.

d Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – The Chairman reported that the NP working group had finalised a revised questionnaire seeking residents’ views. This had been passed to Cllr. Staines who is in the process of developing the appropriate artwork for consideration of the parish council early in the New Year


a) Events – GlintonFest24 incorporating D-Day 80 Commemoration – Further to the report at the previous meeting the chairman reported that Arrangements were going well. Fen Tigers would be represented. Some military style Jeeps would be on display. A meeting with the new head of AMVC had gone well and offered the school car park as an overflow facility. It was clear that the new head would be in favour of greater community engagement by the college.

b) Ashburn Close Play Area – The Clerk reported that following the meeting with legal officers on site, the legal officers were going to put the title holders (Wilcon successors) in direct contact with the Clerk with a view to a straight forward transfer to the parish council. The Clerk indicated some scepticism and will take follow up action in the New Year.

c) Playing Field – Strimmer protection – Cllr. Staines had indicated to the Chairman that he will measure trees for protection. In the absence of Cllrs. Randall & Staines, further consideration is deferred to the January meeting.

d) Climate Change – The chairman had circulated notes from the previous meetings of the group. Further meetings are to be arranged and any future progress or proposal will come to the parish council.

e) Rural Policing – we considered the proposed surgeries in parishes on a rolling programme and noted that the village hall had not been available on the proposed date. We agreed to trial the surgery idea but will need to synchronise with the availability of the village Hall.

f) Biodiversity issues – Anglian Water are progressing the signage for the Lincoln Road Triangle site. PECT, through Tony Cook, had apologised that the site had not been managed properly and looked forward to better progress in 2024.

g) Village Hall working party – The chairman reported that he had chased Peter Smith associates and tasked them with coming forward with proposals to insulate the Hall and improve disability access. The Clerk was tasked with writing to the owners of Garrick house regarding the adjoining wall.

h) Kisimul – Cllr. Kirt reported that the inspector had dismissed the appeal by Kisimul and that they would now have to submit a retrospective planning application for change of use to a care home. Such an application will then come to the parish council as statutory consultees.

i) Community Engagement – Cllr. Jackson reported on the growth of both the parish council page and the events and social media Facebook page. Cllr Jackson reminded all those present to keep feeding him material to post on those pages to maintain public interest.

j) “Village Tribune” – We noted the proposed charge for 2024 subscription and the alternative advertised page rates. We reaffirmed our commitment to support the Village Tribune and authorised the Clerk to pay the invoice for £300 when received.

k) Defibrillator Training – we were informed that AMVC have two defibrillators and we agreed to defer further consideration of training to the January meeting.

875. REPORTS – Standing item –
a Cllrs. Bysshe and Kirt had attended the event at Clare Lodge and encouraged all councillors to support any future event.
b Cllr Bysshe had also attended the AGM of the Good Neighbours scheme and reported that there would be no affiliation fee in 2024 as the scheme had attracted alternative funding.

c Batty reported attending the CAPALC meeting and provided notes for circulation to councillors.


a) Roll of Freedoms of the Parish – The Clerk reported that the manufacturers were hopeful of delivering the new board in the first two weeks of 2024. We deferred further consideration of this matter to our January meeting.

b) Finance working Group report and recommendations:
i) Review of Cemetery Charges effective 1st April 2024 – We RESOLVED to agree the recommendation of the working group with increases ranging from £5 to £30, An adult burial fee of £500, £250 for burial of Cremated remains
Proposed Cllr D Lane Seconded Cllr C Bysshe

ii) Budgetary control report as at 4th December 2023 – we RESOLVED to accept the very detailed report by budget head and the projected outturn for the year of a near breakeven between Receipts and Payments compared to the budget anticipation of using £14k plus from reserves. The variation largely due to the success of the Coronation Event and GlintonFest, together with a grant receipt for defibrillators.
Proposed Cllr G Kirt Seconded Cllr S Jackson

iii) Draft Budget 2024/25 including Precept recommendation. We noted the detailed considerations given to the budget by the Finance Working Group and the recommendation for a precept increase, within the rate of inflation, from £41 at Band D to £43.50, and RESOLVED to approve the budget of £43982.46 receipts (including Precept) against £56465 spend, planning to utilise £12482.54 of our reserves to balance the budget.
Proposed Cllr D Lane Seconded Cllr C Bysshe

iv) National Pay agreement – we noted the national agreement reached by the Local Government Association, to revise the pay scales on which the Clerk’s salary is based, and RESOLVED to confirm our agreement to implement the agreement, in full, backdated to 1st April 2023.
Proposed Cllr G Kirt Seconded Cllr S Jackson

a The Clerk reported on an invitation to a face to face meeting on the Local Plan to take place on11th January at 6pm. The chairman agreed to attend subject to no other commitments arising.
b We noted the possibility of a “Chapter 8” 1-day course in St Ives on 1st March – cost per delegate £210.45 +VAT. We deferred further consideration to the new year.
c The Clerk reported a request from Jon Parsons for permission to use a metal detector on Parish Council land. We confirmed the view that the parish council owned land was not suitable.
d Our website & Email service provider had notified the Clerk that some email addresses were over the limit and risked being unable to send or receive future emails. Our allocation had been twice extended and collectively we are currently using 7.5 Gigabytes and paying for 5 Gb. Netwise are able to offer an upgraded service with a council allocation of 10Gb together with flexmail accounts which give each individual email address a further 10Gb EACH. The additional cost of this service is £100 for the 1st 10 email addresses +£10 for each additional address. (£120 total for Glinton Parish Council). We unanimously agreed to request the upgrade with effect as soon as possible.

At this point the Chairman declared himself unwell and Cllr Lane took the chair for the remainder of the meeting

878. HIGHWAYS & other issues within the village –
a Cllr. Mrs. Bysshe referred to damaged fencing and undertook to notify the city council.
b Cllrs again asked that the promised litter bin by the stone bridge in North Fen Road be pressed with the city council.
c We noted the Fly tipping at Nine Bridges and asked that it be reported to the city council.
d Cllr. Singh referred to the Vehicle/Cyclist/Pedestrian mix at the crossroads, particularly at the end of the school day at Arthur Mellows Village College. There have been occasional incidents at this spot and there is concern that it is a serious accident waiting to happen. Cllr. Singh asked for this to be on a future agenda for examination of options and to be taken up with the Highway authority

a School Run” Parking issues – Rebecca Presland of Peterborough City Council invited to attend
b Signage – Plaques, information boards and Village Pump.
c Grant funding – recruiting a fund raiser
d New Village Sign – updates (as and when available)

I) Date of Next Meeting – The next scheduled meeting of the parish council is to be held on Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall

Cllr. Lane closed the meeting at 9.40pm,

Clerk/Proper Officer,
22nd December